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About the episode:
Christmas is here, and this season brings a flood of challenges, but I want to tell you that the manger is a SIGN of your provision. Are you looking for a miracle? Are you hoping to see your prayers come to fruition as the year closes? I am here to tell you to be EXPECTANT for the revelation you have been seeking! In this episode, we will discuss when you receive your miracle and how God makes provisions for you to carry out HIS promises to completion. We will also review the story of Mary and Joseph to understand the significance of the manger and how it represents God’s miraculous work in your life.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- The story of Mary and Joseph and the significance of the manager
- How to receive your miracle through a journey of faith
- How to be expectant of God’s provisions in seasons of doubt
- Why God’s timing is important
About the host:
Jaime Luce’ story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way. Learn more.
Related reading:
- How To Heal Through Responsibility and Faith
- How To Use Your Kingdom Authority In Prayer
- Plug Into A Warfare Prayer Source
- Have a Different Spirit
- Be A Good Gardner
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I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”
Full Transcript
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Welcome to the Jaime Luce podcast. Merry Christmas. I hope that this has been a phenomenal year for you. And if it hasn’t, I encourage you to listen to the last couple of broadcasts because this December is miracle. December 2022. This is the month that God wants to do miracles, He spoke that into my heart, he said, December is the month of birthed miracles. It’s the time for miracles, it is a prophetic Christmas. And it is up to us to lay hold of it by faith. And so I just am wanting to rejoice with you today and to celebrate Christmas with you. And I wanted to do that by just talking a little bit about the story of Mary. And Joseph, and I’m sure you have heard the story of Mary and Joseph your whole life, I might bring a little fresh perspective to you today. And so my my hope is that this will just not only be something that stirs your heart up, for the love of of this season for Christmas, but also to encourage you, because God has something for you. And He wants you to be blessed, he has a gift for you this Christmas this December. And, you know, regardless of what the actual historic date is, none of us knows that exactly, for sure. But we take this time, and we honor God and we and we are so grateful for him sending His Son, that he would be born like one of us, that he would come in the flesh and suffer in the body and know what it is to live this human life, to walk in our humanity, to deal with what we’ve dealt with, to have to grow up and have seasons in his life and to have to be betrayed and to feel every kind of emotion that we have felt and to bear the burden of our sin on the cross eventually. And it began with such humble beginnings. You know, we the reason that Jesus partly was so hard to receive for so many is because he didn’t come like they expected. We often expect the gift of God to come in such grandiose fashion, we expect the gift of God to come, you know, with thunderous grand display. And in because if we want it to be like that, and sometimes he manifests like that, we talked about that, in our previous broadcast about when Elijah was on the Mount, Mount Carmel, and challenging the prophets of Baal. And God showed up by fire and it was miraculous. But sometimes the very biggest miracles, the ones that mean the most to us, the ones that hold the most gravity and weight. Sometimes they come in packages that we didn’t expect. Sometimes those gifts come when you think of a birth, a birth is messy, it’s stinky. And that’s when it’s done in a hospital. With proper care and proper surroundings and every kind of medical equipment in case you need it with people who are who are schooled and trained to do this very thing all day long every day. And it’s still a painful, bloody mess. It’s still a mess to deliver and a mess to clean up when it’s all done. And you may have stitches, you may have a lot of stitches, you may have discomfort, and loss of sleep. And and that can last for quite some time and you have to be healed.
Can you imagine? I know we don’t think of miracles this way. But the miracle of Jesus coming as a child, if you picture childbirth, the miracle itself can bring a season of difficulty. The Miracle produce the difficulty, the miracle, produce sleepless nights, and exhaustion and a schedule that’s no longer predictable, and difficulty going anywhere and doing anything. And anybody who is had small children understands the disruption of life. And yet it was a miracle. That same beautiful miracle that when it is fully grown, was salvation came in a way that was obscure.
That was dirty. A place not meant for birth. If we think of Mary, and again, this is really more of me having a discussion with you today to take you on a little mental journey, a spiritual, a spirit journey, I guess, take your soul on a little journey. To think about this miracle of Jesus being born, and what that means to our lives. It truly was a miracle. It didn’t lack grandiose appearances. And yet, it was missed by almost everybody. And to only those closest to this miracle, did they understand the miracle, and they wouldn’t even understand it fully. And we’ll see that too. But this story begins. And it’s mentioned in a couple of different passages. It’s mentioned both in Matthew, and it’s mentioned in Luke, and Mary and Joseph, are engaged there, just a couple with dreams and aspirations in front of them, that they haven’t even begun to live yet. The dream is still in front of them. And while they’re in this preparation stage, of coming together as husband and wife, God has already pre ordained, pre planned, pre established, we talked about this a couple of weeks ago, when, when God ordains or command something when he has plans that will manifest what that word means when he commands and he lays it all out. And Jesus knew before ever coming and being birthed into this natural realm that he had offered himself in his life, he had already said yes to the Lord. And I think many times it’s that way in our lives. Our miracles don’t begin until we have decided that we’ve already sacrificed we’re willing to sacrifice our life for the cause of Jesus Christ, that we’re willing to say, Lord, for the plan that you have. I’m willing to lay it all down. I’m saying yes, I’m all in. I’m not holding anything back. And in that plan, in that desire to move forward, in, in the plan of God. It’s amazing how these things unfold and not the way that we expected. For if we go to let’s go to Matthew. Matthew chapter. Oh, where do I want to start? Actually, I don’t want to start there.
Let’s start in Luke. We’re going to go to Luke chapter one, because he talks about it and Luke one and two. Let’s go to one. And this is the birth of Jesus being foretold we are just being we’ve just come out of the passage, where we read of Elizabeth and Zechariah, becoming pregnant with John the Baptist, who was the forerunner, so he had to be born. First he had to have his miraculous conception first, that God ordained and commanded by an angel. And so this whole process, the ball is rolling. Okay. If he’s the forerunner, that means Jesus must be coming. So we then shift and we see Mary and we’re in verse, chapter one, verse 26, and it says, In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, in a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said, so a command has gone for it. God has spoken to an angel with a message that he is to deliver this message and we will receive words from the Lord about what’s to come in our life. This has been the theme for the last well for the month of December really, that we understand that God has a spoken word of instructions, things he’s going to do. And we have to receive those words by faith. And he sets the command. So he has sent an angel. And he sends Gabriel, who we know by name. And he says this in verse 28, Gabriel appeared to her and said, Greetings favored Woman, The Lord is with you. That sounds like a wonderful greeting. But Mary wasn’t so, so inclined. She’s confused, and disturbed. Mary tried to think what the angel could mean, why would an angel be appearing to me and they estimate that she was around the age of 14, I think. And so this young girl, has an angel appeared to her to tell her that she’s favorite of God. And she’s thinking, What are you talking about?
This has never happened before. It’s not like a word was already given. And she’s trying to figure this out. She doesn’t know what this is about at all. And he says to her, don’t be afraid, marry, the angel told her for you have found favor with God. Oh, don’t you just want that this Christmas season? To be favored from the Lord to find favor with God. That’s what I want to I’m here today to tell you, Child of God, you have found favor with God. You have found favor with God. You will conceive and I’m speaking this to you spiritually. Okay. I know I’m reading a story. I’ve, I’ve shared with you that the Holy Spirit told me this is a prophetic Christmas. This is December, and Wow, the Lord just gave me a prophetic word myself. I will hold on to that and write that down. Thank you, Jesus. Wow, kind of interrupt me. I’m in the middle of my thing. And he interrupts me. Thank you, Jesus. I’ll share that all with you at a later time. Wow. Okay, back to the message. This is a prophetic Christmas. This is the December to remember for us folks, this is I think that’s a slogan for a car dealership. But December to remember, it is the season of miracles. This is this is the month for it. And I’m prophetically speaking this over you today. Don’t be afraid, Mary, the angel told her. For you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son. And you will name him Jesus. He will be very great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor, David. And he will reign over Israel for ever. His kingdom will never end. Folks, this is the promise of God. This is our promise not only was this promise given and that we are living it, that we have Jesus, our Savior who was born into this world, the Savior for all of us. But on top of that, this is a miracle for you. You are conceiving right now he is coming upon you the Holy Spirit is going to come upon you.
Well, let’s keep reading. I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Mary asked the angel. But how can this miracle happen? How can this happen? And I know whatever it is that you’re believing God for that you have not seen? And you’re saying how? God I don’t see how I don’t see how. And yet the answer is this because she says how can this happen? I’m a virgin, the angel replied, The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. That’s how it’s going to happen. The Holy Spirit is going to overshadow you no matter what you need, no matter what your surroundings are, no matter if you feel like you’ve been In this for so long, and the miracle you’ve been waiting, his waiting for has been so elusive. The Holy Spirit is coming upon you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God. What’s more, your relative Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age, people used to say she was barren. And people may have said this of you and your life, that you have not been fruitful that things have not gone the way that you thought they would go. And now it seems like the time has passed. But but she has conceived as son and is now in her six month for the word of the Lord will never fail. This is the word of the Lord to you. Today, I’m declaring this over you, you who thought you were barren. The word of the Lord is you have conceived and it is possible because of the Holy Spirit. And I want to make this invitation to you right here on like a commercial break.
If you have not been baptized with the Holy Spirit, I’m telling you today, you want to ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit said, Father, you said that that was the gift you are sending and that you’re a good father and that you would give him to those who ask and I am asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit come on you and come through you the manifest by the gift of speaking in tongues and receive a special gift from the Lord this Christmas, a double blessing, not just the miracle you’re waiting for but the miracle of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God has something for you folks, he’s not waiting any longer. This is your season. It’s time for birthing. It is the miracle month for birthing in the Holy Spirit. That thing that has been waiting that miracle you’ve been waiting on. God has it for you. This time this year, it’s your year, you know, this journey began. They had she receives this word from the angel. And then a whole nother miracle has to take place for this miracle to come forth the way it needs to Joseph, who was a godly man, a good man. And that’s we find that in Matthew, that let’s turn there. Let’s just see what he was going through. Good old Joseph. You know, it’s amazing because Joseph was of the house of King David. And even though he wasn’t the biological father of Jesus, isn’t it beautiful? That God used him so specifically, that he chose him to be a father, a natural father, for his son, that God chose Joseph, a man who not only was it wasn’t just because of his lineage. This was a man who heard dreams from the Lord multiple times and obeyed every time God gave him instruction. He had, he was a man of faith. And this man was chosen by God, to be the conduit to make sure that this child was cared for in his life. I just find Joseph, he’s left out of the story so much, and we hear so little about him. But he was such a gift, such a chosen one from God. And you might feel insignificant in the miracles that take place in your life and in your family, but you are significant. You matter what God does in your life and how why he chooses what he chooses and who he chooses. That it all matters, and you matter what who you are and what you bring to the table is enough.
It matters God has chosen you.
Let’s look then at let’s look at verse 18. Matthew chapter one, verse 18. This is how Jesus the Messiah was born his mother, Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit, Joseph to whom she was engaged with a righteous man, and did not want to disgrace her publicly. So he decided to break the engagement quietly. I mean, you can’t blame the poor man. He thinks that she’s been living a life of indiscretion and and he doesn’t he doesn’t want to move forward with this. But then it says as he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. Joseph, son of David, reminding him who he is. The angel said Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and she will have a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through his prophet, look, the virgin will conceive a child, she will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us. When Joseph woke up he did as the angel of the Lord commanded, and took Mary as his wife. That is so important, folks, that this falls in line with what we’ve been discussing all month long. When you hear the word of the Lord, and you’re waiting on a miracle, it is so important that you follow his instructions. Your obedience is key. This is throughout Scripture, Jesus himself said that I’ll know you love me, if you’ll do what I tell you to do. That’s obedience, that’s love. That’s living a life consecrated to the Lord. And when we want a miracle, we need a miracle.
It’s going to take obedience to get that miracle, but he has one for you. You don’t have to be begging God to come up with some miracle, he’s already got a plan, he’s already got a miracle with your name on it, he’s already decided what it’s going to be and how it’s going to be. We just need to get in line with it. And here, they have this journey that has to be taken their toll that they have, there’s a census, and I won’t take all the time to read all of it. But a census is called and they have to go back to their place of birth, for the Census. And in the midst of receiving this word and carrying the burden, waiting for this miracle to come forth. They’re sent on a journey. And this journey is difficult. This is not an easy journey. And they’ve got all their belongings that they need to be sustained for all this time. So this is a decent, hefty journey they have to make. It’s not like one man going on a business trip. He’s got to take Mary who is very full pregnant, she is at she’s ready to give birth, this is the worst possible time to have to take this journey. And you might feel that way. That you’re in the worst possible situation to be having to wait on this particular miracle. But it’s the miracle you need. And you think why do I need to do this now God, why do I have to go about it this way? God, why now. And that’s part of the beauty of the miracle because it’s part of the the obscurity of what God is doing. Its part of the whole picture, and you won’t understand it now. It’ll make sense later. It’s like that silly little song in that Frozen movie. Everything will make sense when I’m older. We don’t understand the the answer to things until later. But we this is what trust is this is what faith is that God knows what he’s doing. And he doesn’t make mistakes.
It’s what he said through the angel of the Lord. It says for the Word of God will never fail, the word of God will never fail. This is what the angel told Mary. And you have to know the Word of God will never fail. He has a plan, but you’re gonna have to walk this out.
So I’m encouraging you in these last moments in December. Keep your faith. Stay on the journey. There is an answer coming. Don’t get off the don’t get off track. Don’t think this isn’t the way you’re supposed to go. I know it’s not easy. But when you carry the burden of a major miracle, it’s never easy, folks. Anointing always comes through crushing, always, always. There is no other way. But know that the miracle will be worth it. What you’re waiting on the answer that God’s going to provide, it will be worth it all. So they go on this long journey. And they have hard things to travel through. The deterrence are that they’re traveling probably at night, they come to the point where there’s no rest. And can you imagine all of a sudden birthing pains coming on you. You have no place to stay. It’s even it’s night. It’s not like you have daytime to even see you. You’re losing light you’re using losing your ability to see in these last moments. And everywhere they go looking for help. The answer was no. I mean, you could be a businessman looking for a business deal and you’re knocking on doors and they keep closing the door and saying to you there’s no room for you here. There’s no room for you here. But the Lord wanted me to encourage you don’t despise the manger in this season of your life. What looks like it’s leftovers. What look slike it’s not good enough, what looks like might be even dirty, that it doesn’t supply your needs, that it’s outdoors. If there’s no shelter in this, there seems to be no security in this, this this thing that, that is, the only place that seems to have room for you is smelly and stinky and has all these animals in it.
But don’t forget that that same place is the place of warmth. It’s a place of provision. The animals are the are the picture of, of the bounty and the blessing of God. God has a miracle for you in your manger. And you may be on this journey having to birth this thing alone. I don’t know if you’ve thought about this, but Mary is having to go through the birthing process. And normally the birthing process is done. They had midwives they had family members, people who were there to help them. Mary is having to give birth alone. She’s having to birth this miracle alone in agony in trial in in a time that is the most on unfavorable. It’s difficult. It’s dark, I’m on a journey. I’m tired. I’ve been doing and I’ve been doing this alone. And now I have to do it completely by myself. Josef’s probably thinking I don’t know what to do. The men didn’t do this. This was the women’s job. What am I going to do? How am I going to do this? How am I going to care for the Son of God what we you can feel such inadequacy. And the enemy will try to prey on your insecurity. But I’m want to share the good news. Christ’s birth was good news. The announcement of His birth was good news. And the good news is, it’s okay that it’s in the manger. That’s actually good news. You been having this miracle in this place that is not the most ideal. That place of not ideal birthing for your miracle is also the fulfillment of beautiful prophecy. When the angels appear in the night sky to those shepherds, what are they tell them that place that manger is a sign to you have the peace of God coming for your life of the goodness and the plans that God has for your life? It’s a sign the manger is a sign. The lack of preparation they had she wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth that were in the manger, strips of cloth. This child this miracle, this I’m not well timed an unsophisticated, unprepared place this place of what seems like the worst possible place I don’t even have words to describe. Can you imagine I can’t even imagine giving birth in a manger. I’ve given birth to four children, I cannot imagine doing that in a manger. And yet that manger was part of the miracle. It was the sign of what God was doing in the earth, and the lowest of places in the hardest place of your agony. In the in the most difficult places of your waiting and your drought and your lack. In that place. It’s the sign of the miracle. It is the sign of Your miracle.
Don’t despise the manger. You’ve come through a season if you’re like Mary, and if you at all had been listening along with us in our previous broadcasts, but we’ve talked about the hiding when God hides us away. And Mary when she receives the word goes to her cousin Elizabeth, and hides with Elizabeth for several months, that there’s a hiding place. Why do you hide? You’ve gone through a hiding place because that’s the protected place God was protecting the miracle in you, protecting you from all those who would ridicule you from all all the things that would hurt your heart. And instead, what is God giving you the gift and exchange that he makes? When you’ve come into this place of trust and walking out this miracle process with him? What does he give you in the exchange instead of all the ridicule, and instead of all the pain that would be caused from the faith walk that you’ve been on? He sends these shepherds to you who Marvell and tell you that God has told them. You’re a miracle, the thing that you’re doing right here, this is a miracle. Look what God is doing. Look what God’s done in you. And it’s blessing us. And God told us about it. that very thing. In fact, the Scripture says, suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others, the armies of heaven, praising God and saying, I mean, this is huge Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased. When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherd said to each other, let’s go to Bethlehem. Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about, they hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph and there was the baby lying in the manger.
After seeing him the shepherds told everyone what had happened, and what the angel has said to them about this child, All who heard the shepherd story were astonished. But Mary kept all these things in her heart, and thought about them often, instead of ridicule. The beautiful exchanges made this she gets to hear the praise of what God has done, and the angels are and the armies of heaven are magnifying and glorifying God and giving praise for the miracle that she has given birth to that she was the conduit for. There is a great exchange that you get to experience as well. Not only that, you’re going to experience the Lord wanted me to tell you this, you are going to experience what seemed like late gifts. What seemed like late gifts. And that is because when he sent the wisemen to Jesus, by the time they got to him, it’s estimated that Jesus was about two years old. And because of that two year span, what the birth has already taken place, this is a toddler walking around now this is a time has gone by, maybe the the miracle feeling has worn off. But God has unexpected gifts waiting for you that seem late, but they’re not late. They’re they’re right on time. They are there to give glory to God to remind you of what God has done and what he’s going to do. And to bring the provision necessary for the next step. You are not going to walk this miracle out in lack, God has your provision written all over it. He has gifts for you the gold, the frankincense, the myrrh, you have the beauty and the essence in the presence of God that is going to be filling your home, you’re going to know that the scent of myrrh, the presence of God is going to fill your home, you’re going for all the prayers, the provision of gold and the and the sustenance that you need every provision you need financially, what you got is going to make sure you have it, the frankincense and myrrh, everything that you need by the Spirit is going to be provided, the Lord is not going to leave you in this place, holding half of something that seems like a miracle, but not knowing what to do with it and not being able to take it and carry it to completion. God is going to give you everything you need.
But the miracle starts right now. The Miracle starts this month, December 2022. No matter how long and hard the journey has been, it doesn’t matter what has already happened and what’s yet to come. You don’t have to fear. God has a miracle for you. He’s got the provision, he even has the later provision ready for you. He is already set up for you.
They saw the star from the moment it appeared in the heavens. And it took two years for them to be able to make the journey and get to him to bring the gifts necessary. What that shares with us, folks is that God has a miracle for you now, but he has already made provision for what’s coming after it. The subsequent needs that are going to follow you in this journey. God has already made provision and they’re already on their way. One of my favorite prophetic statements that I claim all the time, and this is taken from the life of Isaac is that the camels are coming and it has been prophesied even on the Hebrew calendar this year. The count is the year of the camel, the camels are coming and they are bringing all of the supply that you need. And we even see that with the men from the East, the Wiseman from the East who came on their camels. God says to you today the camels are coming. The provision is coming. Everything you need is coming. It’s not late. God will be on time for the need that you have. I have to meet the need that you have today. Your miracle is coming. It’s coming. It’s happening if you will lay hold of it by faith. God has a miracle this Christmas for your life for this new year. All we have to do is receive it. Take it by faith. Let him give you the gifts that He has for you. Let the Holy Spirit come upon you and do a new work in your life. Don’t despise the journey. Don’t despise the means and the ways that he gets you where He’s taking you. Don’t despise your your manger. Don’t despise it. Instead, recognize the miracle of God and let Him do for you what he did for Mary. You can take all of these things and pondered them in your heart and watch God do what only God can do. Merry Christmas. We’ll see you next time.