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About The Episode:
Join me on this spiritual journey as we explore the importance of living by the Spirit, fulfilling righteousness, and truly embodying the principles of discipleship. We discuss how a shift in perspective and a surrendered will can usher in positive changes and help us uncover hidden treasures within ourselves. With references to the teachings of Jesus and John, we shed light on the significance of decreasing our worldly desires to make room for more of Jesus as well as living in alignment with God’s purpose, regardless of the discomfort or challenges it might entail. Discover how to lead a fulfilling and purposeful spiritual life on this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast.
- Biblical study into the stories of Jesus and John
- Why childlike faith is vital in our relationship with God
- How to be intentional in your spiritual journey
- Why hardships are part of God’s divine plan for us
(0:00:00) – Living by the Spirit (9 Minutes)
This chapter explores the importance of living by the Spirit and the responsibility of true discipleship. We discuss the significance of having a surrendered will and gaining a new perspective to bring positive changes into our lives. Using the analogy of a diamond, we uncover how looking at things differently can lead to discovering hidden treasures. Additionally, we emphasize the need to be actively engaged in our Father’s business, following the example of Jesus, in order to experience a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
(0:09:01) – Fulfilling Righteousness and Doing God’s Will’ or ‘Importance of Doing God’s (15 Minutes)
This chapter explores the importance of fulfilling righteousness and living a repented life. We discuss John’s statement about increasing and decreasing, emphasizing the need for more of Jesus and less of ourselves. We also delve into Jesus’ words in John 4:3, where he states that he must go through Samaria, despite the Jews’ aversion to the Samaritans. This leads to a deeper discussion on the significance of fulfilling righteousness and living according to Jesus’ words, which have judgment attached to them. We challenge listeners to examine if they truly believe and live out the Christian life.
(0:24:05) – Childlike Faith and Walking With Spirit (8 Minutes)
This chapter explores the topic of living by the spirit and walking in step with God. We discuss how Jesus teaches us to have childlike faith and to humble ourselves in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. We also explore the importance of living by the spirit and keeping in step with God’s will, using the example of military marching to illustrate the need for focus and intention in our spiritual walk. We emphasize the urgency of following the spirit’s leading in these times and recommend the book “You Don’t Need Money, You Just Need God” as a practical guide for experiencing miraculous provision.
(0:31:37) – Surrendering to God’s Will and Plan (4 Minutes)
This chapter explores God’s commandments and requests for our lives, emphasizing the importance of aligning our actions, attitudes, and emotions with His ways. The hosts highlight the significance of self-examination and humility in following God’s will. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on moments when the Holy Spirit has interrupted their plans or desires, recognizing this as a sign of God’s love and His better understanding of what is good for us. The chapter concludes with a reminder that God knows our true needs, even when they differ from our wants.
(0:35:51) – The Importance of Going Through Challenges (19 Minutes)
This chapter explores the importance of following God’s will and purpose for our lives. We begin by reflecting on the significance of humbling ourselves and submitting to God’s authority. We then delve into the seriousness of our walk with the Lord and the need to heed His warnings. Using the example of Jesus going through Samaria, we discuss the idea of going through difficult situations for God’s glory. Reading from John 4, we see how Jesus had to go through Samaria and how sometimes we too must go through things for God’s purpose. To illustrate this, we share a powerful story of a woman who battled cancer for two years, ultimately bringing glory to God. This chapter emphasizes the importance of following God’s will and purpose, even when it may be challenging or uncomfortable.




Get a free chapter from my new book!
I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”
Full Transcript
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00:00 – Jaime Luce (Host)
If we live by the Spirit. That word live, I likened it to say. It also is like saying if I have my life by the Spirit, okay, if I’m getting my life and my instruction by the Spirit, it means having a physical life. That it means having physical life yes to live, but it now means that you have it spiritually as opposed to death. So it can mean also living, being alive, not dead. In the simplest form I’m alive, I’m not dead. It can also mean, in the spiritual though, a living soul versus one that is eternally dead and cut off from God. Welcome to the Jamie Luce Podcast. Thank you for joining me today and tuning in and spending a little bit of time in the word with me today.
I have an important topic to talk to you today about. We have been really kind of hitting the subject of the Holy Spirit from different angles, and I’m wanting to give you the fullest picture that I can of not just the value of the Holy Spirit in our life and how it needs to impact us, but also that you can see it maybe from new perspectives, that you haven’t seen this before, because the Holy Spirit needs to be the driver in our life, he needs to be like Jesus and I don’t have this particular scripture in my notes today, but how the Holy Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness. And in that process, in that obedience, in that submission into the hard place, into the wilderness, it is by that leading that caused him to come out with power and authority and full of the Holy Spirit, able to do the miraculous. While in this flesh body we know he was God, but he was also man, that he stayed connected, in relationship with the Father but at the same time he was a human who was feeling what we felt. I heard a beautiful message this past Sunday at my church and Pastor Javon Ruff was speaking about how the Holy Spirit well, how God, speaks to us in different aspects and what that means to our life and how we and in fact I’m gonna say something that he said in a little bit but it is that relationship and that knowledge of what God is expecting of us. That is the thing that enables us to do what he’s calling us to do. It is that connection and we need to be about our Father’s business, as Jesus was, and so many times we just get so lost in the busyness of our earthly lives.
And what I was going to say that I didn’t say yet was what Pastor Javon Ruff mentioned was that God, jesus in heaven, was the one who never knew what it was to be tired. He never knew what it was to hunger, to get thirsty, and yet we see so many times in the word how he was afflicted in his flesh and touched, as the scripture says, in every point that we are touched. He understands what it is for us to navigate this life by having to do it in a flesh suit, and that is really what I want to hone in on today. So, if you will get out, I gave well, get your Bibles, get your notepads, get your pencils and papers, maybe get a cup of coffee. But I have a couple headings that I titled this with.
There were so many things that I could have called it. One was the responsibility of true discipleship, another was do what needs to be done, and still another was we need to this year. What do we need to do this year? And that is, to what did I write there? Oh, I laugh at myself. Sorry, I had to read my own writing. We have to live. What do we have to do this year? We have to live a surrendered will. A surrendered will and that looks like different things to different people at different times, and so let’s just start by going over several pieces of scripture that show us from Jesus’s perspective.
If Jesus is the one that we follow, if Jesus is the one that we say yes to, and that we are going to be his disciple this 2024, this new year we need to be, if you want a different life this year, you have to do things differently. You can’t continue to do the same things you’ve always done, and sometimes we don’t know what those things are that need to change. Sometimes it’s a matter of having our eyes open to new perspective, to see things differently. It’s getting a vision, and you can’t sometimes get a vision while you continue to look exactly the same way you looked before. I’ve used this analogy many times before because I think it’s such a great one. But if you look at a diamond, depending on how you look at it and how the light hits that diamond, you will see sparkles and colors and things every turn that are different. It’s like looking through a little kaleidoscope. As kids, I used to love that Looking through those little kaleidoscopes, and as you twisted it and the light changed and the colors would change and the shapes would change and you can see things you couldn’t see before. It doesn’t mean that what you’re looking at has changed. It’s just the way you’re seeing it is changed, and that changes everything, because that opens doors.
That’s the brainstorming that happens in business conference rooms and how do we see this differently? How do we use this product differently? What are we missing? That’s right here in front of us, and it takes really making the decision to find the gold, so to speak, amongst the what do they call that? The sediment. If you’ve ever, as a kid or your child, went on those field trips where they would mine for gold, you’re looking for this precious amongst the mess and trying to sift through it to find what is precious, what is valuable, and we have to do that. Sometimes our lives are in circumstances that we just think this is a mess and I don’t know what to do with it and I don’t think there’s any good here, and so we have to kind of go through that sifting process. We have to understand that there’s a way to dig through and see things that are hidden there. They’re there, we just aren’t seeing them clearly.
So I wanna give us a bunch of scripture, because if we do, oh here I go again. Forgot to set my timer, so pardon me as I do that, so I don’t get going too long, if you will turn in your Bibles to Matthew three and we’re gonna read verses three to 15. And I’ve got, like I said, I’m gonna give you a lot of scripture today because I want you to see the same principle in action over and over again. The scripture says then Jesus came to Galilee, to the Jordan, to John, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying I need to be baptized by you and do you come to me? But Jesus answered him. Let it be so now, for this is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. There are several words in there, key things that if we, sometimes we can rush through a scripture and just miss the beauty of what’s being said there, and there’s so many things here. But John is saying to Jesus I need to be baptized by you. So John knows in his heart his need is I need Jesus.
What did John say in another portion of scripture? He said he must increase and I must decrease. We have to get that percentage and weight and balance correct. We need more of Jesus, less of us, and that’s really the process that we’re all in, as we are going from glory to glory. But then Jesus said that no, let it be so, for this is fitting for us. This is a necessary thing to fulfill all righteousness. Now, I spoke in our last episode about righteousness, but to do what’s right, jesus is saying I need to do this because this is right, this fulfills righteousness.
There are things that God will call us to do that seem backward, they don’t seem right, and I might be jumping ahead of myself a little bit, but sometimes you need to do things by the leading of the Holy Spirit and it seems backwards, like why am I needing to do this? You should be doing this, or vice versa. And when you look at it that way, you could stop short of fulfilling righteousness, doing what’s fitting. And I’m putting out a challenge today. This is going to challenge some people.
Because we have strong wills, we are. We like to look down on in the Old Testament, we like to look down on the children of Israel and say like well, good grief, I would have more faith than that. We wouldn’t. Folks. We are a stiff necked people and we can be so stubborn in what we think, in our own wills and in our old nature, our old man, that we are not willing to fulfill all righteousness all righteousness Some things need to be because they fulfill righteousness. Are we looking to do that with our life? Or are we just looking at Jesus as the get out of jail free card and we think that, as long as I say I believe in Jesus and I go to church sometimes, and every once in a while I read my Bible and, yeah, I’ve prayed before that we think we’re getting to heaven? Folks, we are to live a repented life. We are supposed to die to our old nature, our old man, and we are to live according to the new nature of Jesus Christ in us resurrected life from the dead. That’s a whole different life. That’s a whole different way to live. And until we get to that place, folks, if we’re still living in our old nature, what makes us think we’re converted?
I’ve said this a million times before and it bears repeating again Just because I think I believe something doesn’t mean I actually believe it, because if I actually believe it, I’ll do it. This is maturity, this is growth. Am I really living the Christian life. Do I really believe what the word says? Anyway, let’s go on to John 4-3. This is really a key verse for me today, john 4-3. And I think I’m probably reading verses one to three. Anyway, john 4-3 is the key verse.
Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though Jesus himself did not baptize but his disciples he left Judea and departed again to Galilee, but he needed to go through Samaria. He needed to go through Samaria. Again, we’re seeing a process. We’re seeing the same thing happen in Matthew 3-13 to 15. Jesus is saying no, I need to be baptized by you, john, because this fulfills righteousness. And here in John, we’re seeing Jesus say the same thing I need to go through Samaria. And I’m going to read it later, but I love the old King James. And it says it must needs be that I go through. It must need. I must do this, I need to do this. I have to go through Samaria Now. Again, the Jews had nothing to do with Samaria at this time.
The Samaritans they would go to all lengths, they would do whatever they could to avoid going through Samaria. Because of the way that they saw the Samaritans. They felt that they were not you know this is a horrible term but they thought they were half-breeds and that they didn’t follow the way that they should follow, the directions on serving the Lord and where to serve the Lord and offer sacrifice, and there’s a whole lot there. But there was a reason. They didn’t go through and they did. It was just easier to just not deal with them. They didn’t wanna go through, they didn’t wanna be with those people, they didn’t wanna do that stuff, they didn’t wanna go through that place. And how many times is that us? But I don’t wanna do that, I don’t wanna go there, I don’t want to deal with that, I don’t wanna have to go through that, I don’t wanna have to put myself through that, I don’t wanna deal with it.
Now, at the holiday season, maybe there’s places you’ve got to go and do things you don’t want to do. But Jesus is saying but I need to, I need to. Now, why does he need to? Let’s look at several more verses, because we know that story and I’m going to read it again later and I’ll read it in its entire. Well, not in its entirety, but I’ll read you more of the story. But Jesus is saying each time we read in Matthew and here in John, that he needed to do this. So let’s dig a little bit further. Let’s go to John, chapter 13, and we’re going to read verses 48 to 50.
The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge. The word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. So this is pretty serious. We’re getting into really serious stuff. Jesus is saying that I’m speaking something and what I’m speaking? The word that I have my words, jesus’s words, judge. They have judgment attached to them, meaning if I live by them, I get the right judgments that come from that. When I don’t live from his word, I have judgments against me for not living according to that word. Okay, so let me read that again. The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge. The word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. None of us knows our last day. None of us knows our last day. None of us knows our last day, for I have not.
Here’s the key. I have not spoken on my own authority, but the father who sent me has himself given me a commandment. Jesus is saying the father has commanded me what to say and what to speak, and I know his commandment is eternal life. Here’s another beautiful gem. Jesus is saying I know that whatever God commands me to do is eternal life. Those words that he has spoken to me in command, the things he is commanding me to do and say, have eternal life connected to them. So there’s this judge, who’s either is going to judge me. Those words that are not his authority but are coming from God, the father, those commandments, those words that he’s speaking, have judgment attached to them and they have eternal judgment attached to them. They are eternally for life for me when I obey them, or eternally death for me if I don’t obey those. Jesus is telling us the value and the weight and the extreme measure of his words.
Let’s continue what I say. Therefore, I say as the father has told me. So Jesus is saying I’m not just saying this on my own accord, I’m telling you what the father has said. Okay, now let’s go to John, chapter five. We’re going to read verses 19 and 20 and I’m going to read the first half of 20. So Jesus said to them, truly, truly, I say to you the son can do nothing of his own accord. That word accord means to do it, separate from or apart from, so he can do nothing apart from or separate from God, the father. Okay, he’s saying I do nothing of my own accord, but only what he sees the father doing, for whatever the father does, that the son does likewise, for the father loves the son and shows him all that he himself is doing. So we saw that Jesus was saying okay, I’m saying what my father says. And here Jesus is saying I do what my father is doing. In fact he says I do nothing, that he’s not doing. Everything that Jesus did was done under the word that was spoken to him and the command that was given him by the father. Whatever he saw the father doing, the life the father was giving, that eternal life of those words, he saw what the father was doing and that is what he mimicked. That’s what he did.
And if we jump down to verse that was verses 19 and 20, let’s go to verse 30, john 5, 30. I can do nothing on my own, as I hear. Okay, as I hear, I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me. So what is Jesus saying? It goes back to that judgment that his words judge. Jesus is saying I can’t do anything on my own. Let me just stop right there for a minute. If we look at our own life and folks, I’m talking to me too. I’m not just talking to you, I’m talking to me.
The Holy Spirit convicts our hearts, he convicts our minds, he convicts us when we speak. He convicts us in the actions that we take. He is saying do you look like me? Are you trying, are you endeavoring, to live a life that looks like me, that I do what the father’s doing, that I’ve made it my purpose and my mission, no matter what your calling is, if that’s in the marketplace, if that’s at home with your children, if that’s in your relationships, in your marriage, in your friendships, in your ministries, are you endeavoring to do it exactly like the father? Are you endeavoring to say only what he says? Or do we fall into the trap of thinking that we’re kind of smart in some things and we just say some things and we think we know better? We’ve got strong wills and we’ve got strong ideas and strong impulses and do we just give in to those and give in to the flesh, instead of waiting and saying Father, what do you say, father? What are you doing here? What are you wanting to accomplish? How can I do it? Not only how can I partner with you, how can I do it just like you? That is the fruit of the spirit, right, if I’m doing it in the way that God would do it.
I wrote down this as an example and I think this is easy for us to get the picture of it, to know and to understand what I’m saying. Have you ever watched a child mimic their father or their mother? Especially, I got the picture of a little boy who puts on his dad’s big shoes and he’s trying to walk in his dad’s shoes, and I’ve watched as children will not only try to walk in their father’s shoes, but then they repeat what they hear their father say and they even try to repeat it in the same tones and the same way that they do it. My granddaughter does this with my daughter all the time. My daughter will say something and she’ll say it in a dramatic voice and undo it to be funny, and my granddaughter will completely mimic her with her body motions, with her inflections and her tones and how loud she does it. I mean, she tries to do it just like her, she’s mimicking just like her.
And folks, doesn’t? Jesus say? In fact, let’s read it. Okay, let’s go to Matthew 18, verses one to four. At that time, the disciples came to Jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And, calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. What is Jesus saying? What is childlike faith, unless you’re willing to be like a child who doesn’t try to use their will to be in control? Who isn’t the one who rebels? Who isn’t the one? A child, not even a teenager, a child, someone who listens to the instructions of their father and tries to do it just like they’re being taught, just like it. Let’s go to Galatians five and I’m gonna read verse 24 and 25. And we touched on this last week. This is kind of a segue. And part two. It says and those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the spirit, let us also keep in step with the spirit, if we live by the spirit. That word live, I likened it to say. It also is like saying if I have my life by the spirit, okay, if I’m getting my life and my instruction by the spirit. It means having a physical life. It means having physical life yes, to live, but it now means that you have it spiritually as opposed to death. So it can mean also living, being alive, not dead. In the simplest form, I’m alive, I’m not dead. It can also mean, in the spiritual though, a living soul versus one that is eternally dead and cut off from God, our spiritual life being alive or being dead, our soul coming to life and not in that. We’re born and our spirits are dead. To Christ, they have to be born again so that we are born to life.
So that word, if we live by the spirit, is actually talking about both. I’m alive, I have my life by the spirit. Now I am truly alive. The father intricately made me, gave me physical life. He’s the one who birthed me. At the same time, it means I have come to live by the spirit. I am now alive to God. My spirit man, my soul, has come alive in God. It’s the thing on which life depends true life. So he’s saying if you want eternal true life, real life, abundant life, life that is truly living, truly living and not dead, then I have to keep in step with the spirit. So if we live by the spirit, let us also keep in step by the spirit, or with the spirit.
So if you’ve ever tried to walk in step or maybe you could see this with a picture of military marching they have to march in step. Everything is in step. They stay in sync. They don’t take one step out. You stay in perfect time. Yes, this is hard. Yes, it is something you do on purpose. It is something that you do with intention. This is not something you can do laxadaisically. You can’t do this when you’re in the mood and when you’re not in the mood. This is something that you endeavor to make your life about. Folks, if we are going to see Jesus soon and I believe we are that we have got to be those who are walking in step by the spirit of God, knowing and making the most of the time that we have left. And that takes focus and clarity and that takes determination and purposeful intention. With every step, with every step. We follow the spirit’s leading, like Jesus, the commandments where to go, what to do. We follow the spirit’s leading, his speaking, his seeing, his judgments, his hearing, his actions to walk in step or in accordance, by means, to walk in a way that agrees with or follows the example of in all things pertaining to the will.
Hi, my name is Jamie Luce. I wanted to share with you some information about a brand new book entitled you Don’t Need Money, you Just Need God. It’s a playbook for miraculous provision, and I want to share it with you because it solves the problem we are all facing right now. The economy is going crazy, gas prices are soaring, there’s wars and rumors of wars. We’ve got everything hitting us all at once, with interest rates rising. You need to know what to do, and so many times we think we need the money, but you don’t need money. I’m telling you the answer is you need God, and that’s exactly what we want to teach you through this book. We’ll give you practical ways to know what to do and how to do it, so that you get answers now. You can find my book on Amazon. You can also go to jamieloosecom. You can also find this book at youdon’tneedmoneyyoujustneedgodcom. This book is available today. I’m going to read that again. This is important that you get this To walk in step or in accordance, by means to walk in a way that agrees with or follows the example of in all things pertaining to the will, we all have a will, such as commandments, requests.
This is from God, by the Holy Spirit, his commandments for our life, specific commandments Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that. Requests that he makes of you. Has the Lord ever made a request of you? Manners, your mannerisms, your ways are they the bearing of the fruit of the spirit? Your ways of doing things, your conduct, your attitudes, your emotions, folks, all of these things are the will. You have a will and control over all of these things. We like to just say I lost control, I couldn’t help myself. Yes, you could. That’s a decision. Yes, you could, yes, you can.
And part of our humility as a child, in laying our life down, is that we actually humble ourselves to the point that we say I will not use my own will and my own attitudes and my old flesh man. I won’t use them. I will mimic and do what I see and hear my father saying and doing. I’ll make the judgments that he makes. Are you judging somebody? Are you angry? Are you not forgiving somebody because you’ve made a judgment against them? Have you prejudged somebody and you don’t really know and you don’t even understand their why? You don’t have any compassion or mercy on understanding where they’re coming from. In that judgment, are we judging wrong? Are we judging by our will and our flesh and our emotions, how we feel, how we see in our own flesh, man, or are we doing it by the spirit of God? Are we judging according to God’s judgments? It takes a lot of self-examination, folks. It takes humility. It really takes deciding that you’re going to humble yourself under God’s word, under his hand, under his authority, and examine ourselves.
Do you want a different new year? Do you want a new life? Do you want things different? I’m telling you the way is the way of the cross, it is the way of sacrifice and saying I humble myself. I come to you as a child saying I don’t know what’s best, but, father, you do. I want to do it like you. I want to be like you. I want to. When people see me, I want them to see you.
Has the Holy Spirit ever asked you to do something you don’t want to do. Maybe he’s interrupted your plans, your ideas or your intentions? Think about that. Has God ever asked you? Has he ever interrupted you? Has he ever said wait a minute? I know you want to do that. I know those are the plans you’ve made. Those aren’t the plans I have for you. I have other plans for you.
Folks, we’ve all been here, we’ve all had severity of the Holy Spirit speak to us in very serious terms, but you have to understand that those terms are because he loves you. He has a wonderful, good plan for your life. He knows better what’s good for you than you do. I know we, in our arrogance, think we know what’s best for us. What we really know is what we want, and what we want generally is to satisfy our will, our flesh, we like to coddle our flesh, but God knows what you need.
Do you need to go through Samaria? Do you need to humble yourself and get baptized under somebody else when everyone knows on the outside that you should be baptizing them? Do you have to submit yourself under somebody else’s authority when you don’t want to or when you think it’s backwards? I should be doing this by now and I’m having to do that? Is God calling you to serve under somebody instead of serve over somebody? Oh ouch, we need to think about it, folks. What is God saying is good? What is God saying you need to do? Has God ever said to you stop doing that, I don’t want you doing that anymore. Stop going there, stop hanging out with those people, stop talking to yourself that way, quit being negative. Have you ever heard God say stop talking to yourself that way. Or stop talking to others that way? Have you ever heard Him say stop repeating those same behaviors. You know that’s not what I have for you. Or start doing this. Why are you not doing what I’ve asked you to do? He does do this with us.
Folks, I know this is really serious, but we should take our life following the Lord very seriously. Trust me, it’s full of love and laughter and joy. It’s full of fun, and you’ll have experiences you’ve never experienced before that bring you such deep joy. But that comes, and that is birthed from being serious about this walk with the Lord. The deeper you take this walk with the Lord, the deeper you will feel joy and contentment and be able to lay hold of the things that deeply satisfy. If you want joy back. You’ve got to get so serious with the Lord again. It’s time to stop playing around. It’s time to stop satisfying self and start living to satisfy Him again.
Has the Holy Spirit ever warned you? Oh, that’s a serious one. He’s warned us because he knows there’s consequences and he may have allowed you not to pay those consequences to this point. But if you do it one more time, if you disobey and don’t heed the warning one more time, what’s on the other side of that, oh, child of God, he wants to give you life, not death, true living, not just going through the motions, true life, heaven, not hell. It takes us heeding those words, heeding God’s judgments, heeding His warnings. Does your walk, your choices, your desires agree with God and who God is and what he says and that it’s right? Does your life agree with that? Do people see Jesus in you and in the way you live, or do they see you and your old nature? Do they see the old man coming up and the old man who was dead in his trespasses? What do people see? Who do they see? Who are they hearing when they hear you talk? Think about it Really. Do the self-assessment. Let the power and the authority and the anointing of the Holy Spirit speak to you today.
I mentioned this before John 4, 1-10, and I think the Old Testament I mean the Old King James, sorry says it really best he must needs go through Samaria. In fact I forgot to grab my printout, but let me see if I can pull it up real quick on my phone because, my well, there’s part of it. Let’s see if this will pull up the whole thing. Here it is. When, therefore, the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though Jesus himself baptized, not but his disciples he left Judea and departed again into Galilee, and he must needs go through Samaria. This was what our pastor had preached this Sunday, pastor Javan, and it said that he must go through.
Sometimes you have to go through a thing. Sometimes you don’t get to go around it, and it’s God’s will and purpose for your life and it’s not just about you, it’s about the others that you will touch. Going through sometimes is the only way. I know that’s hard. I know so many times we don’t want to go through. We don’t want to have to go through that, but sometimes it is the way. Jesus is the way and Jesus had to go through. Jesus went to the cross to go through for us. Oh, I feel the weight of that. Sometimes, folks, it is that decision that says, okay, I lay my will down. We have our Gethsemane moment and we lay our will down and we say, not my will but yours be done, and I will go through this, lord, and I will do it for your glory.
I have some friends that recently the wife of this couple, the daughter of my friend who is in her 40s, has passed away due to cancer. And this was really. It was a long battle. She was in tremendous pain, a two-year battle. They were pastors and in the hospital room a day or two before she passed, she said to her mother it’s okay, mom, it’s okay. And she shot her hands up in the air and said for his glory, for his glory, she went through, her families going through. We have no idea how many will be touched like the Samaritan woman because we decide to listen and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to go through.
Let me finish reading this. I’ll pick it up, verse five then cometh he to a city of Samaria which is called Sakaar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph Joseph, by the way, went through. Jacob had to go through. He had to meet Esau. He had to wrestle with God. Each of us has to go through. Now Jacob’s well, was there? Jesus, therefore, being wearied with his journey, he was tired, worn out, sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour.
Then comes a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said unto her give me a drink. And here comes the backwards part again, where it’s flipped around the baptism of John and Jesus. Backwards, jesus says to this woman give me a drink, for his disciples were gone away into the city to buy meat. Then says the woman of Samaria unto him how is it that thou, being a Jew, asks me of drink, which I’m a woman of Samaria, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. How is this happening? This is backwards.
Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that says to thee give me to drink, you would have asked of him and he would have given thee living water. How is it that you ask of me If you knew the gift of God, folks, sometimes the gift that you’re looking to receive and that you desperately need is because you go through. The going through will produce the answer and the gift that you need. This Samaritan woman. Without going into her story, which you could read, she needed Jesus to come through for her. He went through for her sake and you might be going through something right now, and it’s for your family’s sake, it’s for the ones you love. For their sake, we go through, folks, we are overcomers. By the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We overcome these things because we do go through by the power of the Holy Spirit, by following his leading, step by step.
On my own personal note, I had been praying about something and wanting to know Lord, how do I go through this circumstance? How do I go through? What’s the right way to think? What’s the right thing to pray? We pray by the Spirit because we don’t know what we should pray, as we ought. So we pray according to the Spirit, who knows and searches the deep things of God and brings them to us and helps us to know, and that he intercedes on our behalf. And in my asking and asking and asking and prayer after prayer.
After prayer, he used the most silly thing. I watched a commercial and after watching the commercial I broke down and cried because the Holy Spirit had just spoken to me through that silly thing how I was to see. He had to change the way I saw. I was seeing through my flesh, I was seeing from my, my old nature. I was seeing from my own emotions, my own perspective, and he had to focus my kaleidoscope and say, jamie, this is how I want you to see this. And when I saw it, oh, it took the darkness and the light came on. I could see, I could see how I should see. I could see from his perspective I should. I could see how I was to pray. I could see how I was to have compassion. I could see what I couldn’t see. And even though my circumstance hadn’t changed, I had life come in my heart because I understood.
Sometimes God will give us what we need to know and answer those questions for us so that we are able to go through. Sometimes he doesn’t tell us. And let me encourage you, because if he’s not telling you, then maybe what is actually needed, that you need to go this way, is because you haven’t learned to trust him yet, you haven’t learned how to be his disciple in that you haven’t trusted him yet, you haven’t learned that he’s faithful and trustworthy and he’s forcing you by taking you through that. You have no other thing to lay hold of, nothing else to put your trust in, but to trust that he is simply with you. God, emmanuel among us, he’s with us, he doesn’t leave us or forsake us, and that he sees you through.
The three Hebrew boys had to go through the fire. Daniel had to go in to a lion’s den, having done everything right, everything according to God’s commands, everything the way that God would have him do it. So much so that the angel told Daniel three times oh, daniel, who was highly loved, you are beloved. Oh, to hear God say you are so loved, and he does, but he’s teaching you to trust him. Oh, child of God, come to him as a child today. Come to him in childlike faith, trusting that your father takes care of everything. A child doesn’t question where his food is coming from. A child doesn’t question how the bills get paid, that there’s a roof over their head, that they have clothes on their back, that their needs are met. They don’t eat. They don’t question that their father will protect them and take care of them. They just trust their father.
And you might be going through right now because the Lord is saying to you I need you to trust in me, because if you learn to trust me, you’ll finally have the peace you’re looking for, you’ll finally be satisfied, you’ll finally have the light come on in your darkness, you’ll finally break free of that torment. Trust me, do what I’m telling you to do and you’ll find freedom. Wow, I just I feel the anointing so strong today. He has your answer, he has your deliverance, he has your life, but you need to do it by the leading of the Holy Spirit. You need to go through, you need to do it the way he does it.
Let me pray for you today, father, for those who are battling the going through, for those in darkness today, for those who are dealing with the flesh and the strength of the flesh. Oh, father, we just humble ourselves before you today and say how we need you, how we need your word, how we need to see what you’re doing, how we need to say what we hear you saying, how we need to judge according to your judgments, how we need to walk after the flesh in newness of life and not after death and the old man. Father, we ask for a special touch of your Holy Spirit. You said that we can do things by your grace, that your grace is sufficient. We ask for a precious overcoming of your grace on each one today who is listening, and that they will feel the empowerment of the Holy Spirit today to do what you’ve called them to do, to go through and to receive peace and breakthrough and answers and joy and and joy and satisfaction and true life for freedom. Father, all that they have need of is found in you, for you are the answer. We ask all of these things in Jesus’ name today. Amen, amen. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to listen today.
I pray, if this was a blessing to you, that you would share this with those that you know, share it on social media, maybe send it in an email to someone who needs encouragement and someone who’s trying to navigate this life and share the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ. I encourage you. If you haven’t done so already, you would do me a great service and a help if you would subscribe and like this episode and share it with as many as you can. I’d love to hear from you if you’d like to send me email or correspond on YouTube, you could do that, but my mail is Jamie Loos, or mail at jamelouscom and that’s J-A-I-M-E-L-U-C-E. You can also visit my website, jamelouscom. I have blogs there. You can access social media there. Anything that I’ve got going on you can see there. My book is available there.
You don’t need money, you just need God. If you’re struggling in finance today and you want some help and leading of the Holy Spirit, that’s what that book is about Having breakthrough and watching God do the supernatural. We subtitled the book. You don’t need money, you just need God. But it’s a playbook from miraculous provisions. If you’re in that place of need, you might want to get ahold of that today. You could do that there or on Amazon. It was my pleasure to be with you today. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year and hope that you will endeavor to make 2024 truly a year that glorifies the Lord and brings you the breakthrough. Thanks again for joining me. We’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.