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About the episode:
Seasons of struggle can last years, and it can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But do not give in to the weight of today’s burden! God equipped you with the answers to your hardship! He has your miracle available on the other side of your obedience. In this episode, we will continue with the story of Elijah and how he stepped out according to God’s will and witnessed HIS miraculous power in a mighty way. We will also discuss why taking an uncomfortable leap of faith brings us what we need and allows us to witness God do the impossible. Remember, all is possible through HIM.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- A deep biblical dive into the story of Elijah
- How to step out in faith during hardships
- Why staying in God’s presence is essential to receiving your miracle
- How to allow God to move to obtain your victory
About the host:
Jaime Luce’ story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way. Learn more.
Related reading:
- How To Heal Through Responsibility and Faith
- How To Use Your Kingdom Authority In Prayer
- Plug Into A Warfare Prayer Source
- Have a Different Spirit
- Be A Good Gardner
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I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”
Full Transcript
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Welcome to the Jamie Lewis podcast, I hope you are doing marvelous today. I hope that no matter what is going on in your world that today you are full of faith, and that you’ve come looking for some more faith building messages. And that is my hope today to bring you into a place of faith and encourage strength and endurance to be able to run this race and to run it in victory that you will gain the prize, when we get to the end of this you will, you will be the winner you will be the victor. If you joined me, in our last podcast, we talked about Elijah. And I, I’m going to cover very quickly, a couple of points that we went over in that but this is kind of like point to part two of that message. So if you missed last week, you’re gonna want to go back and listen to that before you move on to this one, or listen to this, but but go back and listen to that they can be listened out of sequence, that’s fine. But I just want to encourage you, I know that we are living in crazy times. And we’re all there. No matter who we are, no matter what our age is no matter stage in life, no matter what country we live in.
We’re all facing some crazy things right now. And I want us to know that it doesn’t matter what is going on around us we serve the God of this universe, who has a good plan for us. And it is his desire and his will to bless us to take us out of whatever trouble we might find ourself in David said that he has delivered me out of them all, every trouble that he ever faced, we are delivered out of them all, God is faithful. And we don’t have to worry that that something we hear bad news of something that’s coming, we don’t have to fear what the world tries to throw and taunt us with or what what we’re being threatened with, that we can know our God is still God, and we serve a miracle working God that all things are possible to them that believe.
So that’s what I want to talk about today, I want to talk about, sorry, my hair’s messing me up there. I want us to talk about what we can expect in this. Now you might listen to this, you know, at some other time and catch this at a different time. But for those who are hearing this message when it’s actually given, I am speaking specifically about the December of 2022. I believe that the message it was it’s not contained by time, the message that God gives us when we hear the now Word of God, it’s now for us. So if you’re hearing this in April of 2023, it won’t matter the word is still for you. But for those of us who are just kind of hearing it in real time, so to speak, I this message God has laid on my heart for the month of December 2022. Because he told me in prayer, that this is a miracle month that December is a miracle month. In fact, again, I’ll share with you exactly what he said to me.
He said December is the month of birth miracles. Now what does that mean, to have a birth miracle. That means you carried something you labored over a miracle you you had a need that you have been labor in with that you have had to carry that has caused change in your life that has caused you know, you used to walk around limber and easy and now it’s heavier and harder to walk and, and you might have been sick with this it. This is something that has that you you. I don’t know how else to describe that if you’re a woman you get what I’m talking about. If you’ve had if you’ve had a child but you carry that child you feel that thing move constantly. It does it you can’t set it down. When you’re tired and you don’t want to carry it. It’s with you, you it’s a part of you. You can’t you can’t lay it aside and you have been carrying this. You have been like a pregnant person you have been carrying this miracle that has not birthed yet but I’m telling you that the Lord told me that December of 2022 is the month of birth miracles. Praise the Lord and it’s a prophetic Christmas that he spoke To my spirit, and so I’m sharing that with you. And if you will lay hold of it, it’s yours to, it’s not just for me, he wasn’t just saying it for me, he told me to share it with you, it’s for you. So regardless of when you’re listening to this, just know this is a word from the Lord for you. It’s not a mistake that you have come on and clicked on to this podcast, this message is for you. The faith part of you is the part of you that says, I am believing that word, and I’m taking that word it is mine. That’s your part. I’m delivering it to you. But it is up to you to lay hold of it and take it so let’s ask the Lord for that right now. Father, I asked for faith to rise in every listeners heart today, that as they hear the words that you have given to me that they will no it is not me the messenger it is you and your word, that you are declaring what you do, you are the same yesterday, today, and forever, you do not change. And we can count on you that you are still a miracle working God and you are working a miracle out on our behalf to take us from this place. Out in victory.
We are coming out of drought in Jesus name, amen. Okay, well, let’s not waste any more time, I want to just quickly go over what we spoke about last week, just for context, we talked about Elijah bursting onto the scene. And when he did, he is bringing the message with him that God has declared there’s going to be a drought for the next several years. And so in we spoke about how God when when there is a message that goes forth, it is imperative that we are those who are listeners for the Word of God, whether it’s a good word, a happy word, an exciting word, or whether it’s a word of warning, and what’s to come. It’s prophetic in its nature regardless, so we need to know it’s coming. This is what the Lord has said has coming. It is a prophetic word. And whether we get excited about that word, or whether we get nervous about that word or not, we need to heed that word, we need to listen to that word. So what does Elijah do? He take, we go through this process with Elijah of being prepared, the word of the Lord comes to you to prepare you. Now it’s not just to prepare you though he prepared Elijah and I won’t reteach that whole thing, though he took him and prepared a miracle for him during this trial. It also is to prepare us so that we can prepare others. Okay, this is a miracle that does not just work for us. It’s a miracle that works for us, but through us for others also.
So we see that this is what happened with the widow woman that Elijah went from one place of provision to the next set of instructions that he had to heat from the Lord, to the next set of instructions. Okay, so there was the preparation. So what we see though, that I want to bring out today is that this word that the Lord had Elijah deliver, he told him to go tell it directly to the king. Now, this is important. When God gives a word, especially if you are a leader. And even if you don’t see yourself as a leader, if you have influence over anybody, anybody, if you have influence, if you have a spouse, if you have children, if you have friends, if you have co workers that you have influence over if you’re a boss, if you are somebody who has influence over a job. If you are in ministry, and you have influence the word of the Lord, we are expected as leaders to get a word from the Lord. And when we hear it, we have to deliver that word. So why does a leader need the word and I think I might have mentioned this in the last podcast. But we have a great example of how this works. Just recently in the United States, we had a hurricane that was coming and it was going to hit Florida. And the governor of Florida is Ron DeSantis. And Ron DeSantis. Not only did he govern well over his state, but the warning went out in plenty of time, especially to any area that they thought would be the worst hit. And they told people make preparations.
This is coming there is a hurricane coming and it’s gonna come strong and loud and roar over our state, but we can be prepared and people listened. People actually had ears to hear and listened and I I mentioned this in the last broadcast, but this is a prophetic word, a series of messages. I feel the Lord has given me to give you for the month of December 2022. But it’s it coupled with the fact that is prophetic. And it’s it’s timely, and we are living in the last days. And in the book of Revelation for the last days, God says, constantly to his church, to the churches, those who have an ear to hear will hear this, you’ve got to have ears to hear, we need to know what God is saying. And we need to hear heed the warnings that he gives us. So Governor Ron DeSantis, DeSantis did that. And he did it so well, he heeded the warnings so well, and so prepared, the way that Elijah understood that if he hated God’s Word, God would set forth all the preparation to make sure he was taken care of. He hated that word and prepared so much so that once that hurricane had moved past their land, they immediately went to work, there was a major bridge, which was the only pathway to get to certain people who lived. And I don’t know if it was the keys. I’m not real familiar enough with Florida to know I’m on the West Coast, not the East Coast. So but it was it that was the only way in or out and those people needed that access road desperately.
And normally in years past in other states, when roads had been out and buildings had been destroyed. It took years of rebuilding years of rebuilding to make it and do you know that Ron DeSantis and his leadership and heating and preparation to what God had told them to do? They reestablished and rebuilt that road and access for those people within weeks, just a few weeks. That’s it. And they had everything they need it every I mean, it’s so much so we normally hear about what’s going on in states that have hurricane damage. And it’s in the news for months and months. Folks, it was in and out of the news almost as quick as the hurricane came in and left. No joke, he took such precaution and did such good work in preparation and sent his crews out there to take care of the needs. What a great governor. And so kudos to Governor Ron DeSantis. But at the same time, these are the instructions that we are to follow because God does this for us. He does. He’s like our governor in that he makes the preparations. And he takes all the necessary means to make sure that we’re cared for if we will follow the instructions we are given. Okay. So God will prepare you it’s the three things he does, I’ll give them to you real quickly. And I’ll just finish touching on it.
But he prepares you. He sustains you. And then he brings you out. So we talked about last week, not just how he prepares you, and that He sustains you. And we spoke about the widow woman that she in obedience to the instruction God gave he the promise was that he would sustain So he not only is supernaturally sustained Elijah at the brook, but he takes him to the widow woman and sustains both Elijah and the widow woman during the rest of the drought, with enough food and enough water to sustain their life, if there was always enough, when they dipped into the jar, there was enough, they always had enough, there was no need, they had no lack. And that’s what God will do for you. Even in a time when there is severe famine going on for everybody else. God has a way for you. But you’ve got to have ears to hear. You’ve got to follow the instructions he gives you and He will take care of and sustain you. And so I say all that to bring you to this point today, that God is going to bring you out. And folks when I read this passage of Scripture, literally I was so moved by the Holy Spirit, I felt like I jumped into the book, and I was in the story. And when I heard the words that God spoke, I immediately started crying. But I cried because I heard in my spirit, God is saying it again. And it’s time for us to lay hold of the answer. Your time of drought is coming to an end. This is miracle December.
This is the month of your miracles if you will lay a hold of what God is saying to you. Now that takes effort. Elijah had to pray over the widow son who died and he gave his everything he gave us. He put himself over that child three times crying out to God. It wasn’t like men of faith and women of faith. They don’t just say, Okay, God, thank you. That was the answer on every single thing. Sometimes we do. Sometimes, you know, sometimes we say little prayers, and we’ve just got faith and got answers. But some needs are so big we cry out to God. And sometimes you need to get Shake yourself. And quit thinking that God is you know that you’re going to live off of milk your whole life, and he’s just going to keep dropping milk into your mouth like the mama bird shoving worms down your throat. Sometimes you’ve got to get busy and you’ve got to be the prayer of the fervent prayer, the fervent prayer of a righteous man and a woman it avails much. And sometimes you’ve got to get serious and and get fervent in your prayer, and really go after it. How much energy do you expend? And how much vocal cords do you give to sporting events? And when you when you were doing stuff for, for you, if okay, if you’re a woman, and you have a child that is being picked on, and Mama bear comes roaring out of you how much energy comes out of you? How much fervor comes out of you? How much determination comes out of you, if someone you know is being hurt, and you’re running to the rescue? How much energy do you put into that, and just think about whatever cause whatever stirs you up, whatever stirs you up. To me, this is like, sometimes we just we get lazy and God and He’s saying, I want you to get busy, take this matter to heart, Make this your, your thing. You know, I recently my husband and I went to go hear Jordan Peterson lecture. And he’s getting ready to put out a lecture series with a group of eight other men on the exodus in in the Bible. And so I’m looking forward to actually hearing that.
But one of the things that he spoke about while we were there was when you see a problem, and I’ve said this before, I probably even said it on one of these podcasts. Because I know that I have that. I’ve often heard this said that if you go into a church and you notice something’s lacking, or missing, or something bugs you, that’s probably because that’s the thing God wants you to deal with. You’re the one who sees it. You have the vision, you see it, you notice it. Others obviously don’t. That’s why it’s not being dealt with. Somebody needs to do it. And you see it, it’s probably you. Well, he he totally talked about that. Jordan Peterson talked about that. And he said it this way. He said that when you are faced with something that you struggle with, Now hear me on this, when you struggle with it, it’s your burden. It’s your problem. It’s a problem. But it’s, it’s it’s your problem. That is because it’s your problem. You’re the answer. You’re supposed to struggle with it, and come up with the answer. God has equipped you, you have the answers. The world needs us. He thought the world needs the body of Christ, we are the solution, be the solution, you have the answers. And if you see an issue, then deal with it. It’s time that we deal with it. And I’m getting ahead of myself. That’s another message.
But I just want to encourage you today. Don’t get frustrated that you see the problem. You’re the answer. You’re the answer. Okay, you’re the answer. You are the one who can meet the need. You are the one who has the answers. You have the ability God has gifted you. And just like Elijah, it’s time that we get busy dealing with the problem. He took that dead child, he laid that child out, he got on top of that child three times crying out to God. And that might take it might take effort. It might take more than once and it might take really crying out to God. But that’s what we do. Because God is the answer. And God will answer you just like he answered Elijah. So he prepares us, He sustains us. And today we’re going to really nail and talk about coming out. It’s time to come out. It’s time for the drought to be over. It’s time to birth your miracle if you’ve been laboring or if you have been carrying for a long time. It’s time for the birthing. It’s time to give birth. I have a grandbaby who is literally due in like seven days. And so we are waiting, we are waiting for his arrival. It’s time for a birthing though it’s time to, to put an end to the caring, it’s time to give birth and December I’m going to say it again is miracle. It’s a miracle month, it’s time for your miracle to happen. It’s time to come out of the drought. So let’s look at chapter 18 of First Kings Get your Bibles. This won’t take long But it says, and I’m gonna read it because like I said, and I please do, if you can do it, if you’re not driving, I want you to close your eyes, I want you to put yourself in this picture, okay, I want you to put yourself there has been a drought in the land, there’s no food, which means there’s no water. There’s no, there’s, in fact, King Ahab, the drought was so bad.
I’m gonna read it to you. So let’s, let’s read this. And I want you to hear. I want you to hear this from the heart of Elijah and from the Lord. And I want you to hear it in your spirit. I want you to hear it about your circumstance, okay? Later on in the third year of the drought, and boy that hit my spirit. You can be carrying something for years, you could have been in this mess for years. In the third year of the drought, the Lord said to Elijah, go and present yourself to King Ahab, tell him that I will soon send rain. So Elijah went to appear before Ahab. Meanwhile, the famine had become very severe in Samaria. So Ahab summoned Obadiah. So we know who Obadiah is. He’s he’s one of the Minor Prophets in Scripture, who was in charge of the palace. Obadiah was a devoted follower of the Lord. Once, when Jezebel had tried to kill all the Lord’s profits. Obadiah had hidden 100 of them in two caves. He put 50 profits in each cave and supplied them with food and water. Obadiah I’m taking a little detour here real quickly, give me one second, as I look at this, I’m using my actual Bible today.
Instead of my normal notes that I use, and so I don’t, my fingers don’t flip very quickly. Maybe yours, maybe you’re a fast flipper. I’m not a fast flipper. So I want to see something real quick. And I may give that to you. I may not. Maybe my phone will be faster. Let’s try this. Okay, thank you for bearing with me. Okay, I want to keep reading. Are you ready? Obadiah. So we know Obadiah was not only a believer in the Lord, not only a prophet, a prophet of the Lord, but he was having to serve in a critical position for the palace. He’s in charge of the palace. And he’s actually defying the orders and the desires of Jezebel, the king’s wife. Okay, so you need to know that this is a man of faith. This is a man of great faith, that he is someone who is willing, I was going to try to look up and see if I could read something in Obadiah. But it will take too long to do. But this man is a is a mighty man of God. Okay. He’s also called to serve in the palace. So you can compare yourself so many times to Elijah or not compare yourself to Elijah because you think, okay, he was a prophet of God. And he went around giving these prophetic words and that’s not what I’m called to. But you can be an Obadiah called to work called to serve. You’ve got a position in the government, okay, you’ve got a government job. But you can also still be the voice of the Lord and you can still do the Lord’s work. Being somebody who’s called to the marketplace does not mean that you do not still carry a mantle and anointing to be used of God mightily, even from your position in your job, even though it’d be a secular job working for secular people. It does not disqualify you. Okay. So, let’s look at this. I’m sorry.
Let’s pick up in verse four. Once when Jezebel had tried to kill all the Lord’s prophets, Obadiah had hidden 100 100 of them in two caves. He put 50 prophets in each cave, and supply them with food and water, Ahab said to Obadiah we must check every spring and valley in the land to see if we can find enough grass to save at least some Have my horses and mules, so they just they divided the land between them. Ahab went one way by himself and Obadiah went another way by himself. As Obadiah was walking along, he suddenly saw Elijah coming toward him. Obadiah recognized him at once and bowed low to the ground before him. Is it really you? My lord Elijah? He asked, yes, it is. Elijah replied, now go and tell your master Elijah is here. Now, this little portion is kind of like your bonus for free that I’m gonna give you because this is listen to this, this whole message is about you coming out, and the end and the victory over drought and you getting your miracle. But I want you to be encouraged in this that this man of faith Obadiah who is is a man of faith, who has stood in the face of of Life and Death himself, to save God’s people. And yet he’s in a place of weakness. This drought has gone on so long.
He’s feeling weak in his faith. Listen to this. Oh, sir. Obadiah protested, what harm have I done to you that you are sending me to my death at the hands of Ahab, for I swear by the Lord your God that the king has searched every nation and kingdom on earth from end to end to find you. And each time he has told Elijah is in here, King Ahab forced the king of that nation to swear to the truth of his claim. So he went into other nations folks looking for Elijah. If you listen to last week’s podcast, last episode, you remember that I said, God hides you. Sometimes you need to be hidden. Elijah was hidden so well that for three years, that King Ahab is looking for him in every possible place. In fact, he even went into other nations to find him, and nobody could ever uncover where he was. And he only was in two places. He was at the brook, and he was at the widow’s house, and he could never find him. I just want you to know little nugget, what God does, he does really well. So you can rely on the Lord, He is faithful, He is really good at what he does, amen.
But as he says, Now, he makes them swear to this claim that is true. And now you say, Go and tell your master Master Elijah is here. But as soon as I leave you, the Spirit of the Lord will carry you away to who knows where they believe that God is literally picking up Elijah and Jesus, who, by the Spirit, moving him someplace else, so he can’t be seen. And maybe he is. But this is the belief he has that God could just move him to spare him and keep him. And poor Obadiah thinks if I go tell him, you’re here, and then you’re not here, because God’s protecting you from the King. I’m a dead man. You’re asking me to go put my life on the line, this kind of like estar I have to go before the king. And unless he summons me, he can just easily just cut my head off. I’m done. I’m dead. So this is real faith moments here. He’ll carry you away to who knows where when a threat comes and cannot find you. He will kill me. Yet I have been a true servant of the Lord. All my life has no one told you, my Lord about the time when Jezebel was trying to kill the Lord’s prophets. I hit 100 of them into caves and supply them with food and water. And now you say Go and tell your master Elijah is here, sir, if I do that, Ahab will certainly kill me. And the Lord may be telling you to do something that you think if I do that, it’s over for me. You might think when God is getting ready to bless you, and you don’t realize what’s coming. I mean, Elijah told you Obadiah is getting ready to rain. We’re gonna have rain, I want you to go tell the king because God is getting ready to send rain.
You can hear please you need ears to hear. Are you hearing me today? The Lord is telling you it is miracle December, your miracle is coming. And this next set of instructions, my cause, even in those who are full of faith to think if I do that, if I do that I’m done. But I’m telling you, folks, if you will do that, if you will do what God is telling you to do. Your miracle is just on the other side of that very act of obedience. You Mr. Miracle is just right on the other side of your obedience. But Elijah said, and boy, the Scripture just jumped out at me. He said, I swear by the Lord Almighty, in whose presence I stand. So if you want to know how to have power in your life, if you want to know that you can say something and swear by God, it takes one thing. Staying in God’s presence, staying in God’s presence. That’s what it is, folks. It’s not some, you know, II allusive thing. It’s not some hard to do thing.
Stay in God’s presence, stay in God’s presence, in whose presence I stand. And you know, when you’re in the presence of the Lord, that you are able then to hear what he is saying, and know the next instruction you need to take. He says, I will present myself to Ahab this very day. So I’m going to skip through this he does meet Elijah, and he does say to him, Okay, I can’t believe it. Elijah, is that really you? You troublemaker again, they’re blaming Elijah, it was God’s word, not Elijah’s word. Elijah was just the messenger. It was God’s word that the famine was coming. We are not accountable to men, folks, we are accountable to God. Now you may have a job and you need to respect your leaders, and you have to do things because you are accountable to do particular things for your job. But you are accountable to God before that job. You are accountable to the Lord. His word is what we’re accountable to. You cannot blame people you cannot think that something’s gone wrong because the people, we are accountable to God.
Let’s jump down to verse 20. So they have summoned all the people of Israel, this is what what Elijah told them to do. And he’s doing it summon all the people of Israel and the prophets of Baal, okay, on the Mount Carmel. Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, and I mentioned this a couple podcasts ago. But you need to hear this folks. How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? What is he talking about? He says, if the Lord is God, follow him. But if Baal is God, then follow him. And the people were silent. Folks, we have to make a decision. Either you are somebody who believes God and you are you are going to follow God. Or you believe the systems of the world you trust in other gods you trust in things you trust in your ability to get a good job you trust in your boss to give you a good paycheck you trust in, in the work of your hands, you know, the Psalm that says we owe How does it worded some put their trust in horses and chariots but he’s saying I trust you, Lord, I don’t trust the arm and strength of the government to provide for me, I don’t trust my my leaders that way. I don’t put my trust in people. My trust is in God, I serve God, I don’t obey man, I serve and obey God. And he’s telling him your problem, Israel is that you’re not choosing you serve God some days and go over and make sacrifices over here. And then other days you go over and serve and make sacrifices over there to the other gods. That I mean, and we think that we don’t do this. We think we don’t do this. And folks, we do do this.
We do, do this. We need to stop doing this. We can’t serve more than one god we and just because it’s not an idol, not a statue. You have to understand. Do you serve your job more than you serve God? Do you serve your your body? Do you work out more than you serve God and read the Word and pray? Do you serve your children? Do you bend over backwards for all their sports but you won’t serve and serve God and I mean, there are idols we have. There are idols that we serve and we have got to tear down those idols and serve God only. So he gives them that famous line. How much longer will you waver hobbling between two opinions? It’s time for us to make up our mind if you want a miracle. This is December Are miracle month of truth that are 2022. And we need to be those who are willing to do what God has told us to do to get our miracle. And it means that we serve God and Him alone, that we place our faith in Him, we put our obedience in him. And we do what he asked us to do, because he’s going to do it for us because he’s a good God, because he has miracles waiting in store for you, if you will. So let’s jump over I want to read, he takes all the prophets of bale up onto this, Mount Carmel.
And he presents them with a challenge, okay. And this whole challenge is because God has an agenda, hear me, God has an agenda for your drought, you’re not in your place of need for nothing, if he has spoken a word. And he said, You’re living over here because I’m doing something about this. Okay. He’s, how do I explain that God does not bring a drought onto his people. That’s not what I mean. He was punishing people who were not serving Him. Now Israel at the time was not serving God. Right. So his judgment was that there would be drought. But those who were willing to serve him could have provision during that drought. Okay. But God is wanting to manifest himself and do a work in this time in this drought. And he has a purpose in it, there is an agenda for the drought. So he had more than one agenda to take care of, we already saw in the last episode I taught told you about the the widow, that her salvation King, her her salvation in the Lord, and turning her life completely over in her trust in God came because of Elijah coming to her and her putting her faith to the test. And so there was an agenda of salvation in that drought going on of provision and taking care of her and bring her to salvation.
Well, now we’re coming up on another agenda that God had. And that agenda was to bring judgment on those who stood against the answers of God who stood against the provision of God who stood against the word of God, those who, who made it their job to lower the body of Christ away from him to lower Israel away from serving their God, those who and I would even put the government right now government systems, government leaders, I would put them in this category, God’s going to bring judgment. That’s one of his agendas for drought and trouble. And they have spoken from their own mouths, that there is economy economic trouble coming. The that’s why we see inflation on everything. They are pronouncing over the airwaves regularly, that we are coming into a recession. And they are saying there’s going to be food shortages. I mean, they are proclaiming this themselves, okay? These people are proclaiming this themselves. And these leaders who so called have put themselves got in power to protect the people are not caring about the people at all.
They’re not doing what they were put in office to do. And God has an agenda. During this so called recession, during the so called famine. During this so called inflation and trouble that they’re bringing God is going to bring judgment on those who are the ones instigating all of this, those who have lured people away from church with COVID and lured people away from faith. Am took them into fear and living in fear, God is going to bring judgment. And in this we can see this example with with Elijah bringing all the prophets of bale up onto Mount Carmel to do business to bring about God’s agenda before the rain comes and the drought ends. Okay. So let’s look at that. He brings them all up. He says to them, let’s look at verse Oh, I better read you 22. Then Elijah said to them, I am the only prophet of the Lord who was left but Bale has 450 prop profits. Now bring to bulls. The prophets of bale may choose whichever one they wish and cut it into pieces and lay it on the wood on their altar their altar. But without setting fire to it. I will prepare the other bull and lay it on the wood on the altar, but not set fire to it. Then call on the name of your God and I will call him the name of the Lord.
The God who answers by setting fire to the wood is the true God and All the people who are watching and all these prophets of Baal they all agreed to this okay? Then Elijah said to the prophets of bale you go first for there are many of you choose one of the bowls and prepare it and call the name of your God, but do not set fire to the wood. So they prepared one of the bowls and placed it on the altar. Then they called on the name of bale from morning until noon time shouting Oh, bail answer us. But there was no reply of any kind. Then they danced so now they’re good. They’re dancing all over trying to get they’re doing a rain dance, you know, hobbling around the altar that they had made. Can you just see it? I mean, I could literally see this. hobbling around in there crazy sacrificial chants and calling out to bail bail answer as Oh, bail answer is, I mean, they’ve done this for hours already.
Okay. At noon time Elijah began mocking them. You’ll have to shout louder. He scoffed. For surely he is a god. Perhaps he is daydreaming? Or maybe he’s relieving himself? Or maybe he’s away on a trip, or Is he asleep? He needs to be wake awakened. I mean, I love it. He’s just mocking them. So they shouted even louder, and following their normal custom listen to what this normal customer was of theirs. They cut themselves with knives and swords until the blood gushed out. They raved all afternoon until the time of the evening sacrifice. But still, there was no sound, no reply, no response. And that’s exactly what you’re gonna get. If you keep serving as sacrificing your life, your freedoms and everything for these false gods and government. You’re gonna get nothing, no reply, no help, no answer. They are false gods. And they have lured people away, lured people away from trusting in the true God.
Then he lights a call to the people come over here, they all crowded around him, as he repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down. He had to repair the broken down altar of the Lord. What is that altar. I wrote a blog a couple years ago, speaking about this very thing. And I really believe that the altar because it was the place of sacrifice the place that you came to make things right with God, to offer your offerings to him, to be accepted by him. It was a place of prayer was a place of consecration. And it had been torn down by the false gods, the service of false gods. The consequence of the service of false gods was at the altar of God, the true and living God, the one who can do something about it was torn down.
And now Elijah says, Watch me, you watch me rebuild this. And that’s a challenge that goes out to us today. Will you rebuild the altar? Will you rebuild the altar? Will you put your face back down to in a place of prayer and pray and we’re gonna see this is Elijah’s. This is his pattern. This is what he does. He took 12 stones, one to represent each tribes of Israel. And he used the stones to rebuild the altar in the name of the Lord. Then he dug a trench around the altar large enough to hold about three gallons. He piled wood on the altar, cut the bowl into pieces and laid the pieces on the wood. Then he said, fill for large jars with water and pour the water over the offering and the wood and they had done this when he they had done this. He said do the same thing again. So he’s saying, take the impossible thing. The thing that they couldn’t do, I love this. The very thing that they couldn’t do, he says, Okay, I want you to do that here. Fill it all up with water all around. Okay, now go do it again. Okay, now go do it again. Okay, let’s do it again. Just keep making it more and more impossible.
Make it impossible again. No, let’s do it again. Just just make this so impossible. Why was he doing that? Because we serve the God who takes anything that looks impossible and it becomes possible with him to those who believe the impossible is possible with God. And he’s challenging all of these people watching by saying you couldn’t do it when we do don’t even make it impossible. If your God was actually a God, he could have done that. But I’m gonna make it three times harder to prove to you that my God is the true and living God. And he will do what he says he can do. And he can do it right now. And I love this so much as the so he says, do it again, do it again, fill the trench, at the usual time for offering the evening sacrifice. Elijah, the prophet walked up to the altar, and prayed. The place of prayer, the rebuilt altar. Oh, Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, prove today that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant. Prove that I have done all this at your command. Oh, Lord, Answer me. Answer me. So these people will know that You oh Lord, our God, and then you have brought them back to yourself. What is he saying? He’s saying, God, prove that you love your people, and that your plan is better for them that you are bringing them back and you love them and want to provide them a way into plenty and not in drought that you are the answer. This is Elijah’s prayer. Let’s look at verse 38. immediately, immediately, the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones and the dust. It even looked up all the water in the trench, and what all the people saw it they fell facedown on the ground and cried out the Lord, He is God the Lord is God.
Then Elijah commanded sees all the prophets of bale Don’t let a single one escape. So the people sees them all. And Elijah took them down to the Keshawn Valley and killed them there. Now this is the part I had just cried. I just cried when I heard this. And folks, if your Spirit is with me in this if you are in a place of drought, hear me right now I want you to I want you to make your heart and alter right now make your heart and alter in a place of prayer right now I declare this over you, as Elijah declared this, verse 41, that Elijah said to Ahab, go get something to eat and to drink. For I hear a mighty rainstorm coming. I hear it. Do you have ears to hear today, there is a mighty rain storm coming. This is your month for a miracle. It is time to give birth to this thing you’ve been carrying. It’s time to come out of the drought in your life. So Ahab went to eat and drink. But Elijah climbed to the top of the mount car of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground, and prayed with his face between his knees, folks, sometimes you’ve got to take the word of Lord, the promise of the Lord, and the faith you hear with your ears. And you have to get in a position where you, you turn off every possibility of hearing another voice, you put your head between your knees, you’re not looking to see what the enemy is going to do. You’re not looking at what he is saying that’s contrary to you. You are not listening to the voices of those around you and the naysayers and those in the other gods who are lying to you and those who serve those gods. You’re not listening to the past. You’re not listening to anything but the word that the Lord gave you. And he put his face between his knees. Then he said to his servant, go and look out toward the sea. The servant went and looked and then returned to Elijah and said, I didn’t see anything. Seven times. Elijah told him you go and look again. Finally the seventh time his servant told him, I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising up from the sea. Then he Elijah shouted, hurry. Oh, gosh. Folks, that’s what I hear in my spirit. Hurry, hurry. Do you hear it? Hurry. Don’t waste any more time. Don’t waste any more time. Hurry. to Ahab, and tell him climb into your chariot and go back home.
If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you. God is sending a miracle to you folks, today, he has got the answer, the rain storm of your life is coming. And if you don’t hurry, it’s so big, it’ll stop you. You have to hear the word remember, and make preparation, you have to be ready for this rainstorm. It’s a good one, but you’ve got to make preparation, it will be too late to build barns. If you’re going to fill it full of a harvest, you will hurry up and you get that barn built. You hurry up and do what God has told you to do. And you make sure that you have made all the preparation because there’s a mighty rainstorm coming, and you’re gonna have to outrun that rainstorm. God is on his way, the answer is on its way. So let’s let’s pick it up. Then he likes to shout at hurry to Ahab, you’re sorry, the rain will stop you. Let’s go to 45. And soon the sky was black with clouds. And heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm. And Ahab left quickly for jazz real, then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. And I’m telling you, this is the prophetic word of the Lord to you today. Your rain is coming. And it’s so big that you’re going to need supernatural strength to do to do it to to, to lay hold of it to to receive its abundance, okay, you’re going to need supernatural strength. And God’s gonna give it to you. He tucked his cloak into his belt. And he ran ahead of Ahab’s chariots all the way to the entrance of Jezebel, you’re going to need to run fast, folks. God’s got a really wonderful, mighty fast miracle waiting for you. He has taken you it’s time to come out of drought.
It’s time to bring deliverance to the thing that you’ve been carrying. And I’m telling you in Jesus name, that you’re going to out run everybody else, you’re going to have more strength than everybody else, you’re going to think, how am I doing this? How is this possible, I would normally be so tired, but you’re going to out run even the chariots, even those who know how to run that that’s their job to run. It’s those who even those in their youth you’ll run it’s like the scripture that says that you’ll you’ll have more strength than the than the young lions, you’re going to be able to do more than the young ones. You’re gonna be able to do what God has called you to do in this season. It is an abundance of rain. The drought is over and God is bringing the victory.
The answer you’ve been waiting on is coming, folks. All you’ve got to do is lay hold of it by faith. Lay hold of it by faith. Do what God’s told you to do. Build your altar, rebuild the broken down place of prayer, rebuild it, and let God answer by fire for you. Today that is the word of the Lord for you. I pray you receive it, that you take it into your spirit, you pray about that you cry out to God, you do whatever you need to do before the Lord and you let him give you the instructions, but God is bringing the answer. Praise the Lord. Take this this miracle December. Take your answer. Take your victory. And Out Run the chariots. Thank you so much for joining me today. We’ll see you next week. Bye bye