With an army on charging horses racing toward them in fiery fury, William Wallace stands leading his troops. In that moment of fierce battle when his men are terrified of the coming fight, Wallace cries out that now famous line in Mel Gibsons version of Braveheart, “Hold, Hold, Hold, HOLD!” His men hang on every word of his declaration. And with his strategic might they are strengthened.

This same phrase is being declared from heaven even now. To the body of Christ heaven is roaring, “Hold, Hold, Hold, HOLD!” Do not leave your post! Do not run! Hold your ground! What sets us apart from the world is faith in God. Paul warned us that it would take armor to fight this good fight of faith. He told us perilous times would come but Jesus declared in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Now is the time and here is the place of the true church of Jesus Christ. He is coming for a victorious church. The gates of hell may rage against her but they will not prevail! We must hold fast to our confession of faith. We must declare the mighty works of God and wait for his commands. Our victory is certain if we will not lay down our swords! Hold steady. Hold fast. Hold onto the everlasting arms of Jesus and watch God do the impossible.

Blessings to you and yours,

Jaime Luce

Photo by: https://medieval.gumlet.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/braveheart.jpg?compress=true&quality=80&w=900&dpr=2.0