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About the episode:

Every one of us has dealt with deep pain, and Adalis Shuttlesworth says we must walk through the trenches of grief to heal! The severity of those circumstances can leave us feeling weak, angry, or depressed. It can cause us to be rooted in sorrow and STAY in a mental state of fear. But God wants you to know that freedom from despair is found in HIM! In this episode, we discuss the importance of releasing ourselves from a victim mindset to facilitate the growth HE has for us. Hear how to surrender your pain to walk out a victorious life.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • Scriptures on how to grieve and move forward 
  • The steps in obedience to finding complete healing 
  • How to release a victim mindset
  • Recognizing your “triggers” and how to release them to God in the healing process

About the guest:

Adalis Shuttlesworth is the visionary behind The Mighty Series, which was birthed out of prayer in 2013 when she discovered that the world needed better versions of Bible stories for kids. She recently self-published three graphic novels with a goal of sharing the raw unadulterated Word of God to the next generation. Adalis has been in full-time ministry for more than a decade with her husband Jonathan Shuttlesworth. They are the founders of Revival Today and together they’ve traveled the world teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prior to Revival Today, Adalis attended Zion Bible School and served as a youth leader for a church in the Boston suburbs. She was born and raised in Framingham Massachusetts with her four siblings and moved to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in 2012. In addition to her pursuits of expanding The Mighty Series Collection, Adalis leads the annual Radiance conference for women, hosts The Adalis Podcast weekly, is a guest speaker for Revival Today Live on CTN, and co-hosts Vidotionals, a video devotionals series with her twin sister Maglis Griffiths. Adalis and her team are looking forward to expanding The Mighty Series Collection in the years to come.

About the host:

Jaime Luce’ story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way.  Learn more.

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Full Transcript

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Jaime Luce

We are in the kingdom we do suffer the violence of what goes on around us. Absolutely. We stand up in our zeal and we take by force what rightfully belongs to us. So instead of laying hold and owning the pain, we can like hold of the victory. We can choose what we’re going to lay hold up.

Welcome to the Jaime Luce podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today. I have the great pleasure today and the honor of having in the studio with me a Adalis Shuttlesworth out of Pittsburgh, and she is the boy what could I call her? She is the queen of everything. She does everything and she does it well. pastor’s wife, evangelist, church, Pastor, leader, mother, author, gosh,

Adalis Shuttlesworth

amen. At all. Okay, what an intro. I hope I don’t let you down guys.

Jaime Luce

Well, my inspiration, I hope that a treat this is for me today. I literally, and this is no joke. When starting to do this, I just watched you and your sister, and then Jonathan doing this all the time. And I was just like, oh my gosh, if I could ever do that, like them, they’re amazing. You guys are amazing. And you just do it from your spirits from your heart. And, and it comes across beautifully. I just love it. And I love additionals that

Adalis Shuttlesworth

we got to pick those back up. We haven’t done it in a very long time. The year? Yes.

Jaime Luce

I said that’s the best phrase, I love that you coined that that’s too perfect. Well, today, even though this will be totally fun for me on one respect, this is a serious topic that we’re going to talk about today. And I, I want the reason I’m thinking about this, the reason this is on my heart is knowing that things are getting difficult for people right now. And I don’t want them to get stuck in what they’ve already gone through. And then think that they’re going to get heaped on more, which keeps them in that cycle, it reminded me of the story of Joseph, you know, going from one trial to the next. And we have an opportunity to stay in the pit to get lost in the prison, to you know, remain the bitter one, that everyone fears, if they forget around you. Or we can become those who have learned how to command and over those things and rule over those things. And be the one that people come to for comfort, and not in fear. And so you yourself, and I’ll let you tell about this, whatever you want to tell about it. But I asked you on because I know that you suffered a great loss. And for those, I can’t speak to this the way you can I had lost in my life, and I’ve had things in my life, but I have not experienced what you’ve experienced. And I I don’t want to be disingenuous to our listeners today and be condescending, and they’ll think you have no idea what I’m talking about, sir? No, I wanted to be able to have you speak into that. So maybe you could tell us a little bit about you what you want to say and then about the situation and we can dive in from there?

Adalis Shuttlesworth

Well, I think you really hit like a really impact important topic. When it comes to our lives, period Christians. We start off this year in a time of prayer and fasting to consecrate our lives to God. And then after the 21 days of prayer and fasting, like nothing happens. And that is something that I feel like is like this cycle with with people with individuals, especially in the Christian realm, is we’re wanting change, but we’re not changing anything in our daily lives to facilitate the change, to move forward. And in those steps that are required for change. You know, I know it sounds silly, Jamie but it’s like, you know, we’re praying and asking God for His intervention for you know, change to happen in our marriage in our lives and in the lives of our children and our businesses and our ministry, and we’re praying and we are pushing away the plate. And that’s it. We go back on on January 22. We’re back with it. We’re back doing the same thing. And so I feel like this is really and it’s it’s a message that I preached yesterday about these things. It’s it’s it’s it’s really like, like a fork in the road for a believer the big anything of the year, and you’re either you’re either going to do it, or you’re not going to do it. Yeah, and most of the time, right by January 31, most people do not do what they have have, you know, mentally wanted to do and from Christmas all the way up until the time of prayer and fasting is over. And, and the reason for that is that you don’t you’re not obedient to that first step. You know, God doesn’t give us a whole picture. You know, he just gives us little steps to take. And on the heels of what you were saying I underwent, and back in 2019, I had to bury a son, I was 2627 weeks pregnant, and everything was fine. And all of a sudden, I’m doing ministry, I’m at a Christian school, I’m reading our mighty Series books, to the to the school there. And then all of a sudden, I feel like I am I am beginning to hemorrhage. And I thought to myself, Oh, my goodness, like, I this, this isn’t normal. I’ve been pregnant before. I had Camila, I have a nine year old daughter. So I know, like the queues here. And so finally, I thought I need to go in immediately. And so they I was brought in and they said, Yeah, you’ve lost quite a significant amount of blood, this doesn’t really seem normal, we’re just gonna, like, keep you here, just to kind of like, watch you. And then I’m just hanging out with both of my sisters, we’re literally just laughing, hanging out. And all of a sudden, the doctor comes in and says, You guys need to leave. And we need to do an emergency C section. And when she said that, it was probably when she came into the room, another 10 minutes, that I was just completely out, they had juiced me up, they did everything. And then the baby was there. And in my heart, in my heart, I thought to myself, I’m not losing this baby, there’s no way. Like, you know, people have prophesied over me, I, you know, I already have envisioned that this child’s life. And like I This isn’t, I literally did not think that it would have turned out to be what it turned out to be which after and not even a day, he went home to be with the Lord. And so that was really like a devastating thing I had suffered a miscarriage before. But there’s something about holding your baby that really solidifies that and makes that suck a lot more. And so I remember thinking to myself, What in the world, because in my head, that we were already a family of four, right? So in my head, I’m already scheduling what this child you know, is going to do what he’s going to do for the ministry, we got a name picked out, you know, we’ve got his room set up, we’ve already have clothes for him. So it’s, it’s quite jarring, that’s the only real word that I can, you know, that that really encompasses what I was doing. It was, it was jarring to the senses. It was like a shock. It was like, you know, like, you’re driving and all of a sudden, there’s a concrete wall.

The car has come to a stop, it’s jolted. And, and you know, you don’t even know what the heck happened. And that’s what it felt like, I felt like, you know, I’ve made these plans for this child I’ve made my life at the moment is no longer going to be what I thought it was, you know, you feel disillusioned. You feel like all those dreams of collapse. And, and you’re asking all of these questions like why, you know, I’ve, I’ve stood in faith, I did what is right, but ultimately, when things like that happen, the questions that we asked are so futile, there’s so pointless, you know, and I know this for a fact because I went through it and you’re asking yourself, why why did these things happen to me? You know, this is what what a mockery This is to the gospel of Jesus, what a mockery this is to me, how am I gonna go out there and preach about, you know, the fruit of the womb, God blessing you, you being able to multiply and, and to do what God has ordained for us to do as women be a mom, you know, standing on the scriptures, what a mockery that is. And so you know, you’re going through all of these things. And the thing that you want to do is just give up and quit and say, You know what, this just doesn’t work out. For me. I don’t want to embarrass myself anymore, preaching these things, and not attaining them, you know, what a slap in the face. And so, you know, you just you just kind of like wallow in it. And these are the things these are the circumstance, Jamie that, you know, when it happens, I don’t know why it happened. And I don’t care why it happened, because understanding the whys cannot bring my son back from the dead. So I understand. The only thing I do understand with clarity is that Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. And so it’s just interesting that progression he steals you know, your health your your Your joy, and then he kills you know, and he killed my son. There’s no way around it that that was not supposed to happen. Death is not something that God ever planned for. We were supposed to live forever, you know, but sin came in the enemy comes in and, you know, brought the deception, and then the fall of man king. And so we understand that that was God’s never intention. So if it wasn’t me, I didn’t want this to happen. And it wasn’t God, there was only one other out. And it is the enemy. And he kills and so it’s interesting it you know, the end result is never just death. The end result is steal, to kill and to destroy. So, understanding that we’ll put a fight in you, you know, it’s it’s not about the deaths that happened. And some of you it’s it’s, it’s a death that looks like a divorce. It’s a death of maybe an actual your spouse, your child’s best friend, your mom, your dad, you know, somebody that was really close to you maybe that that’s what that looks like, maybe it’s bankruptcy, maybe it’s it’s defeat of whatever that might be. The ultimate goal for the enemy is not just to bring the death, it’s to bring the destruction for you to say, I’m done with this. I tried standing in faith. I tried doing it the way, you know, Miss Jamie said, and it didn’t work out for me. So you can have it because this is fake. Why would God allow see that that was always a thing? That’s always been a question. Why would if God is so good if the if the God of your Bible is so good, why did he allow this to happen? But you have to understand that there’s an adversary, there’s an enemy against us, and he hates you, he hates me hates us. Right? We have to be, you know, we have to be aware of those things. That’s why the you know, the word of God always says, Beware, you know, it’s, uh, be aware, be at war with those tactics. Understand that we’re not just called to be, you know, hallelujah Christians, amen, Jesus, but we have to be there has to be an element of war of fight on the inside of us that deciphers those things clearly improperly meant that that was an attack from the enemy tried to destroy me. Yeah. And it’s not just about the killing, it’s about destroying my marriage, because you understand that there’s a high divorce rate, what at the at the loss of a child, whether it was to sickness, or like, it happened to me even before, you know, a year of age, you know, so So you understand that there’s a high divorce rate, you know, I could have easily been just depressed to the, to the point of suicide, I could have died on that table. I mean, there was complications, that I won’t go into that I absolutely could have died on that table, you know, and the ultimate goal for the enemy is to destroy your soul, so that you do walk away from that and say, You know what, that’s not worth it. I don’t believe that, because I stood in faith. And I asked God for this son, and I was believing for this son. And he didn’t, he didn’t make it come to pass. Why is that? I don’t know why that is. But I’m not, I’m not gonna wallow in defeat. You know, the Bible says that we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, some people camp out there, and they’re their home, this is my new address, the valley of the shadow of death. And if you understand that, that that that wasn’t something that was orchestrated by God, it was never God. You know, if it’s if it’s marked with sin, if it’s mark with failure, if it’s marked with death, that is never gone, there is an enemy. And so identify the enemy and then be at war with the enemy. So all of a sudden, I’m sitting there, and you know, there’s a time for grieving, right? And I, I want that, you know, in the time that I have here with you, Miss Jamie, I want that to be something that people don’t bypass that people don’t yet see. Because a lot of times, especially in the word of faith movement, if you experience loss, you keep it to yourself, and you just kind of hide it, that was never going to be the case with me. You know, I have a wide open book. And you know, people experience loss, that’s just the way it is. But experience, sudden deaths, sudden accidents, you know, a hurricane comes in and just destroys your whole whole, your whole home. You know, there’s just certain things that happen, and the storms of of life will arise. But God has promised us that we are more than victorious. We are more than conquerors through Christ. And so we always understand, wait a minute, whatever the circumstance might be, I’m gonna get through this, and I’m gonna get through this and be better off and I know at the time, it doesn’t seem like you would be better off like it was with me. I would literally get in front of the mirror and start practicing smiling because I thought I’m never going to smile again. Like I have to, I have to, you know, bring that back and I have to, you know, I walk that out. Just unlike anybody else, there was a grieving process to it. And so that’s not a negative thing. In the book of Ecclesiastes, we understand that there’s a season for everything. There’s a season for laughter, but there’s also a season for mourning for grieving won’t negate that, because that’s biblical to look at the life of Paul, he wasn’t just, you know, painting it out to be rainbows and butterflies. You know, he’s like, wait a minute, let me tell you what I did. Let me tell you the beatings that I had endured, let me tell you that I’ve been shipped direct multiple times, you know, he was bitten by a snake. Nobody wants to think about the negative things, the attack and the sacrifices that you have to make as a believer, because we’re Word of Faith, people, we don’t talk about the negative, but that’s part of, of the, the, that’s part of life, that’s part of our story that’s part of, of God, getting the glory and seeing to it that even though the enemy might have done this to me, God turns it around for my good. That’s so good. And so it’s understanding, like, there’s a grieving process for that. So just be aware of it. And then, you know, there’s, there’s a reason for it, you breathe, so that God can heal you, because the Bible says that he’s close to the broken heart, and he wants to, he wants to bind your broken heart, he wants to make it brand new, but But you on the heels of what we were talking about, in the very beginning, when it comes to these changes that we make, we have to be for it, God’s not going to intervene. And, and us be in this depressive mode. And us not wanting change, you know, like, especially when you suffer the loss of your own child’s you feel like, you know, nobody gets it, but you even your husband, you’re like, Okay, you get it to a certain degree, but I he was inside of my belly, you know, like, we already had a bond, we already had a connection, where you met him just for a day I had been carrying him for the last 2728 weeks, or whatever it was. And and I knew his tendency was going to be a very active child. And so I was envisioning that I was dreaming about those things. And so to have those things ripped from you, you feel like it’s your due diligence as a mother to keep that memory alive. And we don’t just forget, I don’t want him to forget, I don’t want to forget these things.

Jaime Luce 17:27
That’s a great point. Oh my gosh, because that’s what I’d never even thought of that, that so many times we hang on, because we’re worried that there will be a forgetting of what meant something to us. And, and not wanting to remember it, not realizing we’re remembering it in a way that clouds it. That brings sorrow to it. Yes, not way that brings a rejoicing, correct? Gosh, I never thought about that.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

And it’s what keeps us back. Right? Because, you know, we don’t want to progress we don’t want to heal, because we want to feel sorrow about this. Because it’s, I am do that, you know, I would often think like I am do this, this belongs to me this sorrow, you know, this sadness, this depression, this hopelessness, this belongs to me, because of what transpired in my life. But I, you know, feeling that, you know, it doesn’t change anything, it just keeps me back from doing what God’s called, it’s part of the plan of the enemy, to destroy, to destroy the call of God on my life to destroy my marriage, so that I’m not happy to destroy my relationship with Camila because, by golly, we forget about the good, and the time of sorrow and grieving sometimes, if you allow those thoughts to permeate, and continue on you forget about the good, you know, God saved my life through that attack, I could have easily died on the table. You know, there was multiple complications that happened right in that hospital bed, you know, so I just just for another breath of life, thank God, thank You, Lord, you know, for Camila for, for my husband, for a ministry that, you know, for the people that prayed and partnered with us throughout that whole thing, just words of encouragement that they would give me, you know, I had to see, and this is part of, of having change, you have to be willing to heal, you know. So if you’re not willing for God, if you’re not willing to give God, you know, your broken heart, then then he’s never going to be able to amend it, you’re never going to be able to move from that. And I don’t like being bullied, you know, and I recognize that that was the plan of the enemy to destroy the ministry, and to destroy the marriage and my relationship with Camila and everything just to get me off course, like, like it happened so many times before. And I recognize that and all of a sudden there was a fight and was like, No, I’m not going to sit down here and take this out. I’m not gonna sit here with my thoughts and torment and just wallow in this because I feel like it’s due me because I don’t want the the memory of my son forgotten. I don’t want these, this heavy thing that happened to me just to be blown away like no big deal. Nobody remembers it, you know, but But there comes a point where you have to really be at war with that plan, you’ll have the enemy and say, I’m not going to facilitate this depression anymore. I’m not going to feel anxious about these things. And then you take steps out of that, you know, in obedience to the Word and obedience to what the Father is telling you to do. And that’s what it was with me.

Jaime Luce

You know, this is reminded me of several stories in Scripture. One being Naomi, losing her husband and her sons and grieving to the point that she said, Don’t even call me Naomi call me Mara, because God is you know, I left full I’m coming back empty. I am not bitter. I don’t you know, but at the at the news, that there was new life and where she had come from where the where she was supposed to be. Right, you know, she had left the lamb that was there and and when she realized there was something fresh there. Yes, you made the decision to get up and go where she needed to go. I mean, that you’re you’re explaining through what you did, exactly what God has told us all through Scripture. I mean, having to be violent, we the violent, we have to take it by force. take it by force, the Kingdom does suffer violence, we are in the kingdom, we do suffer the violence of what goes on around us. Absolutely. We stand up in our zeal and we take by force what rightfully belongs to us. So instead of letting hold and owning the pain, we can like hold of the victory, we can choose what we’re going to lay hold up.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

That’s it. And I know it sounds like it’s, it’s Oh, more easier said than done. But it’s this attitude, it’s an it’s no longer I’m not being victimized I’m not gonna be, you know, a product of my circumstances. Because if it doesn’t look like a loss, you know, the loss of a child, it looks like, you know, I’m a rape victim. I was molested as a kid, I was this I was abused. I was, you know, mentally abused that I you know, no one ever told me that they loved me. It’s all of these hurdles. And all you have to do is get out of that victim mindset and take it by force, the violent take it by force, that’s everything that’s in heaven is afforded to everybody. But the only people that receive it are the people that want it, that are gonna go after it. And so unfortunately, people just, you know, they’re there. They’re a byproduct of the circumstances, oh, this is just the way it’s gonna be. This is my lot in life. If I hear that one more time, I’m telling you, I’m gonna like somebody this is I guess this is my lot in life. No, you need the word. Because if you understand the word of God, God has already given everything to us pertaining to life and godliness, everything we need everything that’s necessary for godly living, for righteousness, for a life that’s in abundance has already been given to us through the blood of Jesus Christ, everything we have everything we need. So why do we continue to ask God for you know, heal my emotions? No, there has to be a time where you give it to God. And you rise up and you say, I’m done with this situation. You know, I I’ve experienced it. And again, give yourself time to grieve, don’t negate the healing process of that. But there is a point where you are grieving and then you step into sorrow. Right. And then when you when you grieve, that’s one thing when you step into sorrow, honey, you’re ought to get out of that pit. Because there’s, there’s a pit of sorrow that if you continue to wallow in it, it is going to be very hard to come out of that sorrow, trust and believe I’ve been there, I’ve been there. And so you don’t want to you don’t want to and that’s where the joy of the Lord comes, comes into play. That’s where, at the darkest time in my life, Jamie, I thought to myself, I’m not going to smile again. And this is when I was I was I, I jumped in headfirst into the pit of sorrow like, Hey, see you guys. I jumped into that dark abyss to the point where Jonathan Oh, he went on to a meeting and he called me and he facetimes me because he wanted to see my eyes and he just started preaching to me because there was just darkness in those eyes. And he thought to himself, alright, and so he just started saying things that are funny and he just started to encourage me in the work and to lift me up. And and I could sense myself coming up out of that, but you know, there comes a point where if you allow that sorrow, if you will allow that depression to come in and take you know, take root, it will Do so it will take root. And it’ll be very difficult to come out of it, but not impossible. And so I remember, you know, being in that pit thinking to myself, Oh, gosh, what have I done? Like, I’m very I’m in it. And I don’t you know, the the reason what is the reason for living? If I don’t have my my son, you know, there would be people that would comments and say, You know what, like, God did this because, you know, the the ministry is going to take off, this happened because God’s going to show you explosive growth in the ministry, and the enemy and this and it was just like, in my head, I was thinking like, I know, that sounds cute, but I would rather have my son than a powerful ministry. So you take the ministry, and so it just started like all of these things. And people mean, well, you know, and so they were telling me these things, and I was just letting that wash over. And I thought to myself, I don’t I don’t want to be here, you know, like, Why didn’t you take me I could have, I could have gone with my son, we could have gone into glory, what’s the purpose of life and all this kind of stuff. And I remember the Holy Spirit’s speaking to me so clearly. And he said to me, if you want to get out of this, you need to be grateful. You need to have a spirit of gratitude. And so I thought to myself, I need I need to be thankful because I couldn’t find joy. Right? And I know that’s that, that that’s anti scripture. And that is in my head. I couldn’t reason I’m like, How can I find joy in this time of, of major heartbreak and pain. And so the Holy Spirit directed me because the Bible says He leads us and guides us into all truth. And so he said, start just being grateful. I’m not asking you to laugh. I’m not asking you to be a joy. I’m asking you to just look at the things in your life and point out one thing to be grateful for. And I would always just fall back on Camila, I’ve got Camila, I’ve got my husband, I’ve got a wonderful marriage, he loves me, you know, he’s with me. You know, we I’ve got this daughter, she’s, she’s, you know, seven at the time. Six at the time. I forget how old she was. It’s like it happened in 2019. What was that, like four years ago. But anyway, and so it was those little things that just got me out. It just brought me one step closer to where I had to be. So all of a sudden, I’m being grateful for my family. I’m being grateful for breath in my lungs, I’m being grateful for my dog, like dumb things, flowers, the beauty of flowers, the fresh air, the sun on my face, you know, after being in the hospital for several days, just having the rays of light, like hit my face, just just finding, you know, just being thankful and finding the good, and a terrible circumstance, all of a sudden put me in a better mood. And I was thinking, Yeah, I’ve got so much up. And then all of a sudden, it was just one more thing. And one more thing. And through that road of gratitude, I began to find joy, little bits of joy. You know, it’s like Camila. I’m so thankful for you. And then she said, you want to play cards? Yeah, let’s play cards. And it’d be one thing that would bring me joy, you know, it’d be a thankful for God and the support of the people that were around me, I could have easily just been alone. You know, some people have to do this, along with nobody there. I had, you know, tons of people at my house every single day. I’m like, just thankful for that. And then one thing led to another, and all of a sudden, you’re finding joy, and then joy, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. And I’m catering because I’m being grateful to God for these things, all of a sudden, he wants to get in that situation. You know, God cannot be around a depressive home, you know, a house full of, of strife and anger, or darkness and defeat, he won’t get there, he’s not going to get in there. He’s going to be in a home where his praise, you know, he’s, he’s in encamped around the praises of His people, He lives in your praise. At the time, you got to find what to be grateful for what to praise God about, but then he comes in, and then the healing process begins, you know, and, and again, you might have a reason to be, you know, in in a time of defeat, but there’s no excuse for you to camp out there. You know, there might be lots of reasons for you to be sad, but you don’t have an excuse to be in there because you’ve got the word. And the Word of God says, You, you walk through that valley of the shadow of death, and you know, who’s guiding guiding you. It’s the Great Shepherd, Jesus is at the helm of this ship, and we are going full speed ahead. And so just, you know, buckle up and enjoy the ride. But there’s steps to that, you know, it being obedient to the Word of God, and exercising these things that we learned through the work.

Jaime Luce

And, you know, even David, when he experienced the loss of a child, there was the same thing. You know, he went he wept he mourned he he didn’t eat my fat he was on his face before God. Yes, looking for an answer. And when do you realize what the answer was? Everyone was shocked because he changed his complete demeanor, he gets up, he washes himself lotion on God and the temple comes back. And it’s a big meal. I mean, they were just shocked at the change of events in his life. Right? But it was because he knew, Okay, this is a course. So because this is the course, this is the way I’m going, I’m gonna let this community down. Right, we’re moving forward. And it’s really a, an understanding that with God, when we know his heart for us, when he when we understand, it really goes back to what you had said earlier that when we can get our eyes kind of off of the situation and its micro form, and recognize what the enemy is trying to do in the macro form. Yes, he’s trying to do a much larger thing. And if I can recognize where his hand is at, it does put that fight in me it does put that boost in me to say, I don’t have I don’t have to do this. Right? I can. I can mourn. I get you know, I was thinking I went through and looked at the different places where people mourn, and the children of Israel mourn for Moses for 40 days, the average time that the children of Israel would have mourned is only seven days. Because this was so impactful. He was so impactful to their lives, God gave them 30 days, right. And when Aaron died again, because of his impact on their life, God gave him another 30 days to mourn. Yes, you think the natural we would think 30 days? What, like, only 30 days are you can, like 30 days. And yet, he was saying, Okay, you got 30 days more, do it. Feel it? You know, sorry? Yes. You’re gonna feel cry the tears you need to cry. Deal with what you feel you’re having to walk away from? Go ahead and go there. Yes, go there. Yeah, go there. But then understand that that’s only part of the journey. You don’t, you don’t stay there. And the road doesn’t stop there. If you let it stop there. It’s like saying to the enemy. Okay. I give you carte blanche. You come in, have your way. Do what you want. I’m easy. Pray now. Yes, that lay down. I say okay, do what you want. Instead of understanding that, yes, this hurts. Yes, this is heavy. How do I carry this? Yeah. How do I do like pause and say, I forget what’s behind me. And I look forward and I press on? How do I do? I know the questions that read people’s mind. How do I do? Right? And part of it is knowing what does God tell us that we will Jesus have effect on me looking at because I don’t want to misquote it? Well, first of all, let’s look at we’re just talking about, right? Yeah, he understood this. And he wrote Psalm 30. And the second half of verse five says immediately endure learning. It’s like, endure we’ve doors for a time. There’s a there’s a link to it. There is a sense of time. You have to endure the weeping. Yes. It reminds me of I was going through a situation I felt hopeless in it. Even though I knew that was wrong. I knew what is my hope? I knew it won’t always feel like this. That’s right. It will always be like this. All you have to do is look back at yesterday and it doesn’t look like that anymore. I mean all you have to do is as liquid the last thing you came through doesn’t look like that anymore. Hi, my name I knew that I wanted to share with you in the moment about a brand new book titled you don’t know and I thought it just neat guy naturalized and I want to share it with you as it solves the problem the economy is going crazy there’s rumors of dealers everything holding us all at one oh my mind motions willing to know what to healing and so many times we think we need the money. But I’m telling you the need God when I that’s exactly what we’re looking for practical ways to know what to do, how to do it so you can have good answers now. And when I land on Amazon, you can also go to Jamie loose stop short I can also find this book with you, Dr. David Dunn and how this is available to you. And I recognize that even in that he will be with me always. Then surely he will be enough for this. Amen. I do, I do believe, yes. himself over and over and over again, there’s no doubt in my mind that he will do for me what he’s done before. Amen. And when I got it, it was like a chain got unlocked and fell off of me. I mean, it just came off and was like, Lord, okay, whatever it looks like, it’s you, me, I can do this, I can do this with you, no matter what this means, no matter what this could break, no matter what changes would are necessary. And that change that has to come, whatever changes are necessary. He goes before us. That’s right. The way plain before us. I mean, that’s he brings down our mountains, he makes our rocky places smooth or crooked places and mix them straight. I mean, that’s the God we serve. So it’s almost as if we have to come back to the very core of our faith and say, Do I still believe in God? You I still believe he is who he is. Will he do what he says he’s going to do? And the moment that we realize, like the disciples, who else you have? Absolutely, no. Yeah, of course, yes. I’m going to stay with you. I’m not. I’m not I, what would happen to me if I left you? Oh, my gosh, you know, right. It’s, it’s that it’s the violence of holding on to our faith, and a violence of not allowing the enemy in the robbing that he’s doing in the killing that he’s doing. Not allowing him to rob me of what I know of who God is. That’s right. I’m not gonna let you take that for me. Yes. What was given to me, you can’t change what he’s done for me. Because you can take my testimony of whatever else I’ve come through, or, or the testimony I hear you telling and I Okay, well, if he did it for you, he’ll do it for me. Amen. Well, can’t take testimony, then that means I have the tomorrow ability to see a new life in front of me that doesn’t look anything like what I’m facing right now. That’s right, that’s exactly right.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

And I think you have a you know, that you have to mentally you have to cross over that bridge, where you are not going to allow yourself to wallow in that kind of defeat any longer. You know, there is, like you said, there’s, there’s a there’s a point, you know, there’s a there’s a fork in the road, where you’re either gonna, you’re either going to do this or you’re just not. And so I’m encouraging you listeners out there, like, Do it, do it and, and watch the progression come, you know, for so many of us, we just keep wallowing it. And it’s like, you know, you’re you’re walking through mud, it’s really difficult to move forward. And for some of us, it’s just like spinning around in circles, and you’re going through the cycle, every single year, every two years, you have a really good, you know, good momentum, and then it’s just it comes crashing down. And when you are experiencing those things, it’s because, you know, you’re not doing what’s required in order for you to move forward in the things of the Lord. You know, the kingdom of God has everything to do with increase. You know, it’s not like, Oh, you’re gonna go down and then no, he wants to take you higher. He wants to have you continue to experience victory, even though there’s a pressing, even though there’s a shaking, God wants to take you to the next level and he wants to move you from glory to glory. And although it might not seem like this is a glorious thing, there’s always hope and like you were touching on the fact that there’s hopelessness. That’s how you know the enemies there. Everything of faith always motivates you, you know, hope and faith, they go hand in hand, and it’s like a tandem bike, you know, if you don’t have hope, then you cannot have faith and vice versa. And so when you have hope, then you understand the word. And and if there’s, if it seems hopeless, then you know, that should be a red flag for you. If you’re feeling those kinds of thoughts, where there’s like, no hope, it’s because the enemies there, you know, anything with God will always make you hopeful, you know, even even in my darkest days, and I’m sure you can attest to it, because you you were saying that, that even in the darkest moments of your life, there was always that that like, oh, there’s, there’s light at the end of this tunnel. So I’m just gonna follow the light, I’m gonna move towards the light. And I am reminded, also at the very last things, this is what I was talking about yesterday, about one of the very last things and we were talking about Moses previously. And one of the very last things and one of the last directions he ever gave his people is found in Deuteronomy two, verse 24. And it says, Moses continued, then the Lord said, now get moving, cross the Arnon gorge, look, I will hand over to you sigh Han, the Amorite king of husband, and I will give you his land, attack him and begin to occupy the land. Beginning today, I will make people throughout the earth terrified because of you, when they hear the reports about you, they will tremble and dread with fear. And, and just a couple more verses that we understand that Moses climbs up the mountain and passes he goes on transitions into heaven. But one of the main things that we have to focus on is the very last thing he said, in a different version, it says rise, and another version, it says, Get going. And this one it says, now get moving, the very first step in in change it the very first step, and seeing the victory through what you think is the greatest attack of your life. Is you rising up from the occasion and saying, I’m not gonna stay here anymore. Like, what’s the worst case scenario that I die? Great, then I’ll transition into heaven. You know, when when you when you make that determination, that oh, if I die, like that’s the worst case scenario, but how is that a worst worst case scenario, you’re gonna transition into heaven. So it just rips fear from you. And, and when fear is no longer there, then your faith can come alive, and it can activate and all of a sudden, there’s doorways there that you never even saw. Because fear will do that to you fear will allow you to be short sighted. Fear never allows you to look into the future fears just about the now about how I’m feeling about the terror about the demise about, you know, just just the current circumstances. But if we have eyes of faith, then we start getting up from that situation, because we have hope, right? That was one of the main things he says is arise. And then it says crossed the Arlen river, or the Arnon Gorge in this this version, which is saying, cross the enemy territory.

What you’re so afraid of, yeah, like that’s a lot of times, people don’t want to confront it. Because we’re non confrontational. We don’t like to fight. But in order for you to be a faith filled person who, you know, accomplishes great things in life, you need to face things head on, period. Just like David, you know, David didn’t run around, you know, hiding from Goliath, he’s like, I’m facing this giant head on, and I’m gonna kill him. And then I’m gonna go after everybody that’s behind that the scene, and we understand the level changes, you know, it was from that very moment that he just went on. I mean, to this day, we know King David, the Jews still call him King David, you know, and so, there’s, there’s, there’s great honor in confronting what you are afraid of. And and for the Israelites, it’s, it’s, you know, when you’re crossing, we’re not going around, you know, that city, we were crossing into enemy territory face, what you’re so afraid of? Or what are you so afraid of? You know, that that that are you afraid to deal with these emotions, I’m afraid to, to feel this pain again. Because if I if I confronted then I’m gonna be facing these things that I’ve been facing since I was a kid. You know, when I violated when I was abused, and all this kind of stuff, and most people we just go around and we refuse to head you know, just just just face things head on. And that’s part of the healing process. Part of the healing process is getting up out of that place and and facing it. What is it that you tried to do you tried to take my son but in the the ultimate goal wasn’t just to take my son it was to destroy this ministry. St. For all the sudden life came came about, I was like this fight. You know, in the spirit, I pulled my hair back, I took my hoop earrings out, I was placing Vaseline on my face because I was ready for a fight. Yeah. And so it’s then that I said, I sat down with my sister who works with me with a mighty series, which is a children’s ministry. About it’s a line of books that we’ve written. And, and I said, we’re going to go after this even harder, because if the enemy thinks he’s going to take my son and destroy my ministry, I’m going to face this thing head on. And I’m going to make him rue the day that he messed with me and my family. And so we breathe fresh life into the mighty series. And we made a vow with the Lord. And we said, God, we want to take a million children’s souls into heaven, we want to put the book out there. And all of a sudden, things began to change within the dynamic of the book, where we made a bigger emphasis on salvation, you know, and so we’re going after it to this day, we’re going after it so that we can make the devil pay, because there’s a plan of action, we’re facing the enemy, face forward, you know, I’m not going to avoid the feelings, you know, how many people are so afraid to feel? Why am I afraid to feel? Why are you afraid of those things that that might happen, deal with it head on, and you will receive the victory, you’ll get the promised land. And then it says here, that God, it says here, look, I’ve already given you the enemy. Another part of you moving forward to make the changes necessary is to have eyes to see what God has already done. You know, at the time, this is just a plan of action, God is saying, look, but really, he hadn’t. He hadn’t given them the enemies. They were still enemies, they were still wanting, you know, they were bloodthirsty people who wanted to destroy God’s people. But God said, You look with the eyes of your spirit. If you look with the eyes of faith, then you’ll be able to decipher even in the darkest spot, even even where, where there’s war, and death, there is a promise, there is something that is going to be good that comes out of this situation, you have to have eyes to see it. And if you don’t have eyes to see it, then it cannot happen. And so that’s where faith comes in. That’s why listening to a podcast like yours, Jamie is a game changer. I won’t even say game changer, it’s life changing. Because you come every week with with a fresh fire, it’s anointed. But what you don’t understand is that it’s actually jolting somebody out of this state of fear out of the state of, of the inability to move, which is is is what most people where most people are, especially in January, they don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to make this this year, any different than what it is or what it was. And so it keeps you at a place where you’re unable to move. And that’s where the devil wants us to be. Right, he doesn’t want us taking territory, he doesn’t want to say you know, taking ground. And so it’s it’s a podcasts like yours, that will joke somebody will quite literally, you know, kick them in the butt and make the move. And that’s these are the little things that we are it’s this is not a a nicety. This isn’t like a cute little thing, you know, where you see, Miss Jamie’s beautiful little face looking all like you know, on fire, and you just know what she’s giving you are nuggets of truth that will quite literally change your life, if you want, if you want it, you know?

Jaime Luce

Right? It makes me think of one of the the shows that you did I think it was probably in 2020 or 2021, one of the ones you did you and you and Max, were talking about the things that you practically did that ensured that you were moving forward that you didn’t accidentally slide back or allow yourself to go back and you tell the story of cleaning, you’re cleaning out a closet or something like that and finding the night gown. Yes. And knowing that boy is such a nice night. And isn’t that pretty? And then remembering why you bought it and it was out of the hospital. And so you made a decision. And this is so funny too, because people will do this with they, I’ll say we we as a people have to be careful that we do not hold on to the things that feed in us. A desire to be sorrowful or in the part of our flesh that wants coddling to time and wants to know that’s the part of the stick gets offended so easy and that’s a part of us. You know, we can do that. Or you can say no, I’m not giving any more power to that thing that’s going to feed my spirit. The part of me that knows I need to fight I need to get up I need to not be here anymore. That’s right. make people angry. It will upset people. I mean, look at David, you mentioned when he fought Goliath, his brothers were ticked off. Yeah. And he’s not afraid to go fight. I mean, people will around you what they want, they want you to stay stuck, comforts them so that they’ll stay they feel then that they can be okay being stuck where they are, instead of knowing that that’s the worst possible thing we can do. If you need to cut people off, cut people off, need to move, move. Whatever you need to do. This is our life. We’re talking about our purpose. Yes. And we’re willing to throw away our purpose, no pain that we don’t even want, you know, feel good. It’s not like it’s either pleasurable, or we’re giving something up for something that’s pleasurable. Yeah. Yeah, everything for it. Yeah, I think we’re blind to, and we don’t recognize what we’re actually changing. Yeah.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

And I think that like, with the stuff that you were bringing up, you know, no one walks you through these things, everybody, especially in the Christian realm, nobody wants to talk about defeat, no one wants to talk about these little, you know, things that happen, that are anti faith and you know, but but to be honest with you, even even the practicality of moving in the right direction, is not talked about. So about the night gown, I still experienced it with rose scented things. When I was in the hospital, I got a little gift thing, like a face wash and all this kind of stuff. And it was really nice, but it was rose scented, everything was rose scented in there, and I use it, and it was great. But now when I’m at Sephora and Matt, like some kind of makeup place, I look at it, if it’s row centered, it takes me right back to that place, where I was what you know, because it’s, you know, these things, these imagery, the images that that you you see, those are really tough to forget. But we are mandated by God, just like it was a call some of the things, some of the things that I’ve been through, I have to force myself to forget. And so part of the healing process, part of the moving forward is as difficult as it might be, is getting rid of those things, the triggers, as I’d like to say. So if it triggers those emotions, I am not tolerating it, I’ll put the rose scented thing down and go for the mango, you know, that it’s you’re you’re doing your your due diligence and facilitating the growth that God wants, you know, done in your life. And you’re not making these you’re not there’s no outs, you know, because a lot of times, especially because of our soul, we want some times to feel those emotions, you know, that’s why there’s, there’s I don’t know if it’s a thing anymore, but it is for me. There’s a music genre called the blues, because he liked them the the, you know, the sad, sappy heartbroken, oh, my heart bleeds type of a feeling. And so some of us especially with with women, we we still let those things linger. We still let those triggers you know, that for me, it was you know how difficult it was tough to clear out my son’s closet. But I kept a little treasure chest that somebody had given to me. And I kept it there. And it was always every time I enter that room, there was a treasure chest with the really nice things that had like a name and little jacket that somebody had embroidered Shuttlesworth on it is little sneakers and all that kind of stuff. And I kept it there. Because I was like, This is too nice. I’m just eventually going to give it never gave it it was just sitting there. And every time I’d walk into that room, I’d see that little treasure thing. And it would just, it would bum me out. And I would try to shake it. But then I thought to myself, Why is this here? Like it’s not you know, it’s I’m never gonna forget, you know, it’s like, it’s like, you know, well, I want to keep the memory alive. You To me, there’s a there’s a little tiny piece of my heart buried in the Washington, you know, a cemetery. That’s just what it is okay? And I’ll never I’m never forgetting my son, I love him. And I’m looking forward to meeting him and glory. But there’s certain things that if I allow those things to permeate and to fester, they’re gonna get out of hand. And so do what you have to do to step out of that. Do what you have to do to remain in the state of victory in the state of victory happens only right here. Right in your minds, right? So if you’ve got those kinds of triggers, you got to get out of it. You got to release it, give it to God, anything that would lead to pictures. I don’t for the life of me I don’t understand why why especially, you know, Spanish people they do this. They have a poster size picture of dead relatives with candles up in the front. So the candles are doing anything for your dead relative, right, but the end Every time they walk past that, you know, they’re saying a prayer for their dead relative, listen, that’s not gonna help anything, it’s just gonna dampen the mood, you’re just gonna get sad. And if it’s your time of the month, then you’re gonna start crying, and then just gonna take five days for you to get out of it. Listen, just don’t do it. Yeah, we have the victory through Jesus Christ, but it comes in to, you know, he’s in he’s in the very fiber of our every single day in every every little aspect of our lives should be marked with his presence should be marked with how would, how would he do this? And just ask yourself those questions. And they might be tough, that might be a really difficult thing, but you do it. Because like you were saying, in order for me to see the victory, in order for me to see the bigger picture here of what God is doing, then I have to let go. And that that’s an ugly, that’s an ugly concept for a lot of people want to hold that thing like this is mine. But until you let it go, then then then God can be able to come in and and heal you of it so that you can move forward. You know, you’re that thing that that has been breaking you apart, could be the very thing that catapults you to saving another person’s life. You know, it’s it could transition into something like the Bible says what the enemy meant for harm. God turns it around for your good. And so allow him to do that today.

Jaime Luce

thank you five forces, Jesus says, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. And I think that if we could understand that, in it, in forgetting, because we’re supposed to forget what’s behind in forgetting, we think forgetting means that we’re forgetting what was valuable, right? Instead of understanding, no, we’re forgetting the pain or the traumatic experience, or the what it what it did, and the time or the memories that are associated to the bad memories about it. It makes me think of Mary, because it said that she at one point she pondered all these things in her heart. And another time, it says that she hid all these things in her heart. And you know, she was told that Jesus is going to it’s going to hurt her at some point, you’re going to get young choosing you, I have a blessing for you. But at some point, this is going to hurt, right? This is going to be really difficult. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that if I have a baby, and I haven’t gotten married yet, this is gonna cause all kinds of things in my life. Yes, let alone what happens when he grows and fulfills His purpose. And yet, she treasured those things in her heart in a right way. She kept what was valuable, I will love you. I’m grateful for what God’s giving me a great what he’s going to do and the beauty of whatever he’s doing in me, but I’m going to forget, the part does not have anything to do with my blessing. Yes, I’m going to forget the part that I don’t need. Right, I need that moving forward. What I do need, like you said, and what God told you is, you have to be able to be grateful. You have to understand what I’m doing. I know this is a hard thing. But look where we’re going. Yes, no, we’re looking at still ahead. They’re still good for you. They’re still blessing for you. There’s still abundance for you. Again, like you said, there’s still an upward motion we’re going in, yes, we’re not going to stay here. You know, Jacob’s dream was not angels, riding an escalator, back and forth. With those airplanes, you know, airport things, ascending up into heaven. These angels are bringing messages and ascending when God delivers a message to us like he did to us because he’s wanting to take you to that place of blessing into that place where there’s answers into that place where there’s a breakthrough. It’s our decision to make it Amen. So am I going to I use this example constantly. My poor listeners hear this a million times. But I can’t get over that. It’s so easy. It’s so true and easy to see. There’s a little meme that I always see people posting. It’s a Christian meme. And it’s a picture of Jesus, and a little girl in front of him and she’s holding a little teddy bear. And he’s asking her for the teddy bear. For that to him. Yeah. And see that he’s holding behind his back a giant teddy bear, or an exchange. Yes, we hold on so tight thinking but this means so much to me. We’re afraid to let her have it. Right that he’s not going to care. Or somehow that if I don’t hold on to this, I’m the only one who really cares

Adalis Shuttlesworth

is what we guilty. Guilty.

Jaime Luce

I’m the only one who cares. And yet we don’t realize he’s saying I care so much more. Wow. It’s so much more to give you. Yes, I know that hurts. I’m sorry that it hurts. You know? I’m sorry that this is painful right now. He had to suffer. He went through a time of your resurrection comes, amen. This mother had to cry and suffer. Resurrection comes. Yes, Mary and Martha cried and suffered. But resurrection came. You just have to know we cherry resurrection power in us. It’s whether we’re willing to lay hold of what God has already afforded us. That’s right.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

I said, I’ve gotten it. I’m willing to, I’m willing. Here it is. Yeah. But it is our decision. It is our choice. And the book of Deuteronomy, it says I would that you would choose life so that you and your descendants might live. He wasn’t talking to heathens, he was talking with people. So there is a choice to be made. And the choice has to be life, the choice has to be how can I be better? How can I get better. And if it’s if it’s wallowing in defeat, because, you know, you’ve got that the blues thing happening, and you like the attention because that’s the reality of a lot of people. This is where I get my attention. This is where I get the sympathy from my family and the love and all this kind of stuff. If you’re okay with it, God’s okay with it. Yeah. And that’s ultimately what it is. You know, in the in the Bible, it also says, Whatever you allow, I’ll allow it in heaven, whatever you permit all forbidden in heaven, you know, this concept that that God is somehow going to, you know, wave his wand and everything changes because he intervene. You know, it’s the it’s not, you know, everybody talks about, you know, God will do something about it. No, God has done everything he could, he sent his Word, He sent His Son, He sent the Holy Spirit, there is nothing else that God can do, we have to do something about it, we have to take the responsibility, the onus to move forward in in that that direction. And I want to read, because you and I were talking, you know, a Scripture, we we’ve just divulged we it’s not even cute. Like, that’s all much scripture that we made mention. And we didn’t have to say in the book of, you know, a Genesis 2008, when a dake, Jacob goes up and down the no, we’re not saying the books, we’re just discussing it. But a lot of people can’t do that. And that’s a major problem in Hebrews 412. And I want to just encourage you in this, it says, For the word for the word that God speaks is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing, and effective. It’s sharper than any two edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life, which is the soul, and the immortal spirit, and of joints and marrow of the deepest part of our nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart, I want to just camp out here for just a second, because this is the game changer. When it comes to our lives. Me and you, Jamie, the thing that made us get over it was the Word of God. God is what sustained us. And here it says which is such a powerful thing, the way the amplified classic says it, it’s the word of God is made active, operative, energized and effective in our life. And it’s sharper than any two edged sword. And there’s a dividing line that it goes through, see it permeates where the doctor’s knife can even go into. That’s the difference between the soul and the spirit. And right where it hurts where the grief is, that’s that’s a part of the soul. And so if we choose to camp out there, and not allow the Spirit of the Word of God to permeate and divided to separate to sever that feeling, you know, it’s for a very long time, I felt the heaviness of the broken heart. I felt quite literally like there was an elephant on my chest, like my heart was quite literally shattering. And I understood that that was a soulless thing. Obviously my heart is intact there’s it’s not shattered, it’s not broken, it’s it’s it’s beating or else I’d be dead. You know, that it’s it’s it’s the understanding that there’s a soul aspect of my life. And that soul aspect wanted for my son to be here, and that was stripped from me. And that that stinks. I wanted these things I wanted this idea of these concepts to come into fruition but they didn’t happen. And so what what what is the dividing line the dividing line is the word of God the Although it’s it’s it’s, it’s it’s a dark time, God has already given me the victory. Although this is something that the enemy spearheaded, I can turn it around and make it something good. You know that there’s there’s this you’re not going to die, you’re not going to be overcome with darkness in grief that there is going to be hope that there is going to be a future a glorious future like Jeremiah says, and expected end. So God has plans for me. And it’s not to harm me, or to frustrate me, or to cut my life short, but he has given me a hope. And he’s given me a glorious future. What is that that’s the word of God that brings the separation between how I’m feeling to what God’s word says is my reality. And we need the word to divide. And that’s where the healing comes in. You know, I look at these things in my life that have happened, and were totally traumatic. And I look at them and it’s like a nightmare. It’s like, I know, I know that that happened to me, there’s, there’s a reality. There’s a file at that at the Penn hospital or whatever, wherever it was that I was at. There’s, there’s a book that there’s, I’ve got a chart, I’ve gotten medical history, and that’s the reality of what happens. But for me, within myself, within my spirit within me, myself, my soul now, I see the separation, I see where the word of God came and divided it and now it just feels like a bad dream. And that’s how, you know, I can talk about this without pain. You don’t want your pain in my voice. No. I mean, it’s not that I’m, I’m over it. You know, if I think about it, if I allow it to I could cry, when I go visit him at you know, the grave. I put flowers on there, you know, I start getting a little weepy because I’m a human, or a cold blooded, heartless witch. So I have those tendencies, you know, but but because of the word, you know, this is the determining factor for you to succeed, you’ve got to have the word, you have to understand that the enemy comes in with a lie. And the only way to combat the lie is with God’s truth. But if you don’t have the truth, how are you going to make that that fight work for your benefit?

Jaime Luce

Yeah, you don’t have a sword in your hand, you got an enemy with a sword in your sword less

Adalis Shuttlesworth

than the fight or flight instinct comes in. So either gonna try to fight, you know, bare handed or whatever it is, you’re meant to do that we were meant to do these things alone. And I often I just had a friend who’s lost a daughter the exact same time as me on Christmas Day. And I just thought to myself, I don’t know how people without the Holy Ghost to do this. I don’t understand how people without the word, how they can do this. And the truth is, they can’t. That’s why they have broken marriages. That’s why they they gravitate towards the wine, you know, they’re drinking a box of wine every night to go to bed to pacify those ugly thoughts. You know, they’re smoking weed they’re doing, they’re finding all kinds of avenues to try to, you know, get a relief from the thoughts that are plaguing their minds. You’re not to do this alone. The Word of God is supposed to wash over you renew you make you clean, and separate. What that what you’ve experienced from what God wants you to experience. You need that you need that sword to cut through and permeate to a place where no surgeon, no doctor, no psychiatrists can come in and try to, you know, get you out of that place. There’s no way that that can happen. Spiritual transaction, and the Word of God is Spirit. And you got to get in it.

Jaime Luce 1:08:31
Amen. Amen. Well, I’ve kept you for an hour, and I would keep you for more, but I don’t want to do that to you.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

Talk about the Word of God forever.

Jaime Luce

I know. And I, I did this with my mother yesterday, I was spending an early birthday with her yesterday. And when we got talking hours just went by and we want this is what we do. We love it. It’s It’s a favorite pastime.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

I thoroughly enjoyed that. And Miss Jamie, whenever you want me to come back on, I’d be happy to because you are anointed. And I love you and your husband and your family. And we continue to pray for them. And you guys have just been a huge, tremendous blessing to this ministry. And Jonathan and I personally so I just want to say I love you.

Jaime Luce

I love you to very much. I’m very grateful for you. Can I have you pray?

Adalis Shuttlesworth

I would love to. Wherever you’re at, I want you to lay Raise your hands. And father in the mighty name of Jesus, I thank you for a brand new year, this year of 2023 or whatever year that you might have turned tuned into. And I thank You Father for the change that’s required the change that is necessary to bring about the completion of what you’ve called us to do. Father, I thank you for every person that’s watching this or listening to this broadcast. And I thank you for those visions. I thank you for those dreams that you placed within them and father everything that the enemy would have tried to place to try to get them to think of other things to try to get them off course to try to get them off track to try to slow them down, I pray that you would be able to speak to them even now, for them to recognize that that the enemy is at work in these things, and that there’s a fight that needs to take place. It’s the good fight of faith. And it’s called the good fight of faith, because you’ve already given us the means to be victorious through it all. So Father, I thank You that You’ve given us the victory. You’ve made us more than conquerors through Christ. And I think you father, whatever circumstances, whatever situation people are facing the death of a loved one, a divorce, bankruptcy, whatever it might be, Father, I thank you that you get into that situation. And you turn it around. Because first you you make us aware that we need to do the change, we need to step into this this life of change that’s required for us to move in the right direction. Father, I pray that you would illuminate that path to them, that you would give them divine direction as to how to get out of what might be the most a worst thing that has ever happened to them. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare over your life, even now, that you will make it through this attack, that you will be the head and never the tail, that as you are faithful to reading the Word of God and choosing life, he is going to get behind the situation like the wind of heaven would get behind you and and take you to levels that you didn’t even think were possible. You will have joy again, you will have peace again. Everything that’s marked with defeat, and chaos and death, I commanded to fall off of you and in its place. Father, I thank you for faith to arise on every person here every believer in the mighty name of Jesus, to get them through this the darkest times of their life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And all God’s people said..

Jaime Luce

Amen, amen. Okay, everybody, you’re just going to have to listen to this over and over again. Because we need to get this in you and you need to get in your word is that your is absolutely is the only thing. I mean, we can pray till we’re blue in the face. But what you have to know what God’s word says to know what’s in front of you, what you have available to you and what you can do so and as I do encourage everyone, always get in your word. Get in your word every day getting your word, I don’t care, I don’t care you make all kinds of concessions in your life to do all kinds of things and you make the time for everything you actually really want to do you do what you really want to do for real so if you really want to know God if you really want your life to change get in the work. A Dallas would you tell everybody how they can get a hold of your guys’s ministry and the mighty series and anything that you’d like to share and if people

Adalis Shuttlesworth

um, the the children’s book that we’ve the the children’s book series is called the mighty series and you can find us at the mighty We’re also on Instagram at same handle the mighty series. And then for Jonathan and I Our website is called revival and any information like any of the YouTube programs, all of that is going to be listed right there. So just visit us at revival We’re also on social media. Twitter, John’s on Twitter like you crazy. Instagram Adalis Shuttlesworth I’m the only Puerto Rican Shuttlesworth you know browse through you could do a split Shuttlesworth and see I’m the only Spanish looking one. And yeah, I hope to connect with you in the future. Revival

Jaime Luce

Hey, man, do yourselves a favor guys. Do it follow or get the books Jonathan’s also got a lot of books out there. You want to get a hold of those as well. They’ve got check the news where you can find out what’s going on from a good feisty Christian viewpoint. Yeah. How much I love it. Thanks so much. Again, a Dallas is great for me. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love your family. Give everyone hugs for me.

Adalis Shuttlesworth

I will. And we’ll do it again. Yes. I love you.

Jaime Luce

I love you. Thanks, everybody, for joining us today. We’ll see you next time. Bye bye