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Follow The Cloud
Follow The Cloud I've heard the renowned and often controversial Jordan Peterson say to the question of if he believes in God, "I don't like the question." He then goes on to explain that the idea terrifies him. If God is, in fact, real, and you say that you believe in him, then you [...]
Persistence Is Child-Like Faith
Persistence Is Child-Like Faith I recently compared my prayer list to my laundry list. No matter how much praying I do, I don't see my list getting any smaller. Can you relate? It's easy to allow self-pity to sneak up on me. I can then fall into the trap of feeling like God [...]
Walk in the Footsteps of Job and King David: Lessons in Faith Amid Adversity
Prepare to be inspired by the tales of Biblical figures, King David and Job, who encountered immense adversity and yet, their faith never wavered. In our latest podcast, we dive deep into the life of King David, a man of many battles, and Job, who faced trials not of his own making. We promise you'll gain insight into how a strong community and unshakeable faith can uplift you during your own trials and tribulations.
Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?
Who do you say that Jesus is? That's a question that Jesus himself wants you to answer. But it begs the question, why would Jesus ask his disciples about identity when He didn't trust himself to men? (John 2:24) The key to identity is not in who you know. One won't find it in [...]
We Shouldn’t Be Surprised
We shouldn't be surprised at the mockery the church is experiencing or its lack of influence on society as a whole. We (the general American church at large) act ashamed of the gospel. In the church services of most evangelical churches, if there is a call to repentance and salvation, we no longer have [...]
You Can’t Say That
"You can't say that" is today's edict used to control a society and culture. Every generation thinks it is the first to experience the culture war of the day and not learn from its past, which is a grave error. Not seeing the past clearly is the power behind the evil that takes advantage [...]