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About the episode:

While in an era of disagreements, we can all agree on pursuing personal peace. Unfortunately, we cannot tap into peace and stability if we don’t know its source. In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we examine the secret to living a life of supernatural peace that only Jesus can provide. We will look to scripture and discuss why giving your whole self to the Lord grants you the absolute peace that will provide victory in your life.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • A biblical review of the story of King Asa
  • The three keys to finding supernatural peace
  • How victories are certain when we find peace through Jesus

About the host:

Jaime Luce’ story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way.  Learn more.

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Full Transcript

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This is your encouragement. Number one for today. Though a million come against you. Though you are fought on every side, the Lord will fight and win the battle

Welcome to the Jaime Luce podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today, I’m going to be talking to you today about living in peace, the secret to living in peace. I know that with everything that goes on around us on a continual basis every day, I don’t know where you live, I don’t know what your home life is like what your work life is like what your ministry life is like. And I am confident that all of us have things that come at us on the regular basis on you know, whether that be minor things, major things we all deal with life, life is complicated sometimes. But we can be those and should be those who are able to navigate and walk in this life in total peace. It’s something Jesus is the Prince of Peace. And yet somehow that peace eludes us many times. And I think the reason it eludes us is because we have not understood how to lay hold of that piece. I think we sometimes think it’s just kind of a feeling that comes because we know Jesus, so something is either wrong, or Jesus isn’t here today, or or I’m far from him, I’ve done something to upset him. Why is this piece not here? And that’s not, that’s not really accurate? There’s some pieces to that, that are right. It’s like having a couple pieces of the puzzle, but having missing pieces, so you never get the whole picture. So today, I want to really dispel what maybe some of the misconceptions are about piece. And really now there’s always, I guess I should say there are always outliers. And I might touch on a couple of those. But I’m going to keep this to the core of what we see in a particular passage of Scripture today, so that you are able to walk in peace.

I do want you to get out your bibles today, I’m going to be giving you a lot of Scripture and I’m actually going to read several large portions of Scripture because there’s so meaty they have so much in them that I try to pick them out. I’m almost reading the whole thing anyway because they all hold so much. So if you can if you’re in a place that you can get your Bibles out, get something to write with, and maybe a good cup of coffee, and let’s go ahead and dive in. I’m going to be talking about King Assa ASA not sure how to say his name ASA Assa, and I want to give you a little background about him. There are several things that I probably could have brought to you today. This particular one I felt that the Lord said this is what I want you to do today. However, there may be others coming when it includes the life of King ASA or king Assa. So, this will start in Second Chronicles, Second Chronicles and you know, Chronicles is First Chronicles Second Chronicles, it’s one of those books that some people just kind of don’t want to take the time to read. Because there’s all the genealogy things, there’s a lot of the repeat information that we have seen, whether that’s in this books for Second Samuel or whether that’s First and Second Kings, or it’s the talking about the tabernacle and the pieces, and people kind of get lost in the in the way that it’s presented many times and they don’t want to stick with it. They just think there’s nothing really there that it’s boring. I promise you, even though this is chronicling certain things, items, tabernacles buildings, kings, there’s so much here and you don’t want to just skip over. I mean, if we have the Bible, if we have scripture, it’s because God saw to it that we needed it and we should have it. So I encourage you to be those who are diligent study or have the word that you get your Bibles out that you read the word with intention, and that you look for the things that God might be teaching you and it will surprise you sometimes the things that you find when you’re just reading through genealogies, if anything to realize that you matter To God, your name, the family you came from, where you came from where you decided to plant your roots, all of that matters to God that the Bible tells us that there are books about us. We have books about each one of us.

He’s written the books, the books will be open. And so there’s information about you, if he knows how many hairs are on your head, beloved, he knows everything about you. That that’s intricate detail. He knows everything about you why? Because he loves you, He created you with great purpose. And so I want us to look at this today, Second Chronicles. And to give you a little bit, I’m gonna probably start reading. Yeah, I will. I’ll start reading in chapter 14. But I want to give you a little history here, just to give you set the stage give you a little background, who King ASA is. So we know who King David was right now Saul was the first King David was the second king. But David was a king after God’s own heart. We know about King David to this day Israel has the Star of David. Everything hinges on the way that David served the Lord the way that he gave himself to knowing God’s laws, his precepts, His commandments, he loved them. He said that all the time, how much he loved them, he loved God’s laws. And that we we know that loving all of that, that the life of, of wanting to live, how God says live is precious to God’s heart. That’s what in God’s heart that’s wanting to do things the way God does them, if I love what He commands, if I love what his laws are, if I love what he says, do, then I have his heart, then I will be living a life that is pleasing to the Lord. So we know David had a heart that was after the Lord. David’s son is Solomon, who we know as the wisest man, the wisest king, then Solomon Sutton, has Rehoboam, who who takes over after him, and again, I’m not going to talk about this today, I probably will do another episode about this. But it is amazing how quickly you can go from serving the Lord with all your heart and having God’s heart to in your wisdom, kind of walking away from not kind of walking away from what you know, to serve the Lord your God only now in Solomon’s life, from what we gather by the book of Ecclesiastes, the way that he sums it up, in the end, he recognizes the only thing you better be doing it, how to sum up the whole matter as you better fear God.

So as best to my knowledge, Solomon got it right in the end, but he did spend many years in his wisdom seeking. So this is a a warning to all of you who just think that all the schools of knowledge out there are worth digging into. Solomon says that they’re all empty and vanity, there’s nothing there. And now I’m not talking about if you’re going to be trained to be a minister, of course, that’s very valuable. But make sure you get into a school that teaches what the fire of God looks like to carry you through that you don’t allow these schools that have turned there are now most seminaries now have turned into indoctrination centers, just like the rest of them, because they’re government funded. And we’ve lost our way even in the seminaries for wanting to teach how to minister and be the be the Lord servant. So please be careful. Make sure that the Lord leads and guide you and opens the door that he has set for you to walk through. But in your search for knowledge, you can get really off course you can really get off course. So we see David, then Solomon, well, then Solomon son Rehoboam. What a mess. Rehoboam does not serve the Lord in the very end. There’s a a humbling that he does. In the very end of Raya Beaumes life, he does humble himself and the Lord does not bring complete destruction, but he did not serve the Lord. In fact, the Scripture says that he was an evil king. That’s a whole nother message in itself to what does God say is the difference between an evil king and a good king? And Scripture tells us so we’ll talk about that another time. But you can see how quickly from David to his son to his grandson, what they’ve lost in serving the Lord.

This audit tell you the importance and the severity of how you raise your children. Get them into the house of God regularly. You make sure you’re in the house of God regularly, and where the where the power of God is where where your children can be raised, seen the acts of God, like what you see in the book of Acts, where the fivefold ministry is is happening. And you can see with your own eyes that the sick are healed when we lay hands on them, that we receive the pie We’re in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that we are able to speak with tongues that we can prophesy, the goodness of God, that all of these things that are available to us that we are people of God who walk after the Spirit, not after the flesh, that we do things God’s way, not man’s way, and that we are people who walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, meaning you see the fruit of the Spirit evident in the lives of those who call themselves Christians. This is very important. Now I know I’m giving you a little extra on the background, but it’s important, you know, this line. So after Raya Boehm, we have a biker now a biologia. This is really interesting. A biker, it doesn’t specifically say like most of the kings that he did evil in God’s eyes, he was evil king, or that he was a good king. But what it does say about him is that he trusted in the Lord. And we’re going to read some of his story today for purposes of this message, but a biologia trusted in the Lord. That’s important folks, you can have your

your faith over fear stickers all you want. But faith in what? What are you putting your faith in? If you can have faith in a lot of things. This kind of faith we’re talking about is faith and trust in God alone. God alone, okay. Now a bida then is succeeded by his son, ASA. Okay, so this is king, David’s great, great grandson, or Solomon’s great grandson to help you understand who he is. King aces rain was coupled both with great victories as well as very dark times. I felt like when I was reading this, that it was a really good parallel to the times that we’re living in right now. You know, we as Christians are seeing great victories. We saw Roe vs. Wade overturned, I mean, that’s a tremendous victory. And at the very same time that we’re seeing this great victory, there are very dark times, unsafe times, and times of struggle. So it also shows how King ASA at the beginning of his reign, sought very hard to follow and trust the Lord. However, at the end of ACEs life, he allowed his heart to begin seeking security in men, other kings, other nations, instead of trusting in the Lord only. And he began to put all of his trust in doctors in the stead of healing from the Lord. Again, I’ll discuss more of that in a different episode. But King A says beginning was a great one. And the Scripture is clear why it was great. So we can do the very same things and have those same results in our life.

So that’s where I want to start. Second Chronicles 14, says, when a biker died, he was buried in the city of David, then his son ASA became the next king. There was peace in the land for 10 years. Now, before we even go on, that is something I want, does it I don’t even know is that something you want? Do you want peace in your land? Now I’m sure I’m talking about all our land, wherever you live the land of the country you live in, but I’m also speaking about your land, your home, where you reside, peace in your land. He had peace for 10 years. Let’s keep reading verse two. He said did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord his God. Now these are we’re getting into what he did. Why did he have peace? We want to know how he had peace for 10 years. Here we go. He did what was good and pleasing in the sight of the Lord his God, he removed the foreign altars and the pagan shrines, he smashed the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah poles. He commanded the people of Judah to seek the Lord, okay? This is really important to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey His law and his commands. So we’ve seen two things already. We’re going to discuss those in just a minute you seek the Lord, you obey his commands. Asa also removed the pagan shrines as well as the incense altars from every one of Judas towns. So aces kingdom, so aces kingdom, so this is the result by doing these things he enjoyed A period of peace. During those peaceful years, he was able to build up the fortified towns throughout Judah, and no one tried to make war against him at this time, for the Lord was giving him rest from his enemies. The Lord gave him rest from his enemies. Because ASA did three things. Number one, he sought the Lord, he sought the Lord his God. That means he turned his heart, totally to the Lord to seek what it is that God wants him to do.

How does God want him to respond? What does he want him to do? That he obeyed His law and his commands? So if God said, go here, Asa do this ASA fight here, I said, Whatever He told him to do. That’s exactly what he did. So God is watching. God sees God’s giving commands. God’s waiting. Are you coming to me? Are you looking to me? Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s go to verse seven. Asa told the people of Judah, let us build towns and fortify them with walls, towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours, because we sought the Lord our God, and He has given us peace on every side. So they went ahead with these projects and brought them to completion. Now let’s look at Second Chronicles 14, I’m going to really hone in on verses eight to 15. This is the next portion. But I want you to hear this because in this time, we’re recognizing God is saying, This is what you can have. This is what ASA had. He had peace for 10 years, no one dared fight him. During this time God saw to it that nobody really came against Him to war against him. God was keeping his peace. In other words, God was keeping the lines of peace around Judah around King ASA, because he sought the Lord because He obeyed His commands. And because he made sure that he trusted only in the Lord. So let’s look at this. Verse eight says, King ASA had an army of 300,000 warriors from the tribe of Judah, armed with large shields and spears. He also had an army of 280,000 warriors from the tribe of Benjamin, who were armed with small shields and bows. Both armies were composed of well trained fighting men. So he’s letting us know, he had an army It was It wasn’t insignificant. He had a good army. He had a larger army, a smaller army, what they were able to do, but he’s giving us kind of their background, what their capability was. Let’s go to verse nine, once an Ethiopian named Zeira, attacked Judah, with an army of 1 million men. Okay, I want you to hear this. So this is explaining one time during King aces rain.

This proves why ASA trusted in the Lord, this is this is his trust, inaction that we’re going to see. So living in dark times, okay, living in dark times, have had a period of peace, because of all of this obedience. And here comes the test. Do I trust God when something comes at me in my piece, because this is where we get rattled, we’ll have peace, we’ll go to a great church service will spend great time in the Word and prayer and feel the peace of God. And all of a sudden you get a phone call, all of a sudden you see bad news, all of a sudden, something happens, you know, and we our piece gets rattled, so you can understand there’s a time of peace, things are going well. They’re experiencing the goodness of God. And something happens. And I want you to look at this. Here he is attacked, not by a an army that is comparable to him. He has been attacked by an army that is twice his size. And the King James I believe the Hebrew actually it’s in the Hebrew the Hebrew says that it’s 1000s times 1000s. So that’s even more than a million because just 1000 times 1000 is a million so I’m not exactly sure how many million this man had. But Zarah came and attacked with at least a million men. Okay, so he’s already outnumbered by half, if not by very much more, they advanced to the town of Marisha. So Asa deployed his armies for battle in the valley north of Marisha. Now let’s look at verse 11. Then ASA cried out to the Lord his God Oh, oh Lord,

no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, oh God, oh Lord our God, for we trust in you alone. Now how do I know that he’s trusting in God alone because he’s not going out? You know the practice of the day was that a king would contact another king that he’s on good terms with and pay him some kind of money to come join him in a battle and fight with him. So he had the advantage of a double army of two kingdoms, maybe three kingdoms. There’s times when five kings got together to come after us. I mean it could be you could have a horde of, of different kingdoms coming to fight one territory to take that territory. They didn’t he didn’t. He wasn’t trusting in those he wasn’t trusting in another king. He was trusting in the LORD God alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde. Oh Lord, You are our God. Do not let mere men prevail against you. So what is ASA saying? He’s saying Lord, they’re not coming against me. I trust you. I’m in your hands where your people, this is your battle. They are coming against you and we are trusting in you alone. It is in that place of trusting in God alone, that God always shows up for his battles. He will always fight his battles. He will always fight his battles. Let’s look at verse 12. So the Lord defeated the Ethiopians in the presence of Asa and the army of Judah and the army fled. Asa and his army pursued them as far as giroir. And so many Ethiopians felt that they were unable to rally they were destroyed by the Lord and his army. And the army of Judah carried off a vast amount of plunder. While they were at Gurdwara, they attacked all the towns in that error area, and terror from the Lord came upon the people there.

As a result, a vast amount of plunder was taken from these towns to they also attacked the camps and herdsman and captured many sheep and goats and camels before finally returning to Jerusalem. Do you see what God is saying? This passage of scripture is saying that when you trust in the Lord, when you seek Him, they prayed, they sought the Lord, they obeyed His commands. And now they are trusting God to fight their battles, letting them reminding everyone who can hear reminding them and declaring this to the Lord, this is your battle. This is your battle, and they’re fighting against you, Lord, what are you going to do? And the Lord over and over again, it says, The Lord defeated them. It was the Lord’s army who did it. But who got to take the spoils, who got to take the plunder God’s people, God’s people.

I want to jump ahead, cuz there’s something I want to read to you. But I’ll get to it in a minute. This is your encouragement. Number one for today. Though a million come against you. Though you are fought on every side, the Lord will fight and win the battle. When you’re his, when you’re seeking Him. When you are relying on God and God alone, the strength of his arm alone, God will bring the victory in your life. So how then do we ensure this kind of peace, a peace that passes all understanding a piece that is on every side? I want to give you several scriptures to write down I’m going to read these to you. And I know they will encourage you this is not just in this one passage. I and I only wrote down a few you can do your own search and you’ll find even that many more. But I encourage you to look at these meditate on these. Take this in if you are in need of peace today. The Prince of Peace has it for you. The Prince of Peace wants to give it to you. Number one, we have to seek the Lord, if we will seek Him with all of our heart our soul, our mind our strength. That’s what seeking is. Don’t seek the Lord just with you know with a mental assent. Yes, Lord, I look to you today. You know those prayers that kind of get thrown up as if we’re doing some as if that little religious act is going to do anything as if that’s actually you having relationship with the Lord and you actually valuing His presence? You know, you don’t just throw up Okay, Lord, I know you’re with me. Okay, thank you, Lord, I know you’re doing it. I saw you today I called on your name today. No, I mean, seeking Him with all your might. And that doesn’t mean that can mean many things that can mean the way that I study scripture to see who God is the way that I try to make sure that I am walking after the Spirit, the way that I treat people, because I want to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. I want my character to align itself with the spirit and the in the character of God, that I’m seeking God, I’m seeking His ways I’m seeking his his, what he what he likes, what he doesn’t like what he wants for me what he doesn’t want for me, that I want my life to align itself with him, that I’m truly seeking Him. I don’t I don’t mean just to make sure I’ve prayed about it, and throw up a prayer that says, Oh, God, you know, I’ve got this battle today, I asked you to take care of this for me.

Now you might say those words, but I’m talking about with all your heart. I’m talking about your mind on God, your mind after knowing God to seek God. Okay, so let’s look at Deuteronomy six, verses four through six, this particular scripture, I’m reading out of the New Living Translation, and it says, Listen, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to see these commands that I am giving you today. So what are they saying, you have to seek the Lord with all your heart, your soul, your strength, why? Because it is in that seeking, that you commit yourself wholeheartedly, to what to the commands that God gives you. Seeking and obeying, go hand in hand. It’s kind of like one and one A, you can say, point 1.2 I put point one on this. And point two I’ve kind of I’ve mashing them together one and two together, because they go hand in hand, to seek the Lord with all your heart means that you intend on following the commands he gives you because you’ve sought him. I can’t seek the Lord and then not do what he tells me to do. Folks, we can live in this. It’s a it’s a wrong, us false security. To think that because I prayed, you know, I can pray God help me with this, God, I need your help. I need you to do something for me, I need you to help me here. I need you to give me a way through I need break through I need my finances met, I need this relationship mended. I need to grow I you know, whatever the need is, I can pray that prayer. But if all I do is pray that prayer, and I don’t actually seek the heart of God, meaning I go to the Scripture, what does he say about relationships? Am I doing this right? What does he say about finances? Am I in covenant with my finances? Am I doing I’m actually following the commands to seek the Lord with all your heart means that you are actually now employing all of your heart to follow the commands that you find that he gives you in that seeking. Okay, so if you if you understand that to seek goes hand in hand with obedience. Let’s look at what happens what God says Jeremiah 2913.

I know you’re all familiar with Jeremiah 2911. Let’s look at Jeremiah 2913. He says, and you will seek Me. So when I seek him, he says what? And find me, you will seek Me and find Me. When you search for Me with all your heart. If you feel like you’ve been seeking God and you haven’t found him, you get into the presence of God. And you’re asking him to know him. You’re seeking Him you want to know more? Well, that means that you’re actually also in His Word. You’re you’re seeking Him, you’re in prayer, but you’re also in His Word. And the proof that you are actually seeking Him with all your heart is you are doing what He tells you to do. That’s why he says, you will find me. If you’re seeking Me with all your heart, you’re gonna find me. So if you feel like you haven’t found him, you’re not seeking with all your heart. And I’m sorry if that feels harsh. I’m not trying to be mean I want to help you. I actually want you to live in peace. I want you to find me Do you think and have everything available to you that God has said was yours? But this is the truth of the Word. You know, it’s the old saying, sometimes the truth hurts. How what? Am I really seeking Him with all my heart? Am I actually seeking Him with all of my heart with all of my soul? My mind will in my emotions? Are my emotions seeking Him? Or are my emotions ruling over me and not seeking the Lord? They’re just looking to get caught up? They’re just looking to be appeased? Are my are my emotions, just looking to take the place of King in my life? Is my soul wanting to sit as king and not my spirit? am I seeking Him with all my strength? When I’m tired? Do I still seek the Lord? To I give him all of my strength? Or do I give my strength to all the other activities that I want to participate in? Do I give all my strength to work? Do I give all my strength to sports? Do I give all my strength to the gym and exercise? Do I give all my strength to friendships and fun and my my enjoyment, my entertainment? What do you give your all your strength to? Are you giving the Lord all of your heart, all of your soul? All of your strength? Let’s look at Matthew 2237.

This is Jesus talking. This isn’t Jamie. This isn’t just Old Testament. This is New Testament. This is Jesus. And he says in Matthew 2237 and 38. Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Do you give all your mind he says this is the first and great commandment. This is the very first thing that he expects from you the first commandment he expects from you love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul in your mind. So we see in Scripture, he tells us our strength. And now he’s added our minds. Do I think on him? Do I meditate on him? Do I meditate on the Word? Do I meditate on what he’s told me he wants me to do? Do I meditate on the things that he’s called me to? And how I’m going to accomplish those things? Do I meditate on God’s plans and purposes? Or do I meditate on my junk? Do I meditate on my problem all day long? Do I meditate on all my own ways and wishes? Do I meditate on the thing I want to do? And the thing I don’t want to do? Do I meditate on why this is hard? And how I wish it wasn’t this way. And I just wish God would just answer me and I just wish he would do this for me. How am I meditating? What am I giving my mind to? Do I meditate on social media? Is that my mind? Do I give my whole mind to scrolling through social media? Or do I give my mind to understand the power of the word to meditate on the word to study the Word to think on God and His ways and to do my ways match up with his ways and my self examining that, that I even line up with God what he’s expecting of me what he wants from me.

We see this repeated in Mark chapter 12, verse 30, it says and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind. And with all your strength. Here we have all four listed. This is the first commandment. We give Him our everything, folks, if you need peace today, it’s found in him. But that means you’ve given your whole self to him. You’ve given your mind and all the worries and all the troubles and all the circumstances. You realize they’re God’s I’m his child. He loves me. He’s he’s going to do this for me. Now let’s look at Psalm 119 verse two. I love this because this is another promise that’s encapsulated in this seeking God it says blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart. You will be blessed. What you’re looking for is available to you. It’s there for you. It’s in seeking the Lord with all your heart, you’ll find peace and you’ll find blessing. It’s in that seeking that you receive the commandments that he’s given you and you know what you’re supposed to do. And in the doing of those commandments, you receive everything you have need of and that this God you serve is the God who will fight for you who will fight your battles for you who will bring a victory even in dark times. Let’s look at what you can we can call it number three. This is trusting in the Lord alone. Now this is how hard for a lot of people, trusting in the Lord alone is hard for many people, they lean on the arm of the flesh. They like to trust in what they could see with their natural eyes. And I’m challenging you today. This is a challenge that’s going out to you. If you want peace. You know, we can say we want peace, and someone can tell us what to do, I can tell you what to do. But if you don’t actually do it, you’re not going to get it. You can say, but I want it. But what you’re really saying is, if you don’t do it, that I don’t want it bad enough, I don’t want it enough to do what it takes to get it. It’s that way with anything. If you really want it, you’ll do what it takes to get it. It’s not just going to happen, it’s not just going to change, it’s not going to happen by itself. Change is uncomfortable, but change is necessary. Let’s look at this to trust in the Lord alone.

I want us to go back to Second Chronicles 14. And we’re going to read verse 11. And I’m going to read it to you in two versions. I’m going to give you the NLT New Living Translation and the New King James because I thought both of them brought out a really great way of saying this. But it says then ASA cried out to the Lord his God, oh Lord, no one, but you can help the powerless against the mighty help us, oh Lord our God, for we trust in you alone. It is in your name, that we have come up, that we have come against this vast horde. So he’s saying the only reason we’ve come to this battle was because we’re coming in your name, which means the Lord said, go ahead and fight this, go ahead and show up. Oh, Lord, You are our God, do not let mere men prevail against you. And we know men can’t. So he’s saying, God, this is too easy. We need you to do what only you can do. But that’s because they’re just men. Let’s look at it in the King James, this is verse 11. And Asa cried out to the Lord his God and said, Lord, it is nothing for you to help weather with many, or with those who have no power. Help us, oh Lord our God, for we rest on you. That rest is a peace. That trust is a piece that says it’s on you that we find our peace and our rest. It’s on you that we’re able to, to know that this is going to be okay we depend on you alone. And in your name. We go against this multitude. Oh, Lord, You are our God. Do not let man prevail against you. I hope you’re getting this today. Folks. I want you to see that we here we see both seeking the Lord and trusting the Lord together. I’m going to give you a verse that shows you both of these together. I’ve been telling you from the beginning, you have to seek the Lord in seeking Him that means you’re obeying his commands, and that you trust in the Lord here I want you to see this proverbs three, verses five and six. I’m reading this out of the King, the New King James Version. And it says trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do. And he will show you which path to take. Isn’t that good. He says seek His will. And trust in the Lord with all your heart. Both of those things are necessary.

God will show you what to do. And in showing you what to do, he will bring the victory if you will do what God asks you to do. victory is certain victory is certain your enemies are going down. That’s for certain. Let’s look at Psalms 118 verse eight. It says it is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Let’s look at Psalms 20 Verse seven, some trust in chariots and some in horses. But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Some people will trust in these chariots some will trust in horses meaning the strength, the size and the power and the might of whatever’s behind them. But we remember your name. We know who we trust and we know where our help comes from. Our help comes from the Lord.

If we want peace, and I mean real peace, you need to trust in God alone. A man will let you down. Man cannot do what God can do. There is no comparison to where the mite that you need comes from. It will be found in God and God alone. Now I want us to look at a says father, King, Elijah, I told you we would get there. So we’re going to be reading in this is Oh, did I not write down what chapter I believe this is chapter 13. But you may have to correct me on that because I wrote down the verse and forgot to write the chapter, I believe it’s Second Chronicles 13. And I’m going to begin in the second half of the second verse, it says, Then war broke out between a bida and Jeroboam. Now Jeroboam was king over Israel, a Bhaiji was king over Judah, okay. And he had the tribe of Benjamin with him as well and a little bit of the other tribes who had lived in their land. And I want you to see this because this, what we saw about King Elijah was that he trusted in the Lord. That’s why we’re going here. This is what Scripture says of Him as a king is that he trusted in the Lord. So let’s look at verse four. I’m sorry, verse three, Judah led by King Elijah fielded 400,000 Select warriors, while Jeroboam mustard 800,000 Select troops from Israel. So again, they are outnumbered by 2221 Verse four, when the army of Judah arrived in the hill country of a frim, a byjus stood on Mount Zehr, Za, Mara, I am not sure how to say that, and shouted to Jeroboam and all Israel now get this this is what this king who is out number two to one, gets up on this mountain and yells to the king of Israel, and to all the people in Israel. Listen to this. This is so powerful. He says, listen to me. Don’t you realize that the Lord the God of Israel made a lasting covenant with David, giving him and his descendants the throne of Israel forever, yet Jeroboam son of neighbor at a mere servant of David’s son, Solomon rebelled against this matter. Then a whole gang of scoundrels joined him to fIying Solomon son Rehoboam, when he was young and inexperienced, and could not stand up to them, Do you really think you can stand against the Kingdom of the Lord that is led by the descendants of David, you may have a vast army, and you have those gold calves that Jeroboam made as your gods, but you have chased away the priests of the Lord, the descendants of Aaron and the Levites. And you have appointed your own priests, just like the pagan nations. You let anyone become a priest these days, whoever comes to be dedicated with a young bull and seven rams can become a priest of the so called Gods of yours. But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not abandoned him.

Only the descendants of Aaron serve the Lord as priests and the Levites alone may help them in their work. They present birch offerings and fragrant incense to the Lord every morning and evening. They place the bread of the presence of the holy table and they light the gold Lampstand every evening, we are following the instructions of the Lord our God. Do you hear that? He’s saying that means we have sought the Lord, we know what he wants us to do, and we are doing it. But you have abandoned him. So you see, God is with us. He is our leader, his priests blow their trumpets and lead us into battle against you. Owe people of Israel do not fight against the LORD, the God of your ancestors, for you will not succeed. Meanwhile, Jeroboam had secretly set part of his army around behind the men of Judah to ambush them. When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear, they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priests blew the trumpets and the men of Judah begin to shout and the sound of their battle cry. God at the sound of their battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel and routed them before a biojet and the army of Judah. The Israelite army fled from Judah and God handed them over to Judah in defeat a budget and his army inflicted heavy losses on them. 500,000 of Israel select troops were killed that day. So Judah defeated Israel on that occasion because why? Because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors, a bidet and his army pursued Jeroboam troops and captured some of his towns including Bethel, just shunt just Shana and Efrain along with their surrounding villages. So Jeroboam of Israel never regained his power during a by just lifetime And finally, the Lord struck him down and he died. Meanwhile, a Beida of Judah grew more and more powerful. I know that was a lot of scripture. But folks that is a powerful packed bunch of scriptures. God, when he’s on your side, when you are seeking God when you are following his commands, when you’re doing what God wants you, you’re living after the heart of God, nothing, no enemy can stand against you. You can stand in peace and rest and know that God is fighting those battles that mere man cannot stand up to God. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If we will seek Him with all of our heart, our soul and our strength. And if we will put our whole trust in Him alone, he will reward us with peace. Let’s look at Second Chronicles. And I will finish with this Second Chronicles 15 verse seven. And again, I’m going to read this to you in two versions, New Living Translation and the New King James, new living says, But as for you, be strong and courageous. For your work will be rewarded. I wanted to jump to this so bad earlier, this is King ASA, this is Second Chronicles. This is King ASA, and he’s saying, Be strong and courageous. For your work will be rewarded. Now the Lord has sent a message by the prophet to tell them this.

This is coming from the Lord. He’s saying, If you will do what I tell you to do, be strong and courageous. What you do in the name of the Lord, will be rewarded. Let’s read that in the New King James, but you be strong. And do not let your hands be weak. For your work shall be rewarded. If you need peace today, if your heart is, is in trouble in turmoil, if you feel like you’re living in very dark times, just know that peace can be found. There is peace in Jesus Christ. If you want peace today, seek the Lord with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind and with all of your strength. obey the commands of the Lord. And watch as the Lord fights your battles wins them for you, and you go away with great reward. Let me pray for you today. Father, we thank you, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus your son and we ask Father for the peace that passes all understanding to come and overshadow us today. Let it permeate in our minds as we meditate on your power and your goodness, your love for us and the plan you have for us. Father, I thank you that each listener today can know you in an intimate way they can trust in Your name today in you alone, no matter what the report of the doctor is, no matter what the report of the of the court is, no matter what stands against them or what enemy has come against them. We can have peace and you will fight our battles for us. Oh God. So we give you thanks and praise today I asked for a special blessing on your people. Father asked that by the Holy Spirit. You go to each one you teach them how to search your scriptures to be found in there, that you are found in the scripture for them that as they seek you you are found and that they will know you give them strength help them to be encouraged. Put courage into them today father as they go about their day. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me today folks. We’ll see you next time. Bye bye