I am coming out of a busy time of transition where I had put down the pen for a spell. Though I have never published poetry here I thought it might be a fresh way to re-enter my blog life. I wrote this about two years ago while attending The King’s University in Southlake Texas. My professor wanted us to write an original sonnet. I chose to write a Shakespearian format. Here is what I submitted. I hope you enjoy it.
What makes your words the bread of life to me?
It fills my hungry soul and cures my ill.
Your thoughts rise up the man I ought to be
and calms the rumbles angst with peace be still.
I eat my daily due for strength to live,
without no man can know the way to go.
I’m weak and frail with nothing left to give
except the nourishment that you bestow.
This manna feeds, no end to its supply,
daily prepared for each his own demand.
No need for questions how or even why.
His pleasures all at his eternal hand.
This gift of bread was torn and broke with wine
to offer each the gift to come and dine.
By Jaime Luce