Do you need a financial miracle?
The world would say, “You don’t need God. You just need money.” But nothing could be further from the truth! Jaime Luce wants to help you live the life God has promised you. In her newest release, You Don’t Need Money, You Just Need God, you will be encouraged with the true life stories of miraculous provision while learning how to receive God’s best for you. The key is knowing that you don’t need money. You just need God!
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Hi! I’m Jaime Luce.
I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”
What readers are saying:
I am so excited for people to read this book! I have no doubt, like myself, they will be encouraged not only by the stories of God showing up in desperate circumstances, but through the application of the prayers, principles, and practices laid out as guides to prepare our hearts and make space for God to show up in our needs. Story after story of God showing up in unexpected and sometimes nail-biting ways kept me engaged and saying “just one more chapter” late at night. Jaime and Judy do a wonderful job of drawing the reader right into the moment and then explaining the lessons and steps gleaned from those experiences. More importantly, each principle is Biblically grounded and supported.
More than mere enjoyment, however, it served as a wonderful invitation to reflect on my own life and the different ways God has shown up in my past as well as bolstered my faith that He will continue to show up because that is what He does when we are obedient in how we put our needs in His hands. It’s one thing to know we need to turn to God in our need, but it’s another to know how to do that; this book makes Biblical instruction and theory on this matter very accessible. As many financial experts are predicting a major recession, people are beginning to panic and fret about their needs, but with examples of second chances and miraculous interventions, this book makes clear: we don’t have to fear what the financial market does or does not do – we just have to trust God and seek His hand.
One of the things I love about You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God. is that the insights about God’s faithfulness in our finances goes well beyond money. This book helped to realign my focus from my problems to my God and how big and generous and kind He is. Of the many principles covered, one that I think about in a current season of waiting on God’s promises is that He is not hiding His blessing from me but He is hiding it for me for His perfect timing. If you find yourself in a predicament that needs a God-sized solution – financial or otherwise – do yourself a favor and read this book, take notes, and be prepared for your own testimony to take shape.
“I love this book…I found the stories very uplifting and very inspiring…I recommend it…and I encourage people to read it.”
“I’ve known Jaime Luce now for many years. I’ve had a front row seat as she and her husband navigated the turbulent waters of entrepreneurship since 2007. I’ve been involved at a level that I got to see it all miraculously happen. Jaime is a God-fearing, God-centered lady, who believes deeply in prayer and the Word. This is a glimpse from the other side of entrepreneurship, from the wife’s perspective, but her rendition is spot on I must say. What a great resource for anyone who’s spouse is passionate about their business, and deeply passionate about their God, but still living in this turbulent world. Excellent read!”
“I am delighted to recommend this book to one and all because we have all experienced financial need and often have found ourselves at the proverbial end of our rope. This practical guide for depending upon God to meet our needs is Bible-based and filled with personal experiences that bring it to life and make it applicable to our lives. The personal stories will keep the reader riveted and engaged. And of the many memorable tips and principles so succinctly presented, I find this one the most encouraging: “… If It Matters to You, It Matters to God.” I’m always amazed how God answers even the seemingly insignificant requests I make to God, such as asking him to help me find my car keys or glass- es. It’s absolutely true, that if it matters to you, it matters to God! And it matters to God that we are reminded through this wonderful book how faithful he is to meet our needs.”