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You Will Still Be Victorious

The obstacle in front of you does not necessarily mean that God isn't with you. When God wanted to set His people free from the grips of Pharoah, He hardened Pharoah's heart to show His great power over the God's of Egypt, using the very plagues that mirrored the God's they served.

The Main Thing

In every circumstance and every situation, there is one determining factor that has the power to alter, change, restore, and make brand new. It alone holds power to manifest an answer where only questions abound. It is the single factor that set's you apart. This one element is the golden ticket, the treasure map, the compass of direction. The single key that opens every door tears down every wall, and defeats every enemy is the presence of God!

Miracles Come From Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time when even those who don't regularly practice gratitude try to. Social media posts are filled with challenges to be grateful for something every day, while others post funny turkey cartoons wanting to spread some laughter and joy. It's the one time a year that we emphasize remembering the details in [...]

Work Your Favor And Use Your Gifts

Favor is a funny thing. It's not garnered because you desire it. It is bestowed for reasons only the one giving can determine. Jacob had 12 sons, but it was the 11th that captured his heart. Joseph was the firstborn of the woman he'd worked 14 years to marry. Because she remained barren for so many years, Joseph was not conceived until Jacob's old age. Finally, seeing the fruit of that love gave Joseph the favor that no other son could achieve. The giving of a gift showed Jacob's favor and affection. A coat of many colors.

It’s An Opportunity, Not a Setback!

When faced with another problem or another battle, the temptation is to take the victim mentality even if you've won the previous battles and think you have a setback. If your self-talk sounds something like, "Just when things were going good, this had to happen." Or, "Why does this always happen to me?" Then you've got to shake yourself loose from the grip of self-pity.

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