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About the episode:
Are you in a waiting season for your promise from God? Do you believe what the Father guaranteed to you? Or do you feel a sense of doubt? There is a key to unlocking the supernatural door to your promise! In today’s episode of the Jaime Luce podcast, we discuss the importance of receiving God’s truth and conceiving faith to bring HIS promises to fruition. We will dive into the story of Sarah and learn how she needed to respond to God’s promise to inherit her miracle.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- The miraculous biblical story of Sarah
- Why God’s promise for you is yours and no one else’s
- How to deal with truth and receive it
- How faith produces action toward your promise
Where to dive in:
(0:00:01) – The Power of Faith (7 Minutes)
I discuss the power of faith and how it can give us strength. Take a moment and identify the promise God has given you. Look at John 8:32, which states that truth makes us free, and that it takes strength to receive, act on, and conceive truth. Remind you that strength that is willing to receive truth will conceive faith and faith will grow and produce promise.
(0:06:41) – Sarah’s Laughter and Lack of Faith (19 Minutes)
Let’s explore the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18. Sarah’s first response to the promise of God was laughter out of disbelief, looking to her own past and physical limitations. None of us have the luxury of saying we can’t have the dream God has for us. The promise God has for us is for us and no one else, and I give a personal example of this.
(0:25:43) – Facing Truth for Freedom and Promise (14 Minutes)
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden responded to the lie of the enemy instead of the truth of God. Faced with truth, we often want to hide, but we need to face those fears and unbelief to receive our promise. The enemy will try to lie to us and hide in those thoughts, but truth is the key to open the door to promise. Once we embrace the truth, we are free to conceive. We must have an open door of reception to truly conceive, and that can only be achieved when we are free.
(0:39:48) – Faith in Action (9 Minutes)
Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18 provide an example of how faith and action work together to produce a result. They had to act in faith to produce the child God promised them. Isaiah 54 shows how the promise of God requires action on our part to prepare for a harvest. As we act on our faith, we are able to produce what God has promised. This calls us to believe God and to take action in accordance with his promises.
About the host:
Jaime Luce’ testimony has daunting personal mountains and treacherous financial valleys. She was trapped in day-to-day stress and couldn’t see a way forward. But how she started is not how she finished! And she wants you to know God has a plan for your life too, no matter how tough it seems. Today, Jaime has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owns two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. God’s way is always the blessed way! Learn more.
Related reading:
- How To Heal Through Responsibility and Faith
- How To Use Your Kingdom Authority In Prayer
- Plug Into A Warfare Prayer Source
- Have a Different Spirit
- Be A Good Gardner
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I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”
Full Transcript
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How am I going to walk and call myself yours? How am I going to do this with Abraham if I don’t believe you? She was confronted with her fear. She was confronted and to deal with it, you believe. To deal with it, you believe. So she believed in her belief. Something miraculous took place. In that faith, strength came. She received strength. It doesn’t say she laid hold of strength. It says she received strength. That meant that that faith gave her strength. That faith imparted strength to her.
Welcome to the Jamie Luce podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today. I’m really excited to give this word to you because it birthed something in me. I want to be able to give this to you so that it can do the same for you. We like to think that we have faith. We know we need faith. We know the power of faith. I want to really dig into this today and be able to give you something that you, like Sarah, will receive strength to conceive, To conceive what, to conceive faith and then the promise that God has for your life. Whatever that is that you’ve been waiting on, whatever that is that you’re believing God for. I want to act a little bit like how Paul told Timothy. I believe it was Paul telling Timothy stir up the gift within you. We need to do that. We need to not allow circumstance. We need to not allow the oh gosh, all of the natural and outside elements that we allow into our thinking and into our hearts that tell us it’s impossible. If God has given you a word today, i want you to take a moment. I want you to think about what that word is. You might even want to grab something, write it down fresh. Say this is what the Lord has spoken to my spirit, no matter how long ago, no matter how long it’s been. I want you to sit down and get that out, get your Bible, get something to write with, write down your promise.
I’m going to give you several passages of scripture today, but we will start today with the book of John And we’re going to go to chapter eight, verse 32. And most of the translations say one of two things. I like the way that the new King James says this, but this verse says Christ Jesus said so. This is our Lord, this is the one who saved us, the one who made the way of possibility for us. These are the words that he said ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. And some translations say set you free. I like make a whole lot better, because to set you free means it’s got to be unlocked and I’ve got to open up a cage in my mind or unlock some chains and set you free.
But faith, when you know what it is, that’s true. By faith when you know it’s true, when you know it’s true, there’s no process then of the unchaining and the unfixing and all of that And said it just makes you free. You’re just automatically free. It just feels faster, it just feels like I’ve been to understand that I’ve been made this way. I don’t have to attain this, i don’t have to go after this, but I have been made free.
So if truth makes someone free, we must be what, those who know the truth, and we must be lovers of the truth. Kind of hard to do on a day and age that we live in today to know truth, but we need to know the truth and then we need to be those who are lovers of the truth. It takes strength. So I want you to know that I understand, i have been there, i get this and I’m going to lay out the things that you might feel kind of stand against you. And it takes strength to look at truth, especially if that truth is confronting to you. It takes strength to look honestly at truth. It takes strength to receive truth, it takes strength to act on truth, it takes strength to conceive of truth. But strength that is willing to receive truth will conceive faith and faith will grow and produce promise. I’m going to say that one more time because I know that when we we have to hang onto the scripture that tells us that we don’t get weary in our well doing, that if we will not faint, we will reap right. Well, in that waiting season, or in that disappointing season, or in that season of what feels like drought or barrenness, we can lose strength and feel completely weak, completely deprived, not able. We honestly think we aren’t able to have faith. But I want you to hear this again, i want to stir this up in you. I want you to believe again. I want you to lay hold of faith again. Strength that is willing to receive truth will conceive faith and faith will grow and produce promise.
Let’s go to Genesis 18. We’re going to read 8, verses 8 to 15. Later we’ll read chapter 21, but right now we’re going to start in Genesis 18 and we’re going to read verses 8 to 15. Then God said well, this is nine. Sorry, i said eight, i meant nine. Then God said to Abraham your responsibility. Am I even looking in the right? I’m not sorry, guys, i’m looking. That’s Abraham laughing. Maybe I should read that too, you know I will. Well, no, i don’t want to take. Okay, let’s read, let’s start in 17. We’ll start in Genesis 17. And let’s start in verse 15.
Then God said to Abraham regarding Sarah, your wife, her name will no longer be Sarah. I’m sorry. I said Sarah, it’s Sarah, and now on, her name will be Sarah, and I will bless her and give you a son from her. I will bless her richly and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among her descendants. Then Abraham bowed down to the ground, but he laughed to himself in disbelief. Okay, abraham laughed in disbelief. How could I become a father at the age of 100, he thought. And how can Sarah have a baby when she is 90 years old? So Abraham said to God may Ishmael live under your special blessing. But God replied no, sarah, your wife will give birth to a son for you. You will name him Isaac and I will confirm my covenant with him and his descendants as an everlasting covenant. Okay, so that’s Abraham.
Now let’s go to Sarah. We’re going to read chapter 18, verses 8 to 15. Oh, let’s see, i’m skipping through. So what we’re reading here before we get to verse 8 is an angel but it’s God comes with two other angels who will eventually go to Sodom and Gomorrah, but they stop off to talk to Abraham first, and Abraham wants to fix them a meal and be able to talk to them. And so then Abraham runs in to tell Sarah to make some food and get the food ready to feed these men and God. Okay. Verse 8 says when the food was ready, abraham took some yogurt and milk and the roasted meat and he served it to the men As they ate, abraham waited on them in the shade of the trees.
Where is Sarah, your wife? The visitors asked She’s inside the tent. Abraham replied I want you to remember that Where is she? She’s in the tent, he replied. Then one of them said I will return to you about this time next year and your wife, Sarah, will have a son. Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent.
Abraham and Sarah were both very old by this time and Sarah was long past the age of having children. So she laughed silently to herself and said how can a worn out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master, my husband, is also so old? Then the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say can an old woman like me have a baby? Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about this time next year and Sarah will have a son. Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying I didn’t laugh. But the Lord said no, you did laugh. I love that piece of dialogue there, but I want us to look at Sarah’s first response. It was Abraham’s response too, but we’re going to concentrate on Sarah here for a moment.
Sarah’s first response to promise was laughter, was laughter, and I want you to think about the laughter. Was not oh, that’s so wonderful, wow, like a giddy laughter. No, this laughter was you’ve got to be kidding me laughter, and God may be speaking to you a promise, and you’re thinking to yourself that’s just not possible, that’s just crazy, and you might actually laugh. Her first response to promise was laughter and she had no faith. Her eyes were set on several things that she thought were proofs, proof of yesterday. Up until this time she was barren, there was no child, and she is now an old woman, past the age of barring children.
The impossibility of the loss of timing in her life. And this is important because we do this a lot. We take the God who is outside of time and we confine him in our hearts and minds to our time inside time, as if he’s confined by that. But he’s not, he’s outside of time. She also looked at the proof of the natural, impossible, physical limitations that she faced, those of her and her husband, and she lost hope and had forsaken those dreams years ago, years ago, So much so that she gave him her maiden and said have a child with her. And now Ishmael is grown. This happened a long time ago.
She gave up on a long time ago. In fact, she gave her dream to somebody else. Let me just throw this in there Nobody else can birth your dream, nobody else can birth your purpose. Nobody else can birth what God has destined for you. The promise God has for you is for you. You’re not even going to be able to determine to give it to somebody else. You don’t even get the luxury of saying I’m not going to have this dream, it’s past my time. I’ll help you have this dream, even a child, even someone that belongs to you, someone you love. The dream God has for you is for you. I’ll give you a great example.
My mother had always felt in her heart and had a dream in her heart to write a book, and I knew she had it in her. I’d heard her say things a couple of times through my lifetime. It wasn’t something I heard her say all the time, but it was something that sat in her heart for years and years. And she is now in her 70s and she really thought it’s past time. I didn’t get it done. I guess I just won’t get it done, but God had put it in my heart to write a book and gave me the wherewithal to get it done. And in the process of him speaking to me about the book, he told me your mother’s going to write this with you And she’s going to participate in this. And when he told me what the book was about, it was obvious that she would need to participate in it. And so when I approached her and told her that I was going to write a book and what it was about and everything. She honestly thought it was just me and that I was asking her to just help me to read what I wrote and to be an input. And I said, no, mom, you’re writing with me And we have that book. That book’s available. You don’t need money, you just need God. She did write that book, even though she thought that she would never get that book written.
But God saw to it that age didn’t matter. The promise God gives you is for you, And you may laugh and you may look at the circumstances around you and think it’s too late. But God doesn’t live in our confined time, folks. He’s not restricted by anything that restricts us. Our God is not restricted. Our Creator is not restricted. He can do whatever needs to get done whenever he decides it’s time for it to get done.
She says to God’s spoken promise Here, she’s hearing it. What’s she doing? She’s hiding in the tent. She’s hiding. She doesn’t come out and meet these men and bring the food. God takes it to them. And they question I’m going to go back to this later but they question where’s Sarah? Where’s Sarah? And I love that they call her Sarah already, because God said her name is now Sarah, so that’s how they address her. Where’s Sarah Implying? she should be here with you. Where is she? She’s hiding in the tent.
And now, when she hears this for herself, she first heard it through Abraham When God first gave the promise to Abraham. The first time she hears it is through Abraham, but she’s hearing God herself. She’s hearing those words herself now, not through somebody else. In her own spirit, in her own ears, she’s hearing it and she doesn’t believe. She says in response how can a worn out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially now at her age? Can an old woman like me have a baby?
She denied having no faith, so her first response was to laugh with no faith, to look at her circumstances and to deem them impossible. But then she turns around and when she’s confronted by God about it, she denies it to God. I think that’s hilarious, as if God doesn’t know, as if there’s an option of not being honest with God, that you don’t have an option. He knows the truth. That’s just funny to me that we, god, can know the truth and be talking to us. He can be telling us to look at the truth. I’m telling you this And we think that somehow we don’t have to face that truth. We do. We have to face that truth.
She denied having no faith. She wouldn’t face that. She didn’t really believe what God said. And this is something we need to be aware of folks, we need to be aware of in our own thought process, in our own way of thinking about God. We have to be honest with the feelings and the thoughts that are rolling around in us, to face what is true, to be able to deal with it rightly, to be able to receive. We’ve talked about how is she going to be able to do this right, and we’re going to get to the strength to conceive.
But you have to be somebody who faces the fact that you’re not really believing. And I want to challenge you today. If you are not in a place of faith, if you know I really don’t, i’m in doubt. You are like the man who said to Jesus I do believe, but help my unbelief. I believe who you are. I just don’t know if I believe you’re going to do this. There’s part of me that believes. There’s part of me that doesn’t believe, and that might be where you find yourself, because she actually thought that she could lie to the Lord and get away with it.
And he confronts her, he calls her out on it. He is pointing out something that she may not have recognized. And what do you think that is? And this is a lot of us. But what he’s confronting in her is her fear, because doubt and unbelief are simply. The fear of believing means that there’s a possibility. It won’t happen, and I don’t want to deal with it not happening, and that makes me afraid to believe, because if it doesn’t happen, i’ll be disappointed. So, faith and fear it’s interesting because they really are opposites in this. If we allow ourselves to believe according to fear, then we know we’re not in faith. If I’m acting in accordance with fear, then I know that I am not in faith.
Okay, So I’m going to ask you this question Do you believe, do you really believe what God has said to you? Are you just hoping? Are you passing it off as your own thoughts? Are you saying, oh, that would be great, but I just don’t think that God will do that for me, especially now, and we’ll come up with every, especially now, reason. You may be disqualifying yourself. And for Sarah, she’s disqualifying herself because of age and time and circumstance. You might be disqualifying yourself because of guilt and shame, fear that motivates you because of guilt and shame, and it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what the motivator is. I want you to understand that it’s either I believe or I don’t believe. Okay, you have to face that. And are you like Sarah? Do you need something to help? you believe Sarah needed something. She needed something.
I want us to look at Hebrews 11, 11. Hebrews 11, 11. And it says by faith. Okay, so this is you need faith. And the reason you need faith is faith is the thing that causes you to receive the seed of what God is saying, so that you can actually receive seed and grow that thing. Like I said, i’ll repeat it that it is strength that is willing to receive truth, believe, still conceive faith, and faith will grow and produce the promise. Okay, so Hebrews 11, 11.
By faith, sarah herself also received strength. She received strength to do what? To conceive seed. To conceive seed. So she had to be able to receive what God was saying, take it and plant it and allow it to grow and then produce. By faith, sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged him faithful, who had promised. So this is the clue. This is what happened.
Sarah heard God. He confronted her and in that confrontation, the truth was made manifest. The truth made manifest. And when she heard the truth, when she was confronted with the truth, she believed the truth. When she was confronted with it, she believed it, she faced it, she faced. I haven’t been believing you. How am I gonna walk and call myself yours? How am I going to do this with Abraham if I don’t believe you? She was confronted with her fear. She was confronted, and to deal with it, you believe. To deal with it, you believe. So she believed In her belief. Something miraculous took place. In that faith, strength came, she received strength. It doesn’t say she laid hold of strength, it says she received strength. That meant that that faith gave her strength, that faith imparted strength to her.
Hi, my name is Jamie Luce. I wanted to share with you some information about a brand new book entitled You Don’t Need Money, you Just Need God. It’s a playbook for miraculous provision and I want to share it with you because it solves the problem we are all facing right now. The economy is going crazy, gas prices are soaring, there’s wars and rumors of wars. We’ve got everything hitting us all at once, with interest rates rising. You need to know what to do and so many times we think we need the money, but you don’t need money. I’m telling you the answer is you need God, and that’s exactly what we want to teach you through this book. We’ll give you practical ways to know what to do and how to do it, so that you get answers. Now You can find my book on Amazon. You can also go to jamieloosecom. You can also find this book at YouDon’tNeedMoneyYouJustNeedGodcom. This book is available today.
So obviously, after God called her out on her unbelief and told her what she did, that you laughed at me. You didn’t believe me. She then believed. There’s a repentance of heart of the unbelief there to say you caught me, i’ve been caught, i believe. I know we don’t like to be called out on our stuff. We don’t like when we have to face our stuff, but God called her out and he’ll probably call you out too.
It’s whether you’re willing to hear truth. Remember, it is truth that makes us free. If you’re bound by disappointment, you’re bound by lost hopes and leftovers. You feel like you didn’t get the promise God had, but you got leftovers, you got other things. Well, what do we have to do? We have to allow God to show us and face what it is that we either allowed into our thought process or allowed to stop us from belief. We have to face it. If we could understand that by facing those fears and unbelief and dealing with truth, if we will deal with it, you can receive strength to act on it. You ‘d actually receive your promise, and it’s the enemy that wants you to be in hiding. I told you I’d get back to this. So where was Sarah when God was speaking? She was hiding, and that reminded me of something That reminded me of Adam and Eve in the garden.
What was the natural outcome for listening to the devil and not truth? What was the outcome? Adam and Eve hid right. They hear the voice of the Lord coming, but instead, whose voice had they already listened to? They had listened to the voice of unbelief. They’d listened to the voice of the enemy who said God’s holding out on you and so he can’t be trusted to produce what you want. That’s exactly what the enemy was doing. They did not allow the right source to speak truth to them, and you can only receive the right source of truth if it comes from the Lord.
His truth is truth. There is no truth that stands against it. Anything that comes against God’s truth is a lie. It is a lie. The scripture tells us that let God be the truth and every man a liar. I don’t care how much you trust somebody. I don’t care how much you trust what that doctor said. I don’t care how much you trust what your best friend said, what your spouse said, what your past has said, what your last circumstances told you and said. It doesn’t matter what the devil’s saying to you. God is truth. We must believe what God has said. So what does having truth do? Because taking actions will be the natural outcome.
So with Adam and Eve, the natural inclination after believing a lie was to hide. They hid themselves and then to cover up their shame and their fear and their guilt. They wanted to cover everything up. They had to go, so fig leaves together. They now have this understanding that they you know we did wrong and we have now really blown it.
And now the one whom I trust I’m afraid of. If you are afraid of God, one of two things has happened Either the enemy is lying to you or you have a righteous fear of the Lord and you need to repent. If there’s something you have not repented of, if there’s a truth that you are not facing, and you need to repent of that. If you’ve done something and you’re living a lie, if you are not facing truth, we need to repent of that. You can have a fear of God because I have to deal with that. He’s pricking my heart. This Holy Spirit is bringing conviction to me. Well, that’s the fear of the Lord. That’s a good fear That draws us to the Lord because we know He’s the answer. He can remedy what I’m feeling, he can forgive me and set my course right. So I have to face that fear, regardless, regardless if it’s a wrong fear or a right fear. I have to face truth. I have to be someone who receives truth. We have to face the truth about what we are believing, to expose the lie.
Now, the enemy is great at this because he’ll hide too. He hides in the lie, he hides in that thought process that you think is the truth that you’ve been believing, all of those old circumstances. I did a recording on facts or the truth, because you can have the truth or you can have the facts. But is that the truth? And I used the example of Joseph’s coat being given to his father. Well, those were the facts. It was a bloody coat, sure, and it looks like the facts point to he’s dead, but that wasn’t the truth. He wasn’t dead, and that was they had falsely put blood on that coat. It wasn’t Joseph’s blood at all, and so the promise was still alive. And the enemy will lie to you. He will hide in those thoughts. He will hide in those fake facts that you’re believing.
Okay, but truth is the key that opens the door to promise. Faith helps you get there, folks. It is truth that opens, it’s the key that opens the door to promise, because if you can expose the lie, you can embrace the truth. Once you embrace the truth, you are free to conceive. Why do we need freedom? Why do we need to be free? Because you have to be free to conceive. You have to have an open door of reception to conceive, so you have to be free to do that. If you’re bound up in a lie, you’re not gonna do that.
Let’s go to 2 Corinthians 10. I’m gonna read verses three to six, for though we walk in the flesh and I wrote my own little note the flesh meaning the natural and the natural realm, with the natural effects that take place. For Sarah, that was my old age. My body doesn’t do this anymore. I can no longer have children. The consequences of the natural body, okay, though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, and I’ve given this to you before.
But what is the stronghold? Well, a stronghold in the natural. That could be a fortified wall city, a fortified way of protection, but it’s also a pattern of thoughts. You build strongholds in your mind by building those thoughts one upon another. They’re thoughts, they’re patterns of thoughts, and you have to cast down arguments. Well, where are arguments? They come from the mind, the thought process. That’s where arguments are made. So you have to pull down those wrong thoughts, those strongholds in your mind, by casting down those arguments or those imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Now, what does that mean? against the knowledge of God? Oh, like I said, you might be thinking my time has passed, i don’t have the time anymore And God is outside of time. My knowledge of God tells me it’s not impossible, because God is not confined by time. I take and I break down those lies, those thought patterns that have raised themselves up against the knowledge of God. I do warfare in my thoughts, in my mind. I tear down those strongholds, those arguments. I bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience. So what is it saying? It’s in these thought processes that you have, if you’re believing those lies. they lead into disobedience, not obedience. They go into disobedience. That’s where they lead Being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
So what is obedience? It is obedience to what? What do we start off to say? For, though we walk in the flesh, we don’t war after the flesh. What’s he talking about? I’m not gonna read the whole thing, but we’re supposed to walk by faith and not by sight, right? So I love this, because what does warring after the spirit mean? I do that in faith. I know that God is outside of circumstance. He is greater than everything I have to war against. He is greater. That is the truth. These are a lie. So I love the end of this, don’t I mean? I love it. You probably will too. But our faith is our warfare right. We war by faith. Our obedience to faith punishes disobedience. It punishes disobedience.
So, in essence, sarah had disobeyed early on and she didn’t believe what Abraham told her. So she gave Abraham her servant instead, hagar, and produced an Ishmael instead of the promise that God gave. So God has to confront this in her to produce a truth. That whole thing. That was disobedience. That’s not what I said. I didn’t say that Hagar was gonna produce the promise. Sarah, i said you were gonna be the one to do this. I love how, in your face, that God is to Sarah. He just calls out her unbelief and punishes it with truth. He punishes the disobedience with truth and says to her in verse 14 of what we read Genesis 18, verse 14, it says this is what God is telling her. Is anything too hard for God? Is anything too hard for the Lord? Anything, anything is anything too hard for the Lord. He’s getting ready to punish her disobedience with some obedience.
God was so dealing with both Abraham and Sarah about real faith. Why? Because they are the father of faith. Scripture says They learned it and they learned it so great they are considered the father of faith. Now, abraham had faith all along the way. He had been taking actions of faith and following God, leaving his family, doing what God told him. He had been in faith all along, but when it came to this seemingly impossible thing, he laughed. So he wavered a little bit here and God had to teach them both. So he’s dealing with both Abraham and Sarah about real faith, that his word is the last word on any matter. That when Abraham laughed in Genesis 17, 17,.
God tells him not only are you going to have a son by Sarah, but you’ll name him Isaac, which means laughter, which means laughter. So I love this. On the one hand, god is saying I’m gonna deal with your unbelief, your laughter, i’m gonna deal with your laughter. On the other hand, he says I’m gonna use your laughter, your laughter will turn into he’s gonna flip the script on him. You’ll laugh in joy and give at the in awe, sorry. You will laugh in joy and awe at the faithfulness and the truth of God, instead of doubt and unbelief. Your son, in essence, will be a constant reminder, as you say his name, laughter over and over again. It is the constant reminder to believe what God had said and to live in his promise. I mean, i love that God takes the laughter.
Let’s read Genesis 19, verses sorry Genesis 21,. verse one to seven Genesis 21, one to seven The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time that God had said it would, and Abraham named their son Isaac. Let’s go down to verse six And Sarah declared God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. She went from laughing in unbelief to laughing at how great God is and how unbelievably impossible this was. And yet God did it. God was faithful. Let’s look at Hebrews 11, 11 again.
By faith, sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful. Who had promised. How will you know that you have believed the truth in faith? How will you know where your heart is? How will you know if you have left your faith, have left your fear and have left your unbelief behind and you now believe in faith? You will act accordingly. This is really important. I want you to write this down You will act accordingly.
That meant that Sarah had to act in a way to produce a child. What does that mean? It means she had to sleep with her husband Abraham. It meant she had to do what was necessary. So faith by itself doesn’t do anything. Faith without works is dead. Your actions prove you believe. Your actions show forth the proof that you believe. Abraham had to also believe, and it took strength to do that. They were old, but what produced the strength? Their faith produced an action. Their faith produced the ability. Their faith gave them the strength to conceive.
I looked up the word to conceive. I absolutely loved this First. I looked it up just to see in the new Oxford American Dictionary. And to conceive means, number one, to become pregnant. That’s the obvious right. Number two, it means form or devise a plan or idea in the mind, to form a mental representation or image. So what did Sarah do? She had to plan it, plan the act and see it by faith. That same word, conceived, in the Hebrew is catapola And it means this was really interesting The act of laying something down, with implication of providing a base for something, a foundation, a beginning.
So to conceive is the laying of the foundation. What is our foundation. Faith. That is our foundation. It’s our beginning. Number two that word means the sowing of seed. The sowing of seed. Number three throwing down. Oh, you gotta listen to these. These are really powerful.
Throwing down, sowing, begetting, sickle for reaping, getting out a sickle for reaping, or the picture of a sickle. It’s also the picture of a pruning hook and creation. You may need to throw down some old ways, old mindsets, old ideas. You may need to prune some old memories, cut them off, some old disappointments, because you need to lay a new foundation. You need to get rid of the old to make room for the new. You may need to use the tools that God has given you. If this was a picture of a pruning hook and a sickle for reaping, what is that saying? Prepare for a harvest. A sickle for reaping means there’s going to be a harvest. I need to prepare, i need to get out my tools.
This shows us that it isn’t all on God. This isn’t all on God. It takes our actions of obedience. It is an act of faith And I love that an act of faith is an act of obedience, because if I don’t do it by faith and I don’t believe that, i’m in disobedience to what God has said, what God is asking, what he’s commanding, what he’s purposing. I’m saying no, that’s disobedience. Faith, in essence, is obedience to God. It says. I agree with you, yes, i will do what you say.
I’m gonna close here, but let’s go to Isaiah 54. And I’m gonna read verses one to four. And this is what it says Sing, oh childless woman, you who have never given birth, break into loud and joyful song. Oh Jerusalem, you who have never been in labor For the desolate woman, now has more children than the woman who lives with her husband, says the Lord. Enlarge your house, build an addition, spread out your home and spare no expense, for you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the ruined cities. Oh, i love that. I love this promise in Isaiah.
Now, of course, this is a promise to Israel about what God’s doing, but this word is also alive and active and it is pertinent to us, and we are those who are we are because of Abraham is our father, then all the promises and the covenant relationship they have, those belong to us as well, and this was a clarion call to go in action and faith to the children of Israel. This was the clarion call And I’m making the same call to you today. If you believe God, you will act. And what was the act they had to do here? Prepare. There’s actions you have to take. He says enlarge your house, build an addition, spread out your home, spare no expense. You will soon be bursting at the seams.
That means you believe it so much, you believe the promise of God, that you take action and you go, do what’s necessary to make that thing come to pass, in accordance with what God has said. As you act on your faith, you will continue to produce and you will do this, just like Abraham and Sarah’s faith produced Isaac, isaac, then produced Jacob, jacob, then produced 12 sons and became Israel. Israel produced Jesus And Jesus produced our salvation so that we could be saved, that we could enter into the promise and that we could live according to what God’s plan is for us, in his blessing, that we are saved, alive, not dead to sin, but we are alive in Christ to live his purpose and to live in his blessing. I pray you take this today and I pray that you will allow the Lord and the scripture to confront you, to confront your fear, to confront your unbelief, to confront the circumstances or the lies and the strongholds in your mind and to say I believe you, lord, and not only do I believe with my mind. I will now put feet and faith together. I will make action. I will do what’s necessary in order to see your promise come to pass.
Again. I pray today was a blessing to you and an encouragement to you. It doesn’t matter what impossibility looks you in the face and says it’s lying. God is the truth and he will do what he’s promised. Let me pray for you, father. I thank you that your word is truth. There is nothing that can stand against your word. Everything else that tries to rise above you is conquered and knocked down by faith because it is a lie. You are the truth and everything else is a lie. We believe you today. We receive strength today to conceive the seed that will turn around and grow and produce the promise. Thank you, father, for the promises that you’ve given us. We receive your faith today. We receive your strength. Today, we receive truth and we believe you, lord. With action, we will do what you’ve asked us to do and we will see your result. Father, i also pray that you bless your people today. Let them hear your voice, let them know the love of your confrontation, the gentleness of your conviction and your open arms to receive whatever they need, to lay at your feet as their foundation in order to pick up that strength today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Folks, if you want to get in contact with this ministry, you can do so by going to my email, which is mail at That’s J-A-I-M-E-L-U-C-E, and you can go to my website, You can get all of my content there. If you’re interested in the book, you don’t need money, you just need God. You could also find that there, or go to Amazon, and if I can be of any assistance to you in prayer, drop me a line and I’d love to pray for you. Thanks so much again for joining me today. We’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.