Follow The Cloud

I’ve heard the renowned and often controversial Jordan Peterson say to the question of if he believes in God, “I don’t like the question.” He then goes on to explain that the idea terrifies him. If God is, in fact, real, and you say that you believe in him, then you would make sure that your life mirrors that belief. I genuinely wish that Christians, in general, had as much “fear of the Lord” as Jordan Peterson does.

In essence, he is saying that you would live in such a way as to please God, or to put it another way, you would live obediently to God’s commands if you believed He is who He says He is. Moses lived this principle out, teaching it to the children of Israel by following God’s instructions even down to where to camp for the night, the weekend, or for a month!

They were to follow the cloud.

God showed His presence by descending in a cloud over the Tabernacle by day and a pillar of fire by night. If and only if the cloud or pillar lifted and moved did the children of Israel pack up and move.

Following this instruction was their guarantee that God was with them, guiding them and protecting them every step of the way. Though we don’t live by actually following a cloud or pillar of fire, we should live exactly like this. We now have the very gift of the Spirit of God, who is present to give us the guidance, protection, and instruction that we need every day. But it takes the same discipline of moving or not moving until you’ve heard from the Lord. The children of Israel were always looking, watching for God’s movement. We should be, too. It was what guaranteed God’s favor over them.

If you want to see God’s best for your life, let him lead. Follow the cloud. He’s the one who established a good plan for your life. The one who created and formed you knows far better than you do what roads lead to your promised land. Following the cloud will make you arrive blessed, safe, and on time. All other options lead you away from it.

In Joshua 24:15, Joshua gave a challenge to the people of Israel, and today, I give you the same challenge. Choose this day whom you will serve. If you choose the Lord, then live like it. Live like you know who He is, His power, and His good plan for your life.

Live like you believe and follow the cloud.