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About the episode:

Ever felt like you’re walking through a valley of dry bones, where everything seems lifeless and devoid of hope? You may not realize it, but there is an answer! In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we’ll unlock the transformative power of unity in Christ and dive into the profound impact of God’s word on our lives. We’ll dive into Ezekiel 37 and reflect on how the Holy Spirit can help us navigate even the most arid terrains.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • A study into the scripture in Ezekiel 37
  • Why God always has a plan for us even if we do not see it
  • How to receive and hear from the Lord
  • How to speak life over your circumstance through the Holy Spirit
Where to dive in:
(0:00:03) - Finding Hope in Dry Valley (16 Minutes)

I explore the story of the Valley of Dry Bones from Ezekiel 37 and how it applies to our lives. I ask the question of whether these dry bones can become living people again, and point out that we must recognize that our circumstances, no matter how long they have been in place, cannot separate us from the love of God. I encourage listeners to consider how this passage speaks to their own lives, and to remember that God is the God of the impossible.

(0:15:49) - God's Word, Unity in Christ (9 Minutes)

I discuss the power of the word of God and how it gives us everything we need for life and godliness. I look at the Valley of Dry Bones from Ezekiel 37 and how it applies to our lives, and how God always has a plan for us. I ask how we can take our dry bones and come together as the body of Christ, and how we should be covering each other with love and support. Ultimately, I encourage us to speak the word of the Lord over our circumstances and to partner with one another in our growth in God.

(0:24:35) - The Power of Faith and Restoration (6 Minutes)

God wants us to cover and restore each other, rather than judge. We can bring life to our circumstances by speaking the Word of God. Relying on God's breath to bring life to our dry bones, the promise of God is that life abundant can be ours if we have given our lives to Christ. Ezekiel 37 states, '...then you will know that I am the Lord', and how it applies to us today.

(0:30:45) - God's Desire for Understanding and Communication (5 Minutes)

We examine the significance of God's words from Ezekiel 37 and the strength they have in our lives. We analyze how God is communicating to us and how we can answer Him by trusting in His Word and speaking it into our lives. By doing so, we can bring life to our situations and observe God's restoration and supply in our lives.

(0:35:40) - Hearing From the Lord's Importance (16 Minutes)

We explore the power of the Holy Spirit and His ability to bring God's word to life. I emphasize the importance of spending time with God in His word to receive a word for our lives. The Holy Spirit is the paraclete, the one who comes aside to help us, and is the same power today that was present in Ezekiel 37. We must remember that God is faithful and will do what He says He will do, and when we follow His lead, we will know He is the Lord. His word is true and He will always carry it through.

About the host:

Jaime Luce’ testimony has daunting personal mountains and treacherous financial valleys. She was trapped in day-to-day stress and couldn’t see a way forward. But how she started is not how she finished! And she wants you to know God has a plan for your life too, no matter how tough it seems. Today, Jaime has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owns two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. God’s way is always the blessed way!  Learn more.

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I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”

Full Transcript

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0:00:03 – Jaime Luce

Welcome to the Jamie Luce Podcast. I’m your host, Jamie Luce. Thank you for listening today. All of my blogs, social and YouTube links can be found on my website, If you enjoy this podcast, you can support it by liking, subscribing, getting notified and sharing this podcast. Another way you can help is by rating and reviewing on Apple Podcast. My hope and goal in every episode is to give you tools found in Scripture, either by teaching, discussions, testimonies or interviews that encourage and equip you as you navigate living a real Christian walk in a difficult world. I would love to hear from you Whether you have a comment, question or prayer request. You can email me at mail at If you’re watching on YouTube, drop me a comment. I’d love to partner with you on your journey of faith. If you’re listening today on any podcast platform, take a screenshot and tag me and I’ll post it to my Instagram story. And now join me for today’s episode. Welcome to the Jamie Luce Podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far and we’re hoping that the Word of God today makes it even better.

So, if you will get out your bibles, let’s do some study today. Let’s look at the Word of God and see what he has to say to us for us, what his plans and our lives, if we look at. For those of you who have been going through the last several weeks with me, you’ll know that I have been in the Book of Ezekiel and I want to take us to a very familiar passage in Ezekiel and that would be the Valley of Dry Bones in chapter 37. And I just want to give us a little bit of instruction for being able to live in this promise. To live in this promise If you are struggling with something currently, or if you have in the past, I want you to think about that and I want you to picture really what the feelings are that you have when you look out and survey what would be like this Valley of Dry Bones. But for you, what does that look like? For you, a Valley of Dry Bones?

I’m going to read the passage and then I want you to picture your circumstance. I want you to see that you can be seen in this passage. You and what you feel can be seen in Scripture because, child of God, you are seen. God does see you. He sees you personally. He sees your personal life, your circumstances, your feelings. He sees you. He created you, he knits you together in your mother’s womb. He formed you, he knows you, he cares about you. We know, even by Scripture, that nothing can separate us from the love of God no height, no depth, nor things present, nor things to come. It doesn’t matter if it’s angels, it doesn’t matter if it’s demons, it doesn’t matter, it does not matter. No circumstance, no sin, nothing that has been done can separate you from the love of God. Let’s go to the Word, let’s read this passage of Scripture and then let’s take a look at this personally, how this applies to our lives. Ezekiel, chapter 37,. I’m going to be reading verses 1 through 14. 1 through 14.

Okay, the Lord took hold of me and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with bones. So, right off the bat, this is a valley. Okay, on a mountain top, this is a valley and it is filled with bones. He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. So if you can picture someone, two people, walking through and just surveying and seeing all the bones just scattered, all on this valley, just bones everywhere scattered. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. So the essence is that not only are there bones everywhere, the evidence of a very dramatic, traumatic war and death has taken place in this valley and it is full of the scattered bones and remains, just the remains of what used to be lying this valley, just the remains, just the pieces.

We like to say that we have broken pieces, we’re broken and we have these broken pieces. And you might be thinking and I come to God and all I’ve got are all these broken pieces. It’s just a mess, it’s just a scattered mess. It’s not even I don’t have my stuff together. It’s just a scattered mess.

And I’m in a valley and this is difficult and this is hard for me. And not only is it this way, but these bones are completely dried out. It has been this way a long time. You might be saying, jamie, my circumstance has been this way so long. I don’t believe it can change. How can you tell me that anything can be different in my life when it has been this way for so long? Even the remains are completely dried out. They’re brittle, they’re almost so broken that there’s nothing left of them. I mean, the feeling is that there’s no remains of the remains, that this is just a hopeless situation.

Then he asked me, son of man, can these bones become living people again? And I’m asking you that question today. I’m allowing the Holy Spirit to ask it through me to you Can these bones live again? Why did God ask Ezekiel this question? Why does he ask the question? Because there remains the space between do we believe that God can? Do we believe God will? What do we believe? What do we think the Lord’s wanting us to enter into this dialogue with him about the circumstance we find ourselves in? Oh, sovereign Lord, I replied. You alone know the answer to that. I love that answer.

Ezekiel was a smart man. He didn’t tell him Lord know it’s impossible. He knew he was talking about the God of the impossible. He also didn’t know what God’s plan was. He’s in this circumstance and he doesn’t know what God’s going to do. And you may feel like you don’t know what you’re going to do. You don’t know what God’s going to do. You don’t know what to believe him for because you don’t know what he wants to do. You don’t know what the plan is. You just don’t know and you’re saying God only knows Truly, not the saying, but God only knows. He says you alone know the answer to that.

Then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord. Boy, I wasn’t going to go there yet, but I want you to hear this. I feel the Holy Spirit on this really strong right now. Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord. Whether those dry bones, folks, are scattered around you in your life, or whether those dry bones are inside of you, whether those dry bones are inside of you, listen to the word of the Lord. Don’t listen to the word of your past. Don’t listen to the word of those who stand against you. Don’t listen to the word of those who have no hope, who don’t breathe life into you. Don’t listen to the words of the world and the things of the secular world. Don’t listen to social media. Don’t listen to the nonsense you find on television. Don’t listen to anything contrary to the Lord. Don’t listen to the plans of the enemy. Don’t listen to the woes of your life. Don’t listen to your yesterdays. Listen to the word of the Lord. This is what the sovereign Lord says. Look, I am going to put breath into you and make you live again. I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. So I spoke this message just as he told me.

Suddenly, as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. Then, as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones, then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them. Then he said to me Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say this is what the Sovereign Lord says Come O breath from the four winds, breathe into these dead bones so they may live again. So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet a great army.

Then he said to me Son of man, these bones represent the people of Israel. They are saying Now, this is important, and I’m going to grab a tissue because I feel the stirring and it makes my nose run. They say Let me find my place again. We have become old, dry bones. All hope is gone. Our nation is finished. Therefore, prophesy to them and say this is what the Sovereign Lord says O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again.

Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. When this happens, o my people, you will know that I am the Lord. I will put my spirit in you and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken and I have done what I said. Yes, the Lord has spoken. Oh my goodness, it took all I could do to just get through that. I got to tell you, oh my goodness, what that’s doing in you, what that’s doing in me. Oh, jesus, help me, jesus, help me. This is I can’t tell you how strongly that I know the Lord wants this to go out to the people who hear this podcast. This is for you. This message is for you. You’re the only reason why I’m doing this, this message he is asking me to say to you, for you.

Now, I’m not negating the fact that I am reading a passage of scripture that is very much Ezekiel prophesying to the children of Israel about their exile. Okay, it’s very specific who this was for and what they were doing. But we know that we face these. Everything written was given for our benefit. Everything we learn and know is to know God, to know how he acts, to know how he responds, to know what he likes and doesn’t like, what he loves and what he hates, what he expects of us and what we can expect from him. He says I, the Lord, am the same. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. He says I change not, I don’t have, I don’t serve a wishy-washy God. I don’t serve a God who one day does it, does one thing and then the next day he won’t do that. He’s not a respecter of persons. He won’t do it for Ezekiel and then not do it for us. He won’t do it for the children of Israel and then not do it for his bride. He won’t change his mind. He won’t say I love you and then turn around tomorrow and say I hate you. He is dependable, he’s faithful, he’s everlasting, he doesn’t change.

And we take this word and we take what God says and how he deals with his people, and how he promises and what he does and we learn from that. We learn from looking at all of the heroes of the faith. We see the Bible is so beautiful because it’s so honest and true. And we see what we call our heroes of faith, even though they are our heroes. We see their flat out humanity. We know that Elijah, this man of God who gets taken up in a whirlwind, the same Bible tells us that he was a man just like us. He wasn’t a superhero the way we think of him as a superhero. He was just a man, just a man who prayed fervently, and when he did, it didn’t rain for three years in an entire region. And then when he prays again, fervently, fervently, then what happens? It rains.

We have to understand the power of the word of God. We have the word of God. You have, folks, the spoken word of God. You need nothing else. You have his spirit living on the inside of you. If you are a child of God, if you have accepted him and turned from your sin and made living for him your life’s purpose, you have everything you need. You have the word of God, you have the son of God, you have the spirit of God, you have the price he paid. You have eternity, you have the blood, you have his name, you have everything you need, everything you need for life and godliness. He gives you everything you need to live a holy life, set apart as your reasonable service to offer to him, and he gives you everything you need to overcome in this life. We have, yes, valleys of dry bones, values of dry bones. I’ve had valleys of dry bones and it’s crushing. It’s hard to go through those times but, child of God, you don’t go through them alone and you are not left in that valley. You are not left in that valley. You’re not left in a valley of dryness.

I want us to look, because this whole passage discusses the way that bones that are not only dead but dried out and dead a long time, bones that are disconnected, bones that have no way of living. A bone by itself cannot live. A bone has to have blood. It needs to be protected by muscles and skin. A bone cannot live. A bone by itself is dead. But we can see that in this passage there is a plan for the dead things. God always has a plan for his people. He always has a plan. He is the way. He doesn’t just show us the way. He is the way.

And in this passage we see let’s look at verse, let’s go back to verse 4. Then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say there is a part you play. We have to hear what the Spirit speaks to us and that should be what we say. I know that there is a great temptation to simply say what we see, to look with natural eyes, but it is our job as a believing child of God to hear what he is saying and then say what he says. Okay, speak a prophetic message to these bones and say Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord.

This is what. So I want you to think about your circumstance today and you’re going to speak to your circumstance today and you’re going to say this is what the sovereign Lord says. I am going to put breath into you and make you live again. I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin and I will put breath into you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. I want you to say that to yourself. I want you to say that to your circumstance. I want you to say that. I want you to hear the word of the Lord. Whatever the Lord is speaking to you about your circumstance, I want you to speak it in faith, over your circumstance, over what God has shown you. This is the beautiful thing about the church. The beautiful thing about the body of Christ is that when bones begin to come together because what does it say in verse seven? So I spoke this message, just as he told me, and suddenly, as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley and the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. I love that and I’ll go on in just a second. But this is what we do when we come together as the body of Christ and we quit judging one another with planks in our eyes and simply say I want to help you grow in God, I want to help you be all that God wants you to be, when I want to partner with you in your growth, in your becoming.

What is an army? An army is a group of people who are assembled together with one mission, with one mission, and they come together and they help one another accomplish that mission, and each one of them may have a different order that’s given to them individually, but as a group they don’t break rank, they don’t fight against each other, taking each other out, so an enemy doesn’t have to. They bind themselves together, they protect one another, they love one another. They come together. And we need to take our dry bones and we need to come together with one another. We need to attach our bones together. Even if you’ve only got bones left. You take your big pile of bones and you get to church with somebody else’s big pile of bones and let’s take our bones and come together. Okay, he says the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. Let’s rebuild the army of God with what we’ve got. Then, as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones, the skin formed to cover their bodies. This I love, because this is the part we all play, together and individually. The part we play is in covering one another. My job is not to expose you. My job now I might have to confront you as a brother.

The New Testament is full of examples of how to deal with if there is sin. We are actually supposed to judge sin amongst ourselves, as the body of Christ. We don’t judge sinners. They’re sinners. That’s just stupid. You expect them to sin. It’s not my job to judge the world. They’re going to be judged. That’s not my job. But we are told in Scripture that we are to judge the fruit and to judge what’s going on as a church body. And if somebody is outright sinning, they need to be addressed, they need to be talked to, they need to not be sinning.

Hi, my name is Jamie Luce. I wanted to share with you some information about a brand new book entitled you Don’t Need Money, you Just Need God. It’s a playbook for miraculous provision and I want to share it with you because it solves the problem we are all facing right now. The economy is going crazy, gas prices are soaring, there’s wars and rumors of wars. We’ve got everything hitting us all at once, with interest rates rising. You need to know what to do, and so many times we think we need the money, but you don’t need money. I’m telling you the answer is you need God, and that’s exactly what we want to teach you through this book. We’ll give you practical ways to know what to do and how to do it, so that you get answers now. You can find my book on Amazon. You can also go to You can also find this book at YouDon’tNeedMoneyYouJustNeedGodcom. This book is available today.

You just got to be careful the one who’s addressing them. You got to deal with your own stuff first before you think you have the right to go dealing with somebody else’s stuff, so you don’t judge people that way. We have to deal with stuff. We have to correct one another lovingly and say that’s not Bible. We have to live according to Scripture. You know, when people try to say that if you have a building and a person who is leading that congregation and they’re saying that it’s okay to murder babies and they’re saying it’s okay to groom children and parade naked in front of them and to tell them to be confused about what their gender is, when you have all that kind of nonsense going on, I’m sorry. That is contrary to the Word of God, that is not biblical teaching, that is not what God says and don’t attend a church like that. And then if you get into a church and you have the truth being spoken and someone is living and thinking that they can live contrary to God, they need to be told the truth. Okay, so there’s a difference. I’m not talking about judging people. I’m talking about inside the church.

You may have to deal with things, but it is not our job to judge everybody. And in not judging one another, it is my job to love you and to cover you. In fact, the Bible tells us that when we have a brother who falls, we are to restore them with love. We are to gently restore them back to their rightful place. Jesus, in fact, already spoke a word of restoration over Peter, before Peter even blew it and denied him three times. He told him what the restoration process was going to be and he said and when you have returned, meaning when you have come back to the right, when you realize what’s going on and you have returned to me, then you will encourage others. And we do that with one another. We cover each other. We come together with our bones and then we’re putting flesh on each other. We’re covering up those vulnerable places.

We know a brother might be struggling and I don’t go and expose my brother. I go to him and I pray with him for him. I try to be an encouragement to him and a strength to him. I don’t expose him. I don’t expose him to more ridicule. I don’t open him up to damage. I’ll be the body of Christ. This is an army. We are the body of Christ. Anyway, I can get off and go on that forever. Let’s come back and continue on. Let’s look. Then he says, because that’s the job we do, right, we cover one another, we come together, we cover one another, he said, but they still had no breath in them.

Now, this is the part that only God can do. This is when we submit what he asks us to do and we are giving it to the Lord. We’re doing all we have been instructed to do, but it is the breath of God who comes and breathes life into us. And you might be in that place today, where you are. You’re saying I’m coming to you, lord, I bring all this to you. You see this mess and I trust you. I speak your word over it. I will live and not die. I will declare the works of the Lord and this circumstance will not look like this forever. It’s not going to be like this forever. You have a plan for my life and I will fulfill the destiny that you have planned and set out for me to do, and someday I will stand before you and hear the words well done, good and faithful servant. Whatever the devil has done, whatever destruction he has brought. The promise of God is that life abundant can be mine. If I have given my life to Christ, I start speaking the word of God. I stand on the promises of God.

Then he said to me speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man, speak a prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign Lord says Come O breath. I’m saying. Oh, holy Spirit, breathe on me, breathe on the bones of this dead army, breathe on my circumstance, breathe on my efforts. Breathe on me, cause me to know you, cause me to hear your words, to live by faith, to walk in the instruction of your word and to see the results of the breath. Come into my circumstance and bring life where there was once death.

I want us to jump to verse. Let’s look at verse it. Well, there’s a couple of them actually, because why does what does God keep saying? He keeps saying this phrase of then you will know, and if you’ve read through the book of Ezekiel, you will see over and over and over again. I mean, it’s almost every chapter when Ezekiel has given a word about a nation At the end of that prophetic a message. God would say then they will know that I am God, that I am the Lord.

It’s a phrase just like that, over and over again, and you have to ask yourself why is this so important? What is the Lord? He wants everybody to know that he’s the Lord. I mean, he’s doing all of this so you will know he is the Lord. But there’s even more to it, and I wanna show us that because there’s a couple of verses here. If we look at verses six, then you will know that I am the Lord. And let’s look at verses 13 and 14, where he says when this happens, oh, my people, you will know that I am the Lord, I will put my spirit in you and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, there it is again. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken and I have done what I said. Yes, the Lord has spoken.

So there were a couple of things here that I wanted to give you. They are important for you to see, because God is wanting you to understand something about him. He’s wanting you to understand something about what he’s saying. He’s trying to communicate a message, and I want us to be able to hear it today. He says several things about himself. Now we have this endeavor to know the Lord, and no better way to know him than to hear what he’s saying about himself. Right, to hear him tell you about himself. It’s not tainted by a man. He’s saying this of himself. And let’s read those verses again, starting with verse 13.

When this happens, oh my people, you will know. What are we gonna know. First, he gives you the I am that, I am, I am who, the Lord, I am the Lord and he is the Lord of all of all. Then he tells us and I will, what’s he going to do? I will put my spirit in you. We have that, folks. We have that.

The day of Pentecost has come, the Joel 2 prophecy has come to pass. We have the spirit of God and you will. I thought this was so interesting. Interesting that God’s I will then should produce an I will, a you will, you will. Because of his, I will, we will. Because of his, I will. Are you getting what I’m saying? I will put my spirit in you and you will live again. You will live again. Then let’s jump down. Then you will know he wants us to know this so strongly. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken.

We can talk ourselves out of knowing what God has spoke into our spirits. We can just talk ourselves out of it. We can look at our situation. We can allow people around us who are just negative, people who don’t trust the Lord, who don’t trust his word, people who don’t live according to scripture. We can look at every avenue and the world, literally. I mean, you’ve got let’s. If we were to kind of break it down into a pie, you have one slice, that’s the word of God, and the rest of the slices all go to everyone who does not.

Okay, the Lord has spoken. You have to first settle that in your heart. God has spoken. He has spoken to you. He has spoken about you. He has already spoken about your life. He has spoken about your future. He has spoken about what he expects from you, what he knows you’re going to do. There is a plan for your life. Over and over again we see this book after book in scripture. He has a plan for us.

Go to the New Testament. It’s in the Old Testament, it’s in the New Testament. Paul says that he has predestined us. He knows, he’s already got a plan for your life. This is so important. I will put my spirit in you and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken. There’s going to be things for them.

This was specific for the children of Israel who were in exile. This was very specific. The word the Lord gave them was that you’re going to return home to your own land. We know today Israel is an actual nation and the people of Israel have gone back to Israel. They have come from all over the world and gone back. They’ve made their aliyah, they have made their trip home. Some are still planning it. In this for them, they heard the specific word of the Lord that they were going to be. This wasn’t the only time. They were told that they were going to go back to their own land, that that was the plan God had for them.

And, child of God, you’ve got to spend time with the Lord in his word and get a word for your life, to know what you’re supposed to be doing for you. I know we like to. We like to get a word from somebody else, we like to hear something from somebody else and think well, the Lord said that this is what’s going to happen to my life. Wonderful if you get a confirmation, but that should be a confirmation to you. We need to go to God ourselves. We need to hear from the Lord. We have his spirit now.

This is post the infilling of the Holy Spirit, post resurrection. We have this ability now. The Holy Spirit resides within us. He. I love it. In fact, I prayed it myself before I began this particular podcast. But I was praying, holy Spirit. I know that you do. You search out the deep things of God. You bring back to my remembrance what I need to know. He can, the Lord can, speak a word into your spirit and bring his word to life and show you the direction you need to go. What is the job of the Holy Spirit? The paraclete, the one who comes aside to help us. He comforts, he leads, he guides. We need the work of the Holy Spirit present in our life and we need to know the way to go. We need to know what to do with all these bones right. We need to know when we get them all together. Now, what do we do? We always need to know what is the next thing we need to do. That’s what the Holy Spirit is there for. We have him.

This part of scripture not only happened for them, but it has happened for us. This was true for us. We have the Spirit of God and he has the same power today that he had then. That same power is living in us, active in us, and we can get a word from the Lord to know what to do. And when we have that word, he says what. You will know that I am the Lord when it happens, when I tell you to do something and you obey me, when I tell you something that’s gonna happen and you do what I ask you to do, when you follow my lead, then you’ll know that I am the Lord.

Sometimes we need a little reminding. We get off doing things without asking him. We kind of do what Joshua did and we fail over at AI and we’re defeated. And we shouldn’t have been, because if we would have asked the Lord, we would have known, and we forget. We just have to remember God will do what he says he will do, he is faithful, he says. Then you will know that I am the Lord, that I, the Lord, have spoken and I have done what I said. God is a man of his word. Yes, the Lord has spoken. I love the. I have spoken.

Let’s look at Numbers 23:19. I’m gonna read this from the new King James Version sorry, god is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent. Has he said and will he not do? Or has he spoken and will he not make it good? What did Ezekiel just say? I have spoken and I have done what I said. Yes, I, the Lord, have spoken. And what does the scripture say? Has he spoken and will he not make it good? Now let’s read that same scripture, numbers 2319 out of the new living translation.

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and then failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through? I know this will challenge some of you, because you will say that I got a word or I heard a word and that thing didn’t come to pass. And I need to remind you God is never wrong, god doesn’t lie his own word, if you want to know who God is. He doesn’t change, he doesn’t lie, he’s not human. He doesn’t change his mind. If he says it, he’ll do it. So what does that tell us? Well, it tells us one of two things. Either God didn’t say that and I know that really rubs people wrong because we don’t like to look at our, our humaneness, we don’t like to look at the fact that we get it wrong, we don’t like to look at it that somebody might call themselves prophetic. Somebody might say I have a, I’m a prophet. There’s a high criteria for being a prophet according to scripture Hi, hi, you can’t get it wrong. That’s a. You know, I I lean. I lean more toward.

I know that the gifts of the spirit Are for today and I know that we can have a word of knowledge about a situation. I have had it many times. God will speak something to me and I needed that piece of knowledge to make a decision. I Needed the knowledge I did not have and he gave that knowledge. I needed wisdom. I Needed to know things I couldn’t know I had. I’ve needed that and he has given that to me and provided that for me, and I know he can do that for you too.

But there are times when we have very deep desires and We’ll say it was God that wanted us to do that or have that and it didn’t happen. That may not have been God, that may have just been your deep desire. So we have to confront ourselves a bit, because God is never wrong. And if I’m mad about that, then I have to realize I’m mad because I’m not getting my way. I’m not. That’s not righteous anger, folks. That’s that’s me being in rebellion. That’s that’s me not submitting an area of my life to Christ.

We’ve got to be honest. If we can’t be honest word like a scripture that says so many times that you are deceiving yourself We’ve got to come honestly before God. We’ve got to be like these heroes of old where we know the truth. They lied, they blew it and then they had to get it right and do what God told them to do. And we’re gonna have to do the same thing We’ve got to. We’ve got to be honest before God. We’ve got to face our humanity and that we sometimes do things in our flesh and not in the spirit of God. Though he has said I will fill you with my spirit, it is up to you. The scripture tells us that the spirit is subject to the. The prophet, meaning that you have the spirit, is not gonna do something and take control of you and you have no control. He’s not gonna take over and make sure you do it right. You have a say in the matter and you have to be one who walks in agreement with the Holy Spirit and Walks in obedience to the Holy Spirit.

God had a will for King Saul to take out an enemy and King Saul had a will that said no, I’m not gonna do it, completely the way God said. Well, there were consequences to that. There were consequences. Saul could have turned around and Incorrectly said well, god said that I’d be king and that my line would be Kings. Would you know after me? Because that’s the way it works and it’s like I’m sorry, but it takes obedience to. It takes obedience to.

We have God’s word and we, if we will live according to his unfailing word and If it is his word, it will come to pass. You want to guarantee of what his word said. You want to guarantee that it will come to pass. You get it from right here. You get it from right here. This is the word of God. This cannot fail, will not fail, never has failed, has always come to pass, and why? So that we would know that he is the Lord.

He wants us to know he’s Lord. It is more important for us to know him, to know who he is, to know what he wants done, than it is for us to get our way and be pleased in our flesh. He is more concerned with his will being accomplished. It should be ours too. We should care about that more. I know many times we don’t, to our shame. We should care more that the will of God is accomplished than I get my way. That’s, that’s a character issue, that’s have I really surrendered my life? Do I? Do I really live for God or do I live for me? Do I live for God when it’s convenient or do I live for God at all cost? Have I truly surrendered my life to Jesus Christ or am I saying I am still Lord? He wants us to know he’s Lord. He gives us words and accomplishes them, so we will know he’s Lord. Am I still sitting on the throne of my life? We need to know folks. We need to know. If you can make all your words come to pass without flaw, then we can talk about that. But until then, he’s Lord, he’s Lord. He cannot fail. He cannot fail.

Let’s look at Luke, chapter 1, verse 37, for the word of God will never fail, for the word of God will never fail. Where would Israel be today if, if Joseph didn’t believe the word of God for his life, over his life, if he didn’t believe the plan of God for his life? Where would Israel be If Jacob hadn’t come to the place where he wrestled out his flesh with God and walked away with a limp? Who is the Lord? God is the Lord, or where would Israel be?

Folks, look at our lives. If it was true for the children of Israel, it is true for us, where would we be? Do you want a different outcome? Do you need to see things changed? Are you living in a valley of very dry dead bones? The Lord has a word for you and you need to speak over those circumstances, look over your life and say I want it God’s way. I want what God has promised me. I want these dead places to come back together and live again. I am looking to the Lord to restore what has been destroyed. If we want that, we need to do what we see done here. We need to allow the Lord to speak life over our Circumstance, to get a word from God the word that cannot fail. We have this word.

I’m gonna close with this. I know and I said this at the beginning that this is a word for you who are listening today, and I really truly believe that the Lord has sent me today To speak, hope over you and to let you know that it is true for you To bring life to everything that has died, every dead place. He is the answer. He will show you the way. He has given you his spirit and he has given you his word. This is the answer to the Lord’s desire to bring life to everything that has died. He has given you his word. This word will not return void and when he has done it, when you see it, you will know that he is the Lord. Make this word yours today.

This scripture was given to us. It is personal I know we read about all these personal lives of all these people but it was reserved and protected for us Individually, all of us. It’s our word. It’s the word of God for us and there is life to be found in it. Make much of it. Avail yourself of it as much as you can. Get a word from the Lord for your life. Declare it over your circumstance, that your ears hear your mouth. Say what God is going to do and watch God do what he said he will do.

Thanks so much for listening today. I do pray this was an encouragement to you. I ask that you will do me a favor today. Give me a little like there and subscribe. You’ll get notified when a new episode comes. Next week you’re going to want to listen. We go into Ezekiel 47 next week. These two are kind of tandem, they go hand in hand, and if you need some encouragement there, I promise that will be an encouragement to you as well. Thank you again for joining me. You can visit me at my website at jamieloosecom, that’s J-A-I-M-E-L-U-C-E dot com, or mail me at mail at jamieloosecom. It was good to be with you today. We’ll see you next time. Bye, bye.

0:51:06 – Jaime Luce

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