
Choose Discipline

Whenever given a choice, choose discipline. I heard it said [...]

Wake up! You Need to do something about this!

Are you sick and tired yet? Is this much ado [...]

By |2022-10-24T18:56:40+00:00October 24, 2022|battle, Christian, church, courage, Don't quit, Encouragement, freedom, identity, kingdom, patriots, Strategy, Victorious living|Comments Off on Wake up! You Need to do something about this!

Your Gift is in Your Giving

Are you feeling depleted, empty, and overextended right now? Has [...]

“Where” is Your Faith?

There is a question that earmarks a disciple. We are [...]

Your Gift Reveals Your Heart

Jesus had closely walked with His disciples for three years. He had been preparing them for His death and resurrection. He knew the cost of the gift He was about to give them and that they couldn't know its value until much later. But there was one, not obvious to the rest, who desired to give a gift that would cost her all that she had even before Jesus would give His. He would pour out his life for others while Mary would pour out her sustenance for Jesus. Both would be mocked, undervalued, and misunderstood. 

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