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About The Episode:

Jared Laskey and his wife Rochelle co-founded Fireborn Ministries together to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. Jared shares his personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, how it aided him in overcoming PTSD, and brought healing to his life. We take a closer look at what it means to be immersed in the Holy Spirit and how to receive this divine gift here on the Jaime Luce Podcast.

Get ready to experience a transformative journey as we explore the powerful role of the Holy Spirit in our lives with Jared Lasky. In this intriguing episode, we look at how the Holy Spirit has impacted Jared’s life, guiding him and leading us in our spiritual journeys. We delve into the importance of praying in tongues, obedience to the Lord, and how the Holy Spirit works through us, playing roles from the great orchestrator to the master chess player to the builder of beautiful tapestries. Join us as we journey through these topics, encouraging listeners to seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, ask Jesus to fill them, baptize them with the Holy Spirit, and receive the promised gift of tongues.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • What the baptism of the Holy Spirit means
  • Why praying in tongues holds power
  • How to heal from PTSD through the Holy Spirit
  • How the Holy Spirit works through us to share with others
Where to dive in:

(0:00:00) – The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (15 Minutes)

We discuss how the Holy Spirit has impacted Jared’s life and how the Holy Spirit has led us both in our own lives. We explore how the Holy Spirit can be a powerful intercessor and how it can help us in prayer and in navigating life. We also provide an activation for our listeners; we ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself standing before Jesus, with repentance and the death of all our sins.

(0:14:58) – The Power of Praying in Tongues (5 Minutes)

We explore the importance of speaking in tongues for spiritual growth and how being obedient to the Lord’s instructions can lead to unexpected blessings. I share my own story of how, when I was instructed by the Lord to pray for an hour a day in tongues for one year, I found myself prepared for unexpected events and opportunities. We also discuss the ways in which the Lord works through us, from the great orchestrator to the master chess player to the builder of beautiful tapestries, and how these can apply to our everyday lives.

(0:20:00) – Understanding the Holy Spirit and Power (15 Minutes)

The Holy Spirit, who He is, and why we need Him are discussed. The Holy Spirit is my best friend, how I relate to Him more than the Father and the Son, and how I have encountered His presence and power after making a commitment to pray in tongues for an extended amount of time are explored. The difference between the Old and New Covenant, and how the Holy Spirit is given without measure under the New Covenant is discussed. Finally, how the Holy Spirit works through us and how He loves to glorify Jesus is discussed.

(0:35:24) – Healing From PTSD, Embracing Holy Spirit (7 Minutes)

We explore the power of the Holy Spirit in healing. I share my own story of darkness and PTSD, and how I found healing in the Holy Spirit. We look at the healing process, how ministering can be a part of it, and how God used me to interpret dreams in Iraq and Afghanistan. We discuss the importance of renewing our minds and being intentional in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. I share my experience of being healed in a retreat and how I returned to Afghanistan with love in my heart.

(0:42:40) – Holy Spirit Immersion (13 Minutes)

We explore what it means to be immersed in the Holy Spirit and what it looks like to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Analogy of water baptism is discussed, how Jesus laying hands on us and the Holy Spirit flowing up and out of us is like. We look at the power of the Holy Spirit in pickling us and transforming us into better equipped witnesses for Jesus. Importance of the fillings of the Holy Spirit is discussed and how to draw near to Him daily for peace and fellowship.

(0:55:51) – Explanation of the Holy Spirit’s Baptism (9 Minutes)

We examine two ways that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is administered: the Holy Spirit falling on people, or through the laying on of hands. We discuss how to receive the Holy Spirit, how to pray for it, and how to recognize it. Additionally, we {look at} how tongues and prophecy can be used for worship, prayer, and intercession. Finally, we {examine} the power of the Holy Spirit in healing and how it can lead to unexpected blessings.

(1:04:41) – Holy Spirit’s Power and Speaking Tongues (11 Minutes)

We discuss the irrevocable nature of God’s gifts and His call, and how prayer language can be reemergent. We look at how we can limit ourselves, and how praying every day can enable us to receive and use the spiritual gifts God has given us. We discuss examples of how the Holy Spirit can be disobeyed, and how it can lead to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we explore the power of prayer language and how it can be used to pray for others. Join us as we encourage listeners to ask Jesus to fill them, to baptize them with the Holy Spirit, and to receive the promised gift of tongues.

(1:15:38) – Share the Holy Spirit’s Gift (1 Minutes)

We examine how our experiences with the Holy Spirit can be used to share the message of Jesus. We discuss how prayer can be a powerful tool in our lives and how valuing the gift of the Holy Spirit can lead to evidence of God’s work. We also look at how to be obedient to God’s instructions and be willing to be a conduit of His message.

About the guest: Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries together to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry at They also have e-courses such as “Entry Level Prophecy,” “The Last Days,” “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit” and more on, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available on the Charisma Podcast Network or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Jared’s story of how God healed him from combat PTSD is in Joan Hunter’s book Miracles for Veterans, and he recently released a book, on ‘The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.’
Connect with Jared:
Twitter: jaredalaskey
Facebook: Fireborn Ministries
Instagram: firebornministries
YouTube: @firebornministries8206
About your host: Jaime Luce’ testimony has daunting personal mountains and treacherous financial valleys. She was trapped in day-to-day stress and couldn’t see a way forward. But how she started is not how she finished! And she wants you to know God has a plan for your life too, no matter how tough it seems. Today, Jaime has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owns two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. God’s way is always the blessed way! 
Free chapter of Jaime’s new book: You Don’t Need Money, You Just Need God: 
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Get a free chapter from my new book!

I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”

Full Transcript

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0:00:00 – Jaime Luce
And what is his job. Why do we need him? What is this about?

0:00:06 – Jared Laskey
Well, the Holy Spirit is my best friend and he’s the reason why I exist. He’s the reason why I’m here. I relate more to the Holy Spirit out of the Trinity. I mean I love God the Father, love God the Son, love God, the Holy Spirit. But probably because of some of my background, the things I’ve been through, without the Holy Spirit and His presence and His power I don’t know where I’d be.

0:00:35 – Jaime Luce
Welcome to the Jamie Luce podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today. I have a treat for you, something different today. I have with me in the studio Jared Lasky and we’re gonna be talking about his new book. And he’s done other stuff I’ll read his bio in just a second, but the new book and I wanna wet your whistle a little bit.

The topic is the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and this can be a controversial subject for some in the respect that it’s theologically thought of all kinds of ways and there’s many things taught about it, and we would like to bring you our perspective today, and especially Jared’s perspective today, on how the Holy Spirit has impacted his life, and we want the opportunity to share that with you today. So let me give you some information about Jared before I have him speak up. But Jared and Rachelle Lasky co-founded Fireborn Ministries together to teach believers how to live a daily spirit-empowered life. You can find the resources and learn more about their ministry at firebornministriescom. They also have e-courses such as entry-level prophecy, the last days, the baptism with the Holy Spirit and more on charismacoursescom, and they have the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, which I actually had the privilege of being on available on the Charisma Podcast Network or anywhere that you listen to podcasts Jared’s story of how God healed him from combat sorry PTSD is in Joan Hunter’s book Miracles for Veterans, and he recently released his book the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is gonna be the main topic for today.

But if any of you have served in the military or had friends do that or have worked with government at all, I know that interests you. I have a son who served in the military and dealt with PTSD, so that’s always a topic I enjoy talking about as well. So let’s enter into our little studio today, even though we’re in different states, jared Lasky. Thank you, jared, for being here today.

0:02:43 – Jared Laskey
Well, you’re welcome. It’s an honor and a pleasure and it was a powerful time with you on my podcast and I’m expecting the Holy Spirit to take this even further than that one, because that was a powerful one, but I’m excited to be on your podcast, jamie, thank you.

0:02:55 – Jaime Luce
Absolutely. I love this topic. This is I was born and raised in a Pentecostal home and I, for my own life, have realized even the book that I had written was because of the power of the Holy Spirit, leading us to know how to navigate in financial matters. Now he also does that in everything else, just haven’t written about that. But I wouldn’t have, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I wouldn’t be doing this podcast, had I not been directed by the Holy Spirit. I felt akin to some of the stories in your book where you talked about the different dreams and ways that the Lord would minister and speak to you and lead you, and I had that same experience that led me to how I began doing this. And I just don’t know how. I just don’t know how people live without it. And that’s not a looking down or thinking less than I just have come to rely so much on that leading of the Holy Spirit always, and then in prayer, so many times, not knowing how to pray in my own understanding, not know what is the real need, lord, what is the actual root of the thing I need to be praying about, or even praying in tongues, and all of a sudden that intercession comes and you realize you’re praying for somebody else in different names and circumstances, and things are coming to you that you would not have, and so this subject totally excites me. But before we jump in and I’m doing a lot of talking and I wanna stop that I wanna let you talk, but I wanted to invite our listeners today to I call it like you do. In your book we have lots of activations which are fantastic. We’ll talk about that too, but kind of an activation this morning to get us all thinking in this way, to prepare to talk about the Holy Spirit.

And I just wanted to ask everyone, if you’re able, if you’re driving, don’t do this, but you can do this later. But I want you to close your eyes and I want you to think of this picture. I want you to get this scene in your mind. If you’ve ever been to a large body of water whether that’s a lake, a river you can even picture the ocean. I live in Southern California and people go and get baptized in the ocean all the time and a pool. We had a pool that we always baptized in. Think of a large, beautiful body of water and I want you to, if you need help with that.

Think of the story of Jesus coming to John the Baptist in the wilderness and submitting himself to water baptism, though he had no sin. And I want you to see yourself. I want you to. If you’ve never been water baptized, you need to. But I want you to picture what this is going to be, this experience, and if you have, let’s think about that.

As you’re walking, entering the water, as your feet are coming into the water and you’re now ankle deep, you take a few more steps, you’re now to your knees, you’re now to your waist and you are standing before Jesus.

Jesus, and we’ll talk about this, but he is the baptizer.

So you are standing at the waters with Jesus and you understand that by repentance, you are laying down in this water, representing the death of all of the sin and the old man, and when you come up, you are a brand new creature in Christ Jesus, completely cleansed and ready to live a holy life before the Lord, set apart, sanctified for his glory.

And now I want you to picture yourself with Jesus leading you down into the waters, completely covered under the waters, and when you come up, the water washes over you and the light of the Father shines on you and Heaven’s open and your Father, the Lord, speaks over you, over your life. Now, if you can picture that, this is just an outward picture of what we’re going to talk about, that happens in the spiritual with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Okay, jared, with that, I would like you to go ahead and start us on this journey of before. I want to know what led you to write the book, but I also want you to give us, when you feel it’s appropriate in talking about that, your understanding of Holy Spirit and how you ended up being baptized with the Holy Spirit, kind of your testimony in there. So whichever one you think kind of fits first, I’ll let you decide.

0:07:54 – Jared Laskey
But yeah well, the voice of the Holy Spirit was speaking to me for quite a while to write this book, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s my life message, it’s what my ministry emphasizes. I’ve seen thousands of people receive the baptism of the Spirit, whether it’s in person or over the phone, or even through remote meetings or even through my podcast. Lots of testimonies come in. I’ve done Skype and zoom events in India and Pakistan. So you’ve got like 45 minutes or so to preach the gospel, pray for healing for people and for people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And that was actually in early 2020, right before the Government declared this pandemic. Like I just saw that we could do what Jesus did remotely right Just a few weeks before so probably late February of 2020 started doing these Skype and zoom meetings and Just knew, like the principles are the same whether you’re in person or you’re remote, you could prophesy over people. You could Pray and preach and see the Holy Spirit do his work and partner with him and be sensitive to him. So as I progressed, I just you know I’ve written so many articles on the baptism of the Holy Spirit because it was so definitive in my life. It changed me, it transformed me. I didn’t even know what it was because I wasn’t raised in a church that believed in that whatsoever. But really, leading up to the release of the book, I knew I needed to write it. And then, through a series of events you know, you never know when it’s your time to go and so, as you know, I’d had this Wake-up call, just blindsided through this event that had taken place, and I just knew this is the message I need to release. I couldn’t push it to the right anymore. I needed to release it. So I Compiled a bunch of previous things. I’ve got an e-course on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I repurposed a lot of content and then shared more stories. My lovely wife, rochelle, she edited it for me. You know, steve Strangham charisma had him on the podcast. She’s like Jared, you don’t need to self-publish. You know publisher, and I was like Steve.

This was a step of obedience and this was the message that I needed to release. I needed to self-publish it, learn a lot of lessons in the process, but release it to the world. And so right now it’s doing really well. It’s been in the top 40 on Pentecostal charismatic. You know, it’s not the top ten or whatever In the charts on Amazon and places like that, but really it was the message that I had to release, if any, if I couldn’t release anything else. This was the one message I needed to release to the world and it’s doing really well. There’s actually a couple of nations wanting to translate it Slovenia, small country of Slovenia but then there’s always Pakistan wanting to translate it and release it. So it’s it’s been an exciting adventure.

But for me, my personal story is God got a hold of me when I was 17 through and first appendix. There were a bunch of supernatural things that took place when I was 17 in the hospital and God had already spoken to me in dreams since I was like 11 or 12 and my church didn’t know how to nurture that. Actually, there are pastors who said that God no longer does these things, but I was like God’s talking to me.

So at 17 I’m, I had this burst appendix and I just had no means of who’s coming, who is down in the parking lot. You know some supernatural things. I had this anointing of the Holy Spirit wash over me. I’d actually prophesied a couple times before that, not knowing what that was, attending a charismatic Christian school. But in no way was I charismatic. So I was around this stuff. But then I took a step of obedience. I was a party animal, unfortunately, as a teenager. Okay, I I knew of Jesus, like you know I was. I was smoking pot and doing all that stuff, but there was still Jesus somewhere in there. So even after I got out of the hospital I tried to do the spiritual walk on my own. Couldn’t do it, got more involved in the bad things, the party life. But I knew God was trying to wake me up and I knew that God was real from my experience with him, especially when I felt the anointing flow through me and surged through me in the hospital room. But and I felt the hand of God on my head, his healing hand, and I knew he was real.

I took a step of obedience and applied for youth with a mission, went to a YWEM discipleship training school and the Holy Spirit peeled me like an onion, like working things off of me, some deliverance. And I started listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, learning how to hear his voice. And I remember People speaking another language and I was like I wish I could speak in another language. And this lady from New Zealand was like, do you Spakin tongues? And I was like what is that? Like I’d kind of heard it, you know, but it didn’t know what it was. She laid her hands on my cheeks and just prayed real quick and that night I was having these very vivid prophetic dreams and my roommates, my cheeks were on fire. My roommates testified that they were on fire. And I’m having these dreams of swells. And you know, if you know the YWEM story, waves and swells mean a lot to the late great Lauren Cunningham who just graduated into heaven.

You know that was part of the foundation of youth with a mission. God was speaking to me for about two weeks. I was like God, give me tongues. Whatever, that is Holy Spirit, I don’t know what to expect. Yeah, I go to my small group leader to explain to him after a couple weeks what God was doing. He laid hands on me and man, we asked in English and I heard there’s one syllable and he had told me, if you hear the Holy Spirit gives you the Holy Spirit initiates the language, you hear this, you start speaking it out. I laughed real quick Because I don’t want to jumpstart anybody right now but it was the last syllable of my last name, but it’s spelled differently.

Okay, I Could hear it and I could see it, but it was spelled differently and I started repeating that and the power of the Holy Spirit fell upon me and Surges of power and love and grace and electricity just surged all through my body. There’s probably about three or four waves of power for the next two and a half hours is as Sam, my mentor, he had to sit me down because I’m shaking, I’m about to fall over, I’m crying, I’m laughing, I’m speaking to us. He’s having me switch from tongues to English to thank God, give him things. So for two and a half hours, the anointing, the power, the baptism of the Holy Spirit surged through me and he had told me he’s like Jared.

The enemy will try to tell you. This didn’t happen. I was like no, I can’t deny that. Yeah, this was the most incredible experience of my life, the most amazing encounter. And he told me pray and tongues every single day, and the more I. That’s what I do every single day, and Whether it was even in combat zones, years later, I pray and tongues in the middle of combat. You know when I’m walking down the street, when I’m driving. So you know you grow that. So some people I don’t know if you want to call me a Holy Spirit coach and some people, like my prayer language is so small, I’m like well, praying tongues for 15 minutes, praying tongues for 30 minutes right grow it and the more repetitious, just like a baby, you know, the baby learns the language.

In time, yeah, it becomes full blown sentences. So it’s the same thing with when we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Well, you know, we’ll receive a spiritual prayer language and we grow in it, we pray in it every single day and it’ll shift, it’ll change and it’s a doorway to more of God.

0:15:53 – Jaime Luce
Yeah, you know, as you were saying that, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I was thinking of one thing when I mentioned that it was by the leading of the Holy Spirit that I even ended up doing the podcast and and different things, but here reminded me about the book that I had written and, and I for a year, and I didn’t know this was coming. I didn’t know what he was wanting me to do, but a year prior I just heard in my spirit that the Lord was saying I want you To pray for an hour a day in tongues. Before you pray and anything else, for one year. Make sure you give one year to this. I’m like, okay, you know, and I’d leave, you know, if I hadn’t done it in the morning, I would find a way to slip away and at night, make sure that I, I, I just made it. This was, this was an instruction and you can’t disobey this like you can’t not. It’s like I don’t know what this is about and I don’t always pray to the tongues anyway. Like, if I’m my regular prayer time, I’ll sit, I’ll read the word, I’ll begin to pray, then I’ll move in and out, kind of how you said your instructor did with you, flow kind of in and out with English and then tongues, and I I’ve always done that, but this time it was no. You go in knowing you’re not going to speak a word to me in English until you have done this for an hour and it it was the most beautiful time, because at first you know and and people may feel this way, but at first it seemed Cold because I’m just gonna go decide to go do this and it wasn’t necessarily like I was feeling the presence of the Lord when I started.

I just would sit and I have my time, are going to make sure that I did not Stop early. You know, it’s like I have to have an hour. I mean, he told me an hour, so I’ve got the time, we’re going. But after about I don’t know 10, 15 minutes, I All of a sudden there was always this breakthrough, and it’s kind of how you said, whether there’s. It does remind me of water so much that the feeling of that, like a swish, like you just all of a sudden have found yourself in a wave, carried away in that wave.

And then it was so easy. There was no effort, there was no, it was the Holy Spirit praying through me about whatever it was that he wanted to pray about, and sometimes I had some understanding. There were times when I just knew in my mind, even though my spirit was praying this I would know and have understanding of what I was praying. Other times I did not know what I was praying about, but by the time that that year was ended, the Lord had set in motion a series of events that were supernatural, one right after the other, which he led me in then to writing the book that I wrote, and I realized after the fact oh my goodness, you were preparing me all year for this.

I had no idea, but it’s things like that that we could miss out on so much, not knowing the plans that he has for us. We don’t always know what the next thing is or what’s coming down the pike for us, but the Lord does, and he has a way of preparing us, whether we actually know what’s going on or not. It’s the beautiful way. You can look at it a couple ways. Sometimes I think of him as a great orchestrator, sometimes it’s like the master chess player, and sometimes it’s the building of a beautiful tapestry that he’s.

You know how he’s knitting all things together, and I felt like that whole process was birthed just by being obedient to speaking in tongues, that daily time with the Lord, and so it’s the power of it. I love that it’s. You know you had said that you didn’t really know what the Holy Spirit even was, and I’m sure there are those today who are kind of going okay, yeah, I hear it, it’s kind of spiritual speech, you know Christianese or whatever, and there is confusion around the Holy Spirit. So maybe you can take us a little bit into who is the Holy Spirit and what is his job. Why do we need him? What is this about?

0:20:31 – Jared Laskey
Well, the Holy Spirit is my best friend and he is the reason why I exist. He’s the reason why I’m here. I relate more to the Holy Spirit out of the Trinity. I mean I love God the Father, love God the Son, love God the Holy Spirit. But probably because I’m because of some of my background, the things I’ve been through without the Holy Spirit and His presence and His power I don’t know where I’d be. You know, I’ve suffered tragedy through the loss of a brother just within a year, almost two years of serving Christ.

But I ran into the presence of God, I ran into the power of God and, similar to you, I’d made a commitment to pray in tongues for a certain amount of time a day and that just became a lifestyle and I know that from that time I learned a lot. I had a lot of supernatural encounters through that time, that extended season of praying in tongues for an extended amount of time. And then as a lifeguard during college, what do you do on the lifeguard? Stand Pray in tongues. I did more sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I would have lead guards come over to me talking to me real quick and like hey, in about a minute there’s going to be a rescue over in that pool. You should start going over there. They’re like how do you know Jesus now go? A lifeguard would have to jump in. Nothing life threatening, but just some situations at a wave pool.

But the Holy Spirit is God. We can fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we can talk to Him, we can build relationship with Him. The Apostle Paul talks about having fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul talks about the spiritual gifts. He also says I pray in tongues more than you all and so it was very important to him. Probably when he’s on a ship or when he’s afloat at sea because of the shipwrecks or being persecuted, he prayed in tongues more than all. And he’s rebuking the Corinthian church when he’s talking about it, because they were elevating certain gifts over others. It’s level ground at the cross and prophecy is only greater and that it’s a greater and edifying people. It’s not like this is the number one gift you need. So that’s a whole other topic.

But the Holy Spirit is God. He was present at creation. He co-created with God, the Father, god, the Son. He empowered. This is something I think is very important to people. I think our church movements have kind of gotten this wrong over the years.

We emphasize now you’ve received the baptism of the Spirit. Now you have a ministry, now you’re called to a ministry, the fivefold one, which one of you Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher who are the first people who received the Holy Spirit? Craftsmen who built the Tabernacle? Now Moses received the craftsmen received. David received the Holy Spirit through his the first time. He was anointed king, prophesied by Samuel the prophet.

But the Holy Spirit today. In the Old Testament it was very few people. He’d come and go. But Jesus came to this earth, god in the flesh, 100% God, 100% man. And he told his disciples it’s better for you that I go, because you will receive the gift from the Father, you will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

And the Holy Spirit is given without measure. So under the New Covenant there is no limit to the Holy Spirit. Under the Old Covenant it was limited. It was for a certain task or certain amount of time, and then the Holy Spirit would lift. Under the New Covenant, we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit falls upon us without measure, without limit. We could have as much of him as we want and he’s everywhere within us as we expand the kingdom of God. You know Jesus, even though he was God, he was a man in the flesh. He could only be at one place at one time. But now, as we are the successors of the disciples, we obey the Great Commission. The Holy Spirit is in all of us, so it’s like we are little Jesus. Okay, I’m not saying we’re Jesus, but Jesus is within us, the Holy Spirit is within us. Everywhere we go, we expand the kingdom of God and we will encounter the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit through us and it’s his power through us. He works through us. So many people tend to take the credit themselves when it’s the Holy Spirit, through you that does the work that we have the privilege to partner with. But the Holy Spirit could be known, the Holy Spirit can be worshiped. We could talk to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit loves to glorify Jesus.

And sometimes I kind of catch myself saying the Holy Spirit, and really, you know, and I’m a theologian. But I wanted to say this book, I wanted it to be practical. I didn’t want it to be deeply theological, like Amos Young and other theologians that I have got their books on my shelves. I wanted it to be practical for the everyday person. So in the Greek when it says, our English says the Holy Spirit, is actually a definite article for the word the, the, which means the as in, the one and only as in, like rock stars and actors, yeah, the Jamie loose, you know the president, the one and only genuine article.

So you know it’s not a the, he’s a he and he is the one and only the Holy Spirit. And we have the honor and privilege to have adventures with him, get to know him and extend the kingdom of God everywhere we go. So he’s relatable, he reveals the scriptures to us when we know him, when we fellowship with him, and it’s just so life giving. I mean that’s. I’m just so excited to talk about the Holy Spirit because I want more people to encounter him and to know him personally. So that’s my encouragement to people. I know there’s a lot more other things I could say. You know he is holy, he is eternal, he is a co creator, he’s a person of God, you know, within the Trinity. But we can know him and that’s what I want people to know. I want people to experience that.

0:26:45 – Jaime Luce
You know I’m thinking right now as one passage, because we know he’s our comforter, not just, you know, a helper to come alongside. We like to say he, the Greek, that he’s a paraclete, he comes alongside and he helps us and he, and so many times we, we relegate an attribute of him to one particular thing we get kind of hung up on. You know, if I need this, then I turn to the Holy Spirit versus the power. You mentioned it in your book, the word dunamis, and and that it’s, it is the empowering to receive the gift. Maybe you can explain how that Jesus is the one who gives this, that Jesus is the one who said we were going to receive this. That take us on that journey of why we are saying we can receive him. And then I want to transition From the receiving I, because I’m hearing kind of myself, this power and and I want to tie that to healing you From the PTSD, because you experience PTSD is a powerful thing.

To go through Trauma that, no matter what the trauma, is something that you, it’s not like you forget. These things are with you, they are, they, they Imprint, implant Whether it’s memories, feelings, the outworkings of our, let’s say, somebody has tremors or in fear. You will act. You can have physical manifestations, think these things. It’s very powerful. Ptsd is very powerful, and so I love knowing that the Holy Spirit is given so that we have his power To overcome, to be overcomers. The only ones who overcome are the ones who can endure. Well, we, in our flesh, there’s there’s no ability to truly endure. In our flesh, I can, my flesh will die. It’s only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I can endure. So let’s talk about why we know we need to receive this gift. Yeah, this gift is for receive this gift. And then I I’d also like to talk about your testimony.

0:29:19 – Jared Laskey
Yeah, I love to so really, jesus is the baptizer with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist testified Behold, the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world. He’s the one that God told me will be the baptizer with the Holy Spirit. I baptize you in water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. It’s with fires and one, one gospel, and then the others omit that. But you know, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a ministry of Jesus to us, jesus was water baptized. So even today we don’t undergo John’s baptism, but we undergo the Christian baptism, water baptism. And the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an empowerment, of Power to make you a better equipped witness for Jesus. And it’s Jesus ministry, his ongoing ministry through the Holy Spirit, to baptize us so that we extend the kingdom of God. We’re better equipped witness, in whatever vocation or wherever we go, that God, god, sends us and it helps us overcome sin, it helps us overcome obstacles, that it helps us pray, it helps us become more like Jesus. You know, that’s the goal of the Christian life right become more like Jesus, the ongoing transformation. And it helps us in brutal times, because life can be extremely brutal to us. But Jesus promised, he told his disciples you will receive the gift for my father, and the promise is Is for you. And he said wait in Jerusalem For this baptism with the Holy Spirit, the promise of the father. And so we see in Acts, chapter 1 you know they’re waiting. And then Jesus says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit falls upon you. And that word dunamis is used there as it was Previously about the, the power, the promise of the father, the dunamis power of the father will come upon you. So it’s, it’s promised from the God, the father, through Christ Jesus, in the Holy Spirit. And so it could come. You know, for the Christian, it could take place in our life, whether before were water baptized, during water baptism or even after. Okay, this is a distinct experience that we can have today, because it’s promised, because in Acts, chapter 2, the Holy Spirit was poured out in power upon the 120 in the upper room. They spoke in tongues, they praised God, they billowed out, probably on to the temple grounds where 3,000 people were saved that day, and the church was unstoppable from that point, even through persecution.

And some people talk about well, this is, they’re speaking a no languages. Then now, what about this now? Well, there’s the tongues of men and of angels, and the Holy Spirit can give you what you want. I know that when I prayed in tongues, my language can shift to some Middle Eastern dialect or Asian dialect. I mean, it changes the more you pray and and you grow in it.

But on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter said what you’re seeing here I’m paraphrasing, but this is promised to you, your children and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord, our God, will call. And he was pointing to Joel chapter 2, verses 28 to 32. Saying this is that this is fulfillment of Joel 2, 28, where the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh. Now the Holy Spirit is present everywhere and the Holy Spirit is poured out. So there’s dreams and visions. There’s the prophetic. Old men will dream dreams. Young men see visions. Male and female servants will experience these things. Well, it’s not just old men, it’s not just young men, it’s not just female servants. It’s saying all God’s people will have these things taking place. And so Acts chapter 2 was fulfilling Joel chapter 2.

This is that, and we get to live that in this day and age. Since that day onward, we get to live in that promise of the Father the promise of Pentecost, if you will which enables us to be a better equipped witness for Jesus, and there’s evidence to it when we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There’s evidence and really I think one of the main evidences is love. We need love for God, love for other people, and then there’s even prophecy we could receive. People could receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Prophesy in that moment. They could rejoice, they could cry and shake, they could speak in tongues.

You know there’s so many different things that could take place during that time, but it changes us and it’s a doorway into more of God. For me it opened up more of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, more of the gifts of Prophecy and discerning of spirits, and it could do the same for other people. But that my experience was November 14th of 1998. I will never be the same and it wasn’t until some years later. I was in the Marine Corps and experienced Combat in Afghanistan. I went to Iraq. There’s some things there, but really Afghanistan is the country that took the most from me.

0:34:21 – Jaime Luce
Hi, my name is Jamie loose. I wanted to share with you some information about a brand new book Entitled you don’t need money, you just need God. It’s a playbook for miraculous provision, and I want to share it with you because it solves the problem we are all facing right now. The economy is going crazy, gas prices are soaring, there’s wars and rumors of wars. We’ve got everything hitting us all at once, with interest rates rising. You need to know what to do, and so many times we think we need the money. But you don’t need money. I’m telling you, the answer is you need God, and that’s exactly what we want to teach you through this book. We’ll give you practical ways to know what to do and how to do it, so that you get answers now. You can find my book on Amazon. You can also go to Jamie loosecom. You can also find this book at. You don’t need money, you just need God calm. This book is available today.

0:35:24 – Jared Laskey
I Completed over 100 combat missions in the year 2009. The big operation Extend the patrol baseline, liberate these people so they could vote. Lot of controversy even with that. But I returned home and I went through a lot of darkness. Probably within 60 to 90 days the the signs of PTSD came and If it wasn’t for my faith, knowing that I need help, I don’t know where I’d be. You know there’s a lot to post-traumatic stress disorder. Some people don’t want that diagnosed with them. But I knew I needed help and I’ve got an amazing wife who was there with me. Okay, because I think combat veterans have a 90% divorce rate. I think the special operators have like a 95 to 98 percent divorce rate, but been married 21 amazing years.

I mean, we did go through years of darkness but I kept communing with the Holy Spirit. I knew he was real. Now I didn’t deconstruct my faith that’s not the right word but there are things that I disentangled from it. You know I went back to the basics here. Are these people offering weird therapies, crazy psychological stuff, so many drugs and whatever else? Now it’s like I need Jesus. I need the basics. I need to renew my mind. According to Romans, chapter 12, verses 1 through 2.

Right because of my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I mean God used me to interpret dreams on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. You know I knew the Holy Spirit. But here I am going through this darkness, feeling like I’m touching the fires of hell, emotionally and symbolically, and maybe even spiritually, because there is some spiritual stuff there, but I’m not gonna say it’s all demons. Okay, there’s mental health issues. You know when your mind is going south, okay, and I knew I need to get back to the basics memorization, biblical meditation, being intentional, renewing my mind. And then, for about nine years of darkness you know I was in the ministry at that time, which is part of healing.

I think the church too often tends to push people away. They’re like you’re mentally ill, you’re going through something. Let’s fire you right. Ministering is healing. Ministering is part of my identity. I want to serve and so we can’t just cut them off and Kick them out. We need hey, here’s an opportunity for you to serve and grow and heal in the process. You know, healing could miracles, could be instantaneous or ongoing.

So for years I’m pursuing the presence of God and the Holy Spirit was directing me and we need myself off of medications, with the aid of a doctor, and then went to this week in retreat and my wife is like I never heard of a spirit-filled Anglican, nigel Mumford. I think he was mentored by Francis McNutt. So, as a week in retreat, and I had this one stuck point and I believe in inner healing but not digging things up, not implanting thoughts into people, that kind of a thing. So I’m, you know, I provide services and that myself, but he just let the Holy Spirit bring this stuff up. So for months, I had this one stuck point about watching a Taliban guy bleeding out and our doctors working on him. So, for those of you who you know, hopefully this doesn’t trigger anybody. I’m just being real. Yeah, this is real talk. Yeah, I felt cold.

I, at that moment, when I experienced this in 2009, I started beating myself up because I was like I’m a Christian, I should feel something for this person, but I’m cold. So I had this moral injury from just being cold towards him, having no emotion towards this guy being worked on. But there was anxiety, there’s depression, there’s all that other stuff from all the PTSD, but there’s just this one final stuck point and Nigel prays for me and I’m jumping all in at this retreat with Vietnam vets and other veterans of other eras. And and as he’s praying for me, in this vision you know of my memory, if you will there was a doctor Working on the guy. So in real life there were docs around the guy working on him. But the main doc in this vision became Jesus and he looks at me, says I see you and I love you. It’s like this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Just, I was just wow.

Just in under a minute, if you will, a prayer yeah.

I get up feeling free, liberated, and we came home from the retreat within a few weeks. I’m like I don’t need my medication anymore, I’m not taking it. What is you know? I’m like I’m healed by. The depression is gone. A bunch of the other feelings is gone. I still had a little bit of bit of anxiety. So I had a friend whose daughter had neurological Disorders and I was like, well, the keto diet helps her, it helps people with neurological stuff. So I went on the keto diet, that anxiety lifted and In time, you know, I lost a lot of weight, got in shape and, jamie, I Redeployed to Afghanistan, the place that took so many years away from me, years of my life. I redeployed Under contract with the company, went to Kabul and had nothing but love in my heart for the people of Afghanistan. And Even then, you know, we got rocketed once and there are other things taking place, but I was. I was healed whole. I am healed in whole you know, I Know Heidi.

She’s a psychologist on the charisma podcast network. She’s like that was what we call exposure therapy. I was like, well, I was just obedient to the Holy Spirit. I went back to the nation that took so many years for my life and I had nothing but love. So I was like completely healed and that’s because of the power of the Holy Spirit.

0:41:39 – Jaime Luce
Okay, well then that let’s talk about that for a minute, because when we began the podcast, I wanted people to get the the Visual in their mind of being immersed in the water. And you talk about in your book that the Holy Spirit, that baptism is an immersion. So why don’t, why don’t you talk a little bit about why or not, why, let’s say how the gift of the Spirit Boy. I want to go several places. Okay, well, let’s do immersion First. Talk about what that means to be immersed in the Holy Spirit, what that looks like in our lives, if, when, we have allowed that process. And then I want to also talk about how that truly Looks as we’re developing Into. You mentioned it a little bit ago, but that we are.

Our goal is to look like Jesus, to be I mean, that’s what the word Christian was when it was started was little Christ’s. They were, they were mocking, but it’s, that’s our goal, that’s what we yes, that’s what I want to be. What does that? You know? Cuz why, if we have the Holy Spirit, why is it necessary? Why do we need this?

If we’re going to do this, there must be something that’s attainable. That, if I don’t have that, that if I don’t have that remains off the table. There’s got to be something that a gift is a gift. A gift is not something that I’m. It’s not a requirement, it’s not a rule. This is a gift and by receiving this gift I am afforded something that I would not be afforded without that gift. So I want us to kind of talk about that, what that means to be immersed in the Holy Spirit, and then how that works out of us. To have received this gift because it is. It’s a beautiful gift For somebody who has it. The thought of not having it. You understand its value and for so many I’m thinking, okay, but if you don’t know what that value is, if you don’t know what this gift is, it remains on the table unwrapped. You don’t understand what’s in there, and so maybe you could speak into that. What does it mean to be immersed in the Holy Spirit?

0:44:28 – Jared Laskey
Yeah, well, you had that amazing analogy earlier about water baptism. So there’s water baptism, where we are immersed into water as a step of obedience, declaring that we are our old self is dying in Christ. Our new self is being risen to new life. And then the baptism of the Holy Spirit is where Jesus, the baptizer of the Holy Spirit, it’s as if he lays hands on us. It’s as if he’s there and he is right, but he’s the baptizer with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit. When we give our life to Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit in us. That is what we call in right, and there’s the Greek terms in, in, in and epi. So the Holy Spirit is within us the moment we give our life to Jesus. But there’s where the baptism of the Holy Spirit is, the immersion of the Holy Spirit over us, around us. I mean it’s, and it flows up out of us as we’re receiving.

And, like I said, we could prophesy when we’re receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We could speak in tongues, we could praise God and start witnessing boldly. So it’s like, just like that analogy of water baptism, where you’re immersed in the water and come up. This is where the Holy Spirit is, like a waterfall flowing over you. You’re immersed in his presence and in his power. You know that. You know that. You know this is that, whether it’s a deep peace or like, for me, I felt the fiery presence and electricity and the love and waves upon waves of during this experience, and for some people it could be like five seconds or 30 minutes or three minutes. You know, we can’t compare our experience with other people’s experiences, right, but we are immersed. The word baptizo I’m getting a little too much in the Greek, I don’t know.

0:46:25 – Jaime Luce
I’m okay, I do it. I do it to my listeners all the time, so that’s okay.

0:46:30 – Jared Laskey
It’s that immersion. You know, and even in the Greek the oldest reference to baptism is a recipe for pickling. Okay, so what do you do with the pickle? You put it in the jar. I mean, I don’t can or anything, but you put it in the jar, it’s immersed, it’s baptized, it’s consumed, and then it stays in there until it becomes a pickle.

And this is what happens to us, whether it’s in water baptism or spirit baptism, which is a distinct experience and encounter where the Holy Spirit empowers us and we’re changed, we’re transformed. You know, we’re empowered to be a better equipped witness for Jesus, and then we live out the vibrant, spirit-empowered life boldly and with more grace and more love and becoming more like Jesus. You know, jesus received the Holy Spirit at His water baptism. So much incredible analogies there that we could see this is my son, whom I love. With him I’m well pleased. And so he receives the anointing of the spirit, goes into the desert, comes out, moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, and this is promised to us.

So we need the Holy Spirit to be a better equipped witness for Jesus. We need the baptism of the Holy Spirit to draw near to Jesus more, to live the spirit and power of life. As I said, life has its ups and downs and there’s more of the awareness of the Holy Spirit and more of an opening and the doorway to more of the Holy Spirit, more of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So you know the Holy Spirit can also use us. You know more as we’re just submitted to Him, you know as we partner with Him and as there are some people I know that there are people who are going through pain and grief listening on your podcast you know they need to draw you know, they need more of the Holy Spirit in their life, you know.

And then those who have experienced it. There is still more to come. So we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and then we receive the fillings of the Holy Spirit, the daily fillings, whether it’s the deep peace, you know, ephesians 5, 18 and 19 talks about being filled ongoingly, continually, and that’s what the Greek is showing us, where our English says be filled with the Holy Spirit. It’s a command, but the Greek is saying be being ongoingly, continuously filled with the Holy Spirit. What does that look like? It’s daily, it’s fellowshiping with Him, it’s the deep peace, it’s the going into your prayer, closet, spending time with Him, having the manifestations of the Spirit, having revival meetings between you and Him, you know. And it’s so much more. And it’s walking out the fruit of the Spirit, of love. Right, the one fruit of the Spirit is love and all the attributes flow from love joy, peace, all those flow from love. So that’s all part of it.

And when it comes to healing, you know, for me I’d had the baptism of the Spirit. I was praying in tongues every single day and I was going through some darkness and I, in the process, I’m healing. In the process, I’m growing, in the process, I’m learning, I’m calling out to God and through the pain and the grief that I’d been through, I had to run to God. When some people run to men, you know, or other platforms or popular people or weird stuff, you know, motivational, whatever, you know I ran to Jesus, knowing that he is the source. And so, you know, as I’m going, I’m seeing God heal people.

I was even seeing people God heal people who had pain issues, ptsd issues, but I wasn’t yet, but I kept going and you know, I know people who God uses them in signs and wonders and you know they’ve got leg issues or back issues, you know. But God does what he wants. So as we go, he goes with us, as we follow Him and in time, you know, some people will be like wait a second. I’m healed of that. Now, when did that happen? You know, and we’re faithful to that.

So I think, I deviated a little bit there.

0:50:56 – Jaime Luce
No, no, no, that’s actually what you actually hit where I was heading, which was so many times. We are, and we should be to some degree. We should be self oh, what’s the word I would like to use? Not regulating we do that too but examining, to self-examine our walk with the Lord, to make sure that we are always growing, that we aren’t satisfied, become stagnant, which, in our stagnancy, we actually regress. We don’t. There is no such thing as kind of finding your spot and staying there, but we have to continually be growing in the Lord and the Holy Spirit.

When I think about what are my measurements? How do I measure? Am I growing? Well, the fruit of the Spirit is one of the ways that we measure, but the fruit of the Spirit is just that, the fruit of the Spirit. So there’s a difference between doing life.

The word says to we don’t live after the flesh, we live according to the Spirit of God. Well, if I live according to the Spirit, what’s that gonna look like? How is that gonna manifest in my life? And I believe that that’s one of the best ways for us to. Am I walking in love? Am I walking in peace? Do I have joy? Am I kind? Is that my second nature, to be kind first, and you know, if we look at that fruit and we see the evidence of that fruit, then we can know okay, we’re on the right track.

But my encouragement is to people who feel like I just don’t know if I’m doing it. I just am not sure and I want so badly for people to understand. First of all, if you haven’t received the gift of the Holy Spirit, ask for him, because he is that power. It is the gift that empowers us. We think of grace so many times that you have received grace, praise God for it, and that grace enables us, gives us the power to follow Christ. But if you’re now, I want to be careful that I say this, because the Holy Spirit is not a magic pill. It’s like you were saying. That’s why I wanted to hear your testimony, because this is a process. This isn’t a okay, I’m just going to do this and I have this, and now this is going to happen, and we don’t get to put God in that kind of a box. He says I will show mercy, to whom I will show mercy? And I mean he’s going to do what he’s going to do, because he has a very particular plan for our life and there are many things, you know, I don’t know what all the Lord worked out for you during that time and all the things that he was. Actually how we mentioned that he’s the, whether he’s putting together a tapestry or whether he’s, you know, moving pieces around to make sure we’re in the right place at the right time.

But so many times when he allows us to go through valleys, you know, if we look to the Psalms, we know that there is a valley that’s the shadow of death is in that valley and we have to walk through that valley. It doesn’t mean that death is imminent, it doesn’t mean that death is certain. It just means there’s a valley I’m walking through and it’s this, this heavy, dark valley that is feels like death, you know, and in the flesh it could be, but we walk through that valley. We have the power to come out on the other side and each of our journeys will look different. Just like you said, we cannot compare our experiences, nor our lives, nor giftings and talents. It’s so foolish because, just like you said, the the Holy Spirit, he’s created each one of us to be the original that he has made for our life to be what we are supposed to be. It’s. It’s not a place of pride, it’s a. It’s a complete place of humility that says I’m willing to be what you have called me to be in every aspect that you’ve created me to be, that that I’m not comparing myself to somebody else and doing it like somebody else. It won’t look like that. It will look the way that God is intended for to look for us, and that can be really freeing. If you’re thinking, I’m praying and asking for this gift, and it doesn’t have to look anything like what I’ve seen or like you when it happened for you. I don’t even know what this is or what to expect, so you know whatever. Okay, we’ll see what happens. They’re both beautiful. Yeah, even if you have an idea, even if you have seen others. It’s simply saying whatever you have for me, that’s what I want. That’s whatever you’ve got for me. I want it all. I want everything that you have marked for me. That’s what I want, and so I love that. This is a there’s.

You talked about it in your book that there are ways that we can measure. There are things we can look at and I wanted to talk about. You had said that there were two ways that the baptism is administered so that people can understand. Biblically, we always want to come back to the scripture. You did a great job of talking about that. There’s nothing higher than scripture.

Holy Spirit is the one who actually spoke to the men who wrote it. They were writing according to the Spirit of God. So we don’t have we have men who wrote. God used their hands, but it was the Holy Spirit who spoke through them, so that we have this precious word of God, this scripture. That cannot be, it’s never. It can’t be outwisdomed, it can’t be overperformed. This scripture is so invaluable we measure everything against it because it is the voice of God to us by the gift of Holy Spirit. So how does that look according to Spirit? What are the outworkings of that? If we have received but we still are learning and don’t know how this is going on, or if someone doesn’t have any idea? What’s this going to look like? If I ask for this, what? What am I expecting this to look like?

0:57:11 – Jared Laskey
Well, expect it to look like what the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you, expected to be a definite experience and encounter between you and Jesus, where Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Spirit. So the two ways that the baptism of the Spirit is administered. It’s like in Acts, chapter two, where the Holy Spirit falls upon them, or even on Cornelius’ household, just like at the beginning the Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles, because the Christian Jews at the time were thinking this is only for us. We’re a select, elite, few, we’ve got the way of salvation. But now they see the Holy Spirit be poured out upon them. So that’s the Holy Spirit being poured out upon them. But then there are other places where the apostles or even Paul would lay hands on people. So it’s through the laying on of hands that people would receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit while they’re asking and this is, you know, ministers do a lot of ministers do this today lay hands on people, alter calls, crusades, you know. Or you even have it where other Christians around, someone lays hands on the recipient who’s asking. You know, I know early on I tried to get into like a certain method like let’s just get everybody to lay hands on someone, as they’re asking, and they’ll receive. So we all pray in tongues and then the person receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then in time I learned I’d seen it where this guy comes me and it’s like, oh, oh, he wants me to lay hands on him to receive the baptism with the Spirit and he does. And his first word was a Hebrew word Righteousness.

And then I was working at a foster care, a residential treatment, foster care facility, and these kids wanted to speak in tongues. They heard me praying the tongues around them. What’s that? What’s that? You know? Ages of seven to 12. And I was like, well, and the Holy Spirit was like, just have them pray. So seven of them, you know, I led the. They’re like they’re asking me, and then I led them in a prayer to say Holy Spirit, jesus, we baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Will you give me the gift of tongues? And then it’s like a wind just flowed through you know, hitting the three kids up over here, hitting the one up at the front and then back up towards me on the left, just all seven of them for the next half hour. And then we saw kind of like a revival. We saw I don’t know how many other kids at that place and then the other location received, because there are a lot of us Bible college students there serving kids who needed it tremendously. Right, and it’s seen that years, years later.

But that’s the whole description of my personal experience of the Holy Spirit falling upon people or laying on of hands, or even over the phone, or whether it’s through zoom or just taking a step of faith like on a podcast episode, being like hey guys, yeah, that’s the Holy Spirit to fall on. You ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and so some people you know they might, I know some people tend to overthink it, you know. And then I think some Christians tend to try to cheapen it like repeat after me. I don’t do that Now, sometimes, as you’re worshiping and praying, because tongues is worship, it’s prayer, it’s praying mysteries, it’s intercession there’s so many different things to tongues. A whole other podcast conversation just on all those facets of it. But it’s a prayer language. So you could start worshiping Jesus saying Hallelujah, praise God, and then words start flowing, you know, in a language you don’t know, you don’t understand that you’ve never spoken in before.

I love to just say let the Holy Spirit speak to you you know, words or phrases that you’ve never spoken before, and then you speak them out loud enough for you to hear yourself, because some people try to be like you know. You got to loosen up, you got to praise God and worship God and let it slow.

Yeah we start repeating those over and over and over again. You know, and as the Holy Spirit touches you, as Jesus touches you. So, as I said earlier, some people can prophesy. Just start prophesying over one another. I mean, what an amazing time. Or maybe even interpreting tongues while someone over here receives the baptism of spirit, whether you’re in a small group or some, they’re speaking in tongues. I saw this happen before a prophet walks over this girl, lays hands on her, she starts making tongues for the next like 30 minutes or so, and other people are like writing down and speaking what she’s saying.

You know, I mean, I don’t want to put God in a box but, I want people to know that Jesus loves them, and the gift is to you, your children and all who are far off, all who call on the name of the Lord. All means all.

1:02:02 – Jaime Luce
Yeah, I was just gonna say no discrimination. You talk about being their adults, children, your own children, at young ages. You know there is no, there’s no rule or law that says you have to be a certain age or have walked with the Lord a certain amount of time, and you know it’s not this, that’s what makes it a gift, it’s. It doesn’t have all these crazy requirements on it, it’s just a hunger to say Lord, I just want more of you. I want more of you in my life. I want to know you, I want to hear you, I want to be able to hear and obey and do what you’ve called me to do and be empowered by the Holy Spirit. I want to just. We’ll have you pray for the people, but I want you to just talk for just a second as we’re getting ready to close.

I wrote down when I’m reading your book and you wrote that the gifts are irrevocable, and so I just want to touch on this for a second, because so many people at some point in their Christian walk may have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and once been active in that prayer life, or they thought that this was just an experience, and now they don’t use it. They haven’t been taught to actually pray and use this gift and they think, okay, but I forgot, and I don’t know how, or I, you know, they, they almost forget that it happened and maybe you can speak to that for a moment.

1:03:34 – Jared Laskey
Yeah, well, love to. So some people receive the baptism of the Spirit. They might receive a prayer language that follows with it, but then they’re convinced that God doesn’t do that today at all. Right, someone convinces them out of it because it’s easy. Right, we talk to people and they’re differing beliefs and practices and denominations out there, or some people think it’s a one and done. They speak in tongues the one time and that’s it. But it’s again a doorway into more and we just like I’m talking to you with my language we do that with the Holy Spirit we grow and we develop our prayer language and the language of the Spirit and you know we could pray in it and intercede in it and so much more the more we use it and, dare I say, practice speaking in tongues right In our personal prayer times or at church or whatever you know.

But some people convince themselves out of it, some people are convinced by other people out of it. But God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. So I shared a story about a woman who came to me when I was doing an everyday power evangelism seminar at a church and she’d received her prayer language with the baptism of the Spirit. And then people were saying God doesn’t do that today at all. Right, so they were cessationists and so she’s like well, wow, so she was convinced out of it. And then she felt she told me that she felt like she committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit because she accepted those words, silenced her prayer language, hadn’t spoken in years. And I was like no, god’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. He does not take spiritual gifts away. And it’s a whole other conversation about how people can abuse spiritual gifts and misuse them and horrendously.

But God does not take the spiritual gift away. So I told her well, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you up and remind you of one or two of those words that you spoken before. And with her husband there, we laid hands on her and the Holy Spirit filled her up and she’s crying, even similar to my story. We had to sit her down in a chair as more words flowed, as she wasn’t rebaptized, but I maybe call it a reemergence. You know, this new feeling, this ongoing feeling of the Holy Spirit saturated her and so I share about that.

Because, say even my mom, you know she’s like Jared, I’ll never speak in tongues. I’ll never speak in tongues as mom you will. I was like mom one of these days you’ll wake up speaking in tongues and sure enough, she’s got this perper and goes to bed, wakes up in the middle of the night praying in tongues, waking up my dad, right, and that happened to her, but then she silenced him. And then she’s on a mission trip with me in Dominican Republic and this motorcycle drives up, dies in front of us, and right before that my mom was like I don’t speak in tongues anymore. I was like mom, just God will give you the words and phrases again and it’ll happen. You know, just do that. Every day. This motorcycle drives up, dies in front of us. My mom preaches the gospel to this guy. I go down the road just a little bit to share the gospel with other people. She leads that guy to Jesus. His motorcycle restarts, he drives off into the horizon and she gets a prayer burden. Praying for him comes walking to me about 30 feet and she’s like Jared, it happened again.

I was praying in tongues from there to here. I was like praise God. Right, so some people limit themselves, but that’s why I encourage people praying it every single day. If you have that spiritual prayer language every single day praying it, there’s so much more to it. But God’s gift, he does not take them away. You still have that spiritual gift. But even now someone could be like oh yeah, here’s this phrase that maybe they’ve silenced it for one reason or another, but the Holy Spirit will bring it back. Ask Jesus to fill you again, to touch you again and just reemerge in that, and in no way have you committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Some people are like that woman. I was like absolutely not, even though you agreed with them saying that God no longer does that. That’s not the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. That’s the other conversation. You’re saved and sanctified. You’re filled with the Spirit.

1:07:51 – Jaime Luce
Yes, amen. You know, I think of it when we think of the word gift. If you value a gift that someone gives you, you actually use it. You know, versus if you think of having a gift and you’ve got a box and and oh, you open it and it’s wonderful, on that day you use it and then you put it back in the box and put it on the shelf and you don’t use it anymore. Well then, how much value did you put on the gift? And the more that we value our relationship with the Lord, the more that we value what he says that he wants to give to us, the more we’ll use what it is that he’s gifted us with. And why don’t you go ahead and pray for us, jared? Lead the people, however you feel led. If you want to lead those, maybe, who are wanting the baptism, but then also encourage those who have received, and we’ll let you, we’ll let you be led.

1:08:50 – Jared Laskey
Well, it’s. I love to and that’s what I live for. So, for those of you who are listening or watching this, if you want to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, start asking. Ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. You could cleanse your heart. Ask him to forgive you of your sins. Come to him humbly and cleansed and repentant, but ask him to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Now.

I’m going to emphasize your spiritual prayer language. During this prayer, I’m expecting some of you to emerge and start speaking in tongues in Jesus’ name. So ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. And then, for others who maybe have silenced tongues, ask Jesus to fill you again and start speaking those words out. And for those of you who have a prayer language, start speaking in it now, in Jesus’ name, praying for the people listening.

Whether you’re listening to this on the day it was released or five years from the day it was released, you’re praying into more people to receive this promised gift. So, if you’re listening to this, say Jesus, will you fill me and baptize me with your Holy Spirit? Jesus, will you fill me in Jesus’ name? Thank you for the gift. Thank you for the gift of tongues. Will you give me the gift of tongues? It’s promised to me. The baptism of the Spirit is promised to me. It’s in your word and it is your will that I receive the baptism of the Spirit. So I receive this promised gift in Jesus’ name.

While you’re praying that maybe words you don’t know, you don’t understand, popped in your mind or you heard something in the Spirit, start speaking that out in Jesus’ name, repeating those words and phrases over and over again in that language you do not know, you do not understand. In Jesus’ name. Even now, as I’m praying this, I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit For those of you who have got Silenced Tums in Jesus’ name. We call those forth, speaking it again in Jesus’ name. There it goes. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you for your flows. We love you, jesus. We love you, lord, god. We lift your name on high, jesus, you alone are to be praised and glorified. You alone we worship. We worship and adore you. We love you, lord. We draw near to you by faith.

Thank you for what you’re doing here and now. Thank you that you’re touching people’s lives and you’re filling them with your Spirit. Thank you for being the baptizer with the Holy Spirit and Jesus mighty name. Now ask Jesus for more. Ask Jesus for more. Fill you up more. Give Him. Oh, jesus, we love you, lord, god. Ask Jesus for more. He’s filling you from head to toe. Oh, thank you, lord. Speak that out loud enough for you to hear as you worship and praise God. The Holy Spirit is touching you. People are laughing, people are crying, people are shaking as the Spirit is touching them. People are speaking in tongues right now, for the glory of God, as Jesus baptizes them. Thank you, lord.

You are to be glorified. You are the owner to be worshiped. We thank you for the mighty work that you’re doing in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I don’t want to you know, the Holy Spirit is going to keep moving with us. 30 seconds, 3 minutes, 30 minutes, 3 days. Don’t put out in a box. Jesus is filling you. Jesus is filling you, man. This was an amazing time, Jamie, on your podcast. Thank you for the honor and the pleasure to share my heart message.

1:12:41 – Jaime Luce
Now, absolutely, we have received this gift in earthen vessels and each of our earthen vessels is different and it doesn’t matter if we’re.

I heard one minister say, yeah, we’re just a bunch of cracked pots. But regardless of this, whatever this vessel is, the beauty is that we have Christ and with His power, his ability, he uses this cracked pot. He uses this mess that you know. Whether we’ve gone through trauma and PTSD and sickness and disease and torn apart families and lives, the Holy Spirit is there, willing to bind us up, fill us with His glory and use us for His purposes. And so he’s given us such a privilege to carry, when you think about it, we have the privilege of carrying the Spirit of God to a lost and dark, broken world, and it starts with us. It starts with us being willing. He’ll touch us, fill us and then empower us to be able to take that and share that message.

So thank you so much for writing the book, jared, for being willing today to minister to people. If you received the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit today, please contact this ministry. Do both contact both of us, jared. How can we get in touch with you? People want to get ahold of you and let you know, or want to just be in touch with your resources, get ahold of the book, all of that.

1:14:23 – Jared Laskey
Well, they could get the book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or other places as well, but Amazon and Barnes and Noble whether it’s their regional Amazon store around the world, they had some copies bought from Australia on Amazon. That’s pretty exciting. So, amazon, barnes and Noble, they could go to my website, firebornministriescom. But I really want to encourage people email me directly, jared, at firebornministriescom, share your testimony, share what God did in you, but also share this episode, this podcast with Jamie Luce, and subscribe to this podcast. Jamie Luce’s podcast. Guys, it’s powerful.

1:15:02 – Jaime Luce
And go to Jared’s as well. Adventures in the Spirit. You can find that too. Well, thank you so much for joining me today, jared. It’s been a true pleasure and we’ll do it again sometime.

Well, I know there’s more that we could talk about, and the Holy Spirit is endless the things that we could discuss about that, but thank you so much for joining us and everybody. If you would do me a favor, I really this is important. One of the ways that you help us get the gospel out, like Jared said, is to actually share these episodes with people, get the message out. You may feel like you’re ill-equipped to teach something about it. You know it’s real, you’ve experienced it, but you don’t know how to articulate. That’s not the way that you feel like you’re called to do, but you can share an episode and you can say this is how.

Watch this, get ahold of this book and be those who are still willing to be the conduit, to be the vessel that God uses to share the message. If this has ministered to you, you have the ability to minister to others and do the exact same and give them the opportunity to receive this gift that God has provided for us through Jesus the gift of the Holy Spirit, so like and share, and make sure that this is a message that you carry with you. Remember to pray in this every day. Value the gift that God has given you, and you’ll see the evidence and the outflowing of what that produces in your life. Thanks so much for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure to be with you. We’ll see you next time, bye, bye.