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About the episode:
Christian speaker and author Britt Gusmus explains how being an offering to others brings miraculous satisfaction and eternal joy to our soul on the Jaime Luce Podcast.
Every day, people seek out ways to find happiness. We may attempt to find it through music, a movie, food, or even traveling. But why focus on something temporary when you can discover an eternal substance? In this episode, we discover the value of everlasting joy and how its fulfillment allows you to bless others. We discuss the value of spending time with God to receive eternal perspective and achieve His calling for your life.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- How to live life with joy in a troubled world
- How to find satisfaction in being an offering to others
- Why we need to align our words and joy
- How to shift focus from the temporal to the eternal
About the guest:
Britt Gusmus is a Christian speaker and author. Britt shares what he has learned over four decades as an athlete and salesman – the pathways that found his strength, developed his substance, and discovered his purpose. Britt works with and inspires youth in their aspirations through sports. As an influencer and author, he provides value to communities, schools, and organizations through experience, expertise, and motivation. Britt has also built a meaningful community for men to connect on deeper levels with their spirituality and purpose. His community is built upon a mutual drive and passion for seeing others live with purpose and share their stories of strength and substance.
About the host:
Jaime Luce’ story begins with emotional and financial struggle as a single mother trying to survive. Today, she has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owned two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. She is on a mission to help others walk through the valleys of life with hope and knowledge that God always has a way. Learn more.
Related reading:
- How To Heal Through Responsibility and Faith
- How To Use Your Kingdom Authority In Prayer
- Plug Into A Warfare Prayer Source
- Have a Different Spirit
- Be A Good Gardner
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Full Transcript
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Jaime Luce
Welcome to the Jaime Luce podcast. Thank you everybody for joining me today we have a real treat I have in the studio with me today. Britt Gusmuss, and we are going to be talking about the subject of, well, we’ll hit up I’m sure a lot of things, but we’re really going to talk about how to stay positive and how to use our words, ringing life with our words. And I wanted to give you a little background of him before we really let him loose. But Britt Gusmuss is a Christian speaker and author. He shares what he has learned over four decades as an athlete and salesman, which my husband is a salesman to the pathways that found his strength, developed his substance and discovered his purpose. Britt works with and inspires youth in their aspirations through sports, and as an influencer and an author. He provides value to communities, schools and organizations, through experience, expertise and motivation. Brett has also built a meaningful community for men to connect on deeper levels, with their spirituality and purpose. His community is built upon a mutual drive and passion for seeing others live with purpose, and share their stories of strength and substance Welcome to the program breakouts, Britt.
Britt Gusmuss
Thank you so much, Jaime, it is great to be here. And all of those things you mentioned, the word that always comes to me. When I think about the mission that God has placed me in the ministry, the purpose is the term substance. And so for, for so long, I lived a life lacking substance lacking the essential stuff is what the definition of substances, I lived a life that was far from that for a long time. And yet I was looking, I was looking for that essential stuff, I was looking for it in all the wrong places, whether it was sexual desires, money, power, all of these things, status, success, and all of these things. What left me with a lack of that substance. And that’s really where God met me, was in my lowest point when I was on my knees and didn’t have anywhere else to go. And that’s what it took for me to really accept the fact that we serve a loving Creator, who knows us so incredibly well knows us better than we know ourselves, knows the plans he has for us. And that is where my life really started to change and substance came into my life. And as I was thinking about this podcast and being on with you, I was thinking about weird. There’s so many in all of our stories, there are so many highs and lows, mountains and valleys. Those points that that have definitely changed us for our entire lives and set us on a path, you know completely differently from where we thought we were going to be or what we were going to do. And when I thought about that, the story that I wanted to share and open with was the story of the first time that I met the author and actually got a chance to hear him speak the author, Brennan Manning. Brennan Manning wrote the ragamuffin gospel, and the book that really catapulted my walk with Christ, my walk with God, my, my willingness to let the Holy Spirit mend me and be you know, my life for his was reading his book called ARBUS child. And I still go back to that book today. With all of the great wisdom, Brennan story was such a was such a close match to mine, and reading of God as ABA, as our as my dad, as our dad, as that looked as that relationship, you know, we can really tangibly understand with our dads, you know, in on this earthly plane. That relationship for me was it. It definitely had its, its mountains and valleys. But when I knew there was a loving father that that it would never go away. His love endures. His love never fails. i My heart started to change. And Jamie when when we see each other out on social media and we get to get to meet in this format, I’m so grateful for it and I’m so thankful that you thought enough of me to to invite me on to the podcast here. You know, when we see ourselves out there ministering. It’s because of a change. I have heart. It’s because and I know I can I can speak, you know, for Christians corporately, the Passion of Jesus, the personhood of Jesus, the his incredible, loving touch. Authentic touches, nothing that I’ve ever felt in this life. And it was what I was always looking for. And so when we are out there ministering, the change in my heart, is where my joy comes from,
Jaime Luce
You know, what almost, I’m hearing you say, in a roundabout way that it was learning your identity, who you really were in Christ, that his father, and your his son, and what he’s provided for you, and gave you the ability to do, that you couldn’t do without knowing who he was changed you.
Britt Gusmuss
That there is Yes, no doubt about it, no doubt about it. And I was looking for it in all the wrong places. And like I said, it, but that was I was looking for my identity, I was looking for inspiration. And so the root word of inspiration is spirit, right in spirit. And I, that was all I was ever looking for at a young age. I the thought would come to my mind, is this it? Is this all is this it. And I think for the next, you know, 20 years, I went on that quest and that for identity, I tried to find my identity. In my friends, my friend group, I was an approval seeker. I still can’t be at some points, tried to find that identity in sports, which, which I still have, in some ways today, but I am. That is my ministry. I am the mentor, I am the one who’s been through those things. And, and, you know, for a long, long time i That’s where I wanted to find my identity, because that was how I felt loved. That’s that was the message that I got. It’s like, okay, you Britt, if you could hit homeruns and throw touchdowns and hit three pointers. We’re gonna love you. And when there was their approval? Yeah, yes, exactly. And it’s like, well, there’s, well, there’s definitely a gap there. And continuing on that. That story, that history of this is how I’ve loved shame had crept in, to my life. And really, that dissolution meant that the devil is so good at those lies that he is so good at. And if we, if we only knew we only knew how small, how small and decrepit he is, and we wouldn’t, exactly right. And we wouldn’t fall for those lies. And it’s so it wasn’t until the resurrected Jesus, the spirit of the risen Jesus entered my heart, that my identity was found. And that is where my life completely changed. And that is where that Hebrews 810 Scripture, the joy of the Lord is my strength is something that always radiates throughout my soul most days, and I get a chance to then turn that around, make a big impact in the school setting, in my social circle setting, and in with men, that have gone through similar struggles and are looking for that identity. And that’s why that’s why I wrote the book. That’s why I wrote the book, the oak tree source, becoming a man of strength, substance and spirituality. And so there’s, there’s no shortage of what God can do through us. When we give him the credit, when we when we like you said find our identity in him.
Jaime Luce
Right? You know, in our quest to be recognized, to be seen, to be loved and accepted for who we are. When we do find it. When we realize that we have a father who plan our life out so perfectly. Before we were ever born. He knew the plan he had for us. I love thinking about how he thinks about us that you know, Scripture tells us he the thoughts that he has towards us. They’re more than the sands of the seashore. He’s thinking so much about us, his mind is on us constantly. And that even before we were formed in our mother’s will he he he knit us together so he’s saying okay, I’m gonna make you just like this and I’m gonna give you these gifts and these talents, and I’m gonna have you use them and you’re going to affect all these people and, and he takes all of these things that when before we know him before we recognize who we are in Him. We’re searching we have this, this ball of substance in us that we don’t know what to do with, we, you know, we almost take all those gifts and talents and we think we’re supposed to somehow gain against others. By using those things, you know that it’s an it’s a me against the world mentality when we don’t have Jesus, but once we have him once we recognize who we are in Him, and the plan that he has to us is not just to bless us which he does. But then to bless with all those around us all those that touch us with those very gifts and talents with those very, you know, when I think about your life, and the parts that I know that I’ve read about, even the parts about you in sports, and the success that you had in sports, even though there was a struggle, in that time to figure out, you know, it’s almost like a reverse works mentality, I’m working to gain this approval, right. And then once we come to Christ, we no longer work for that. If he says, You don’t work for salvation, you don’t earn it, I just give you my love. I just, that’s just what what I have for you. And then we take in, we take those works instead. And we offer them to him. It’s not to earn anything, it’s an offering those those works are now an offering working for him in an appreciation of all that he has done for us. Well, you can’t give without receiving joy. You just can’t. So the minute that you understand giving, when you’re giving your life out when you’re giving through your ministry, whether it’s in the written book, and it’s encouragement, whether it’s the daily videos that go out, and it’s a word of encouragement, or it’s a, it’s a helpful way to think, right, it’s a helpful way to get our thoughts going in the right direction. First thing in the morning, you know, whatever that is, if it’s with your family, like I’ve seen the posts that you’ve made, where you’re taking your kids to the ballgame, or you’re getting to go do things. Somebody recently gave you tickets to a game? Yes, right? Yes. So that giving giving always produces joy. And now you’re taking that on the sports field, instead of the one who’s doing the performing, you’re now taking the gift that you have, and giving it to those boys, giving it to men at church or in the community. And you’re at that giving produces in us a joy, that nothing else can touch nothing else satisfies like that. It’s you know, you said that substance it’s nothing touches that when you know you’ve touched another life when you know you’ve given yourself not even for you when you’re doing it for the Lord. It that satisfaction it I don’t know what else comforts like that. There’s nothing else for me that goes deeper and touches deeper than knowing I did what he wanted me to do. And wow, no matter what that cost me that that was worth it that look what that does in me and look what that does for them. You know,
Britt Gusmuss
No doubt, no doubt about it. And Jamie, you hit the nail on the head when you talked about being the offering. And it we’re so as human beings naturally, we’re so focused on ourselves. And it’s so so many times throughout Scripture, the Israelites focused on themselves and worshipped other things and worship themselves. And those are the things that I see in society I see. And in, you know, the everybody that I many people that I come in contact with just this focus on self that is empty, right? And being the offering, especially with the purpose of praising and worshipping a God who has loved us more than we can ever love ourselves. I liken it to the it’s the Luke scripture about the blessing being pressed down and pressed down and overflowing. It’s like just living from a cup that is overflowing no matter, no matter what it is. It is there, man. I mean, are there going to be trials to come in my life and your life and all of the believers lives? There is no doubt about it. And so our faith will be tested. And we can you know, we can talk about more about that and what we see in the world, but our faith is going to be tested and are we is he going to know us we are we still going to have that heart, even in our comfort, and even through I mean I talk a lot about in the book, the idea of the refiners fire. It took took a a refining, redeeming fiber to have this man that sits in front of you too. They sit in front of you and speak and share with this joy that is not of Me. It is of the glory, the weight of glory that that he still continues to give me that, you know, that I don’t deserve. And so being an offering, yes, there’s nothing. You know, like I talked about at the beginning of the show, it’s just looking for that, that satisfaction. And I it’s, it’s funny, you mentioned that word. I just prayed. When our morning devotional, Carrie and I sit in our at 5am, and our one and a half chair and we have our coffee. And we have our phones. And it’s not it’s not always the actual paperback scripture, but it’s the phone. And I was praying, that just praising God for the status, the satisfaction of my soul that he’s given me. It and how and then what is that? What who was the next person fathered that I can share that with and Jamie, we had a. I’m a dean of students at high school, along with coaching and writing and doing all those things and speaking and we had a really transcendent day in our office speaking in two young people’s lives, about the love of Jesus and that idea of identity. Because we it’s so easy. When we don’t know any better when we know when we don’t know the difference of what that looks like. And they’re in in your hearts that changed. Your heart is still living in that self centered place and placed excuse me, and we got to speak into a bunch of kids today. And there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was there. And hearts were touched by him. And the joy of the Lord was presented there today. And those are the opportunities. i Yes, I’m on social media quite a bit. Because I can’t stop sharing. And it’s people there. People need to continually hear that message. And obviously on social media, but that’s my life. So my my insides match my outsides. And those are. And that’s Jamie, one of the things that that we got to speak to these young people today about is that alignment of your insights and outside so your thoughts and your actions match. Like Matthew talks about I forget the scripture, and Matthew is Matthew six. But that idea of satisfaction comes from being an offering giving like you, like you said, and and we and that’s not just a that’s not just a Christian idea. I think people feel but you know, in the season, you know, we you know, giving Tuesday, a couple of weeks ago, whenever that wasn’t people feel good about that. But that’s not eternal. That’s not eternal. In there is there’s always, when we have our source when we have our Redeemer when we have our Savior. It, it takes it to a completely other level. Although other worldly level,
Jaime Luce
Yes, I just recorded actually a podcast. It hasn’t aired yet. But where I said that very thing, part of what we have to do is take our focus from the temporal and put it on the eternal. And whether that’s, you know, because giving does feel good, no matter if you’re saved or not saved, it feels good to the principles of God work and the principles of God feel good. Doing it God’s way, is a blessing in our life. And people don’t realize that you’re blessed on every side when you’re willing to do it God’s way. And if that means giving of yourself, if that means sacrificing, all of those things actually benefit us then, you know, we tend to look at them as a cutting, almost like the idea of pruning when we think that we’re pruning an Ouch that hurts and I’m having to lose something and that’s a sacrifice. And yet when we do that, the overflow that you were talking about that press down, shaken together and running over that, that my cup is full and running over those come from allowing the Lord to if it’s a pruning, if it’s a sacrifice I’m having to do if it’s a bending here and a giving there. All of that is to produce more blessing and more fruit in our life. That’s what produces that overflow. And it makes me think to have how, with our with wanting to have joy with wanting to go into 2023 with a right heart a right attitude with the joy of the Lord because so many think that depending on their circuits, stance that that circumstances what determines whether they are happy or have joy. And happiness is fleeting, you know, happiness, you can be happy about the fact that when you ordered your food, they had what you want it and it wasn’t sold out, you can be happy that the sun is shining today. And yesterday it was raining. I mean, you can be happy about all kinds of things, but the joy of the Lord, you know, when you were talking about getting saved, that actually really turning your life and going a different direction, following the Lord, that shift that, that humbling that laying your life down to live your life for him. When we are aware of the price, he paid the bending he did the sacrifice he made, given he provided to save us from the emotions we’re feeling from the mess we’re living in from the temptations we deal with, from the consequences that we’re faced with. When we recognize what he’s done, and receive it. It’s why the joy comes because it’s that I didn’t deserve it. Like you said, None of us deserve it. None of us have done or worked hard enough, or could ever work hard enough to deserve what he’s done for us. But when we recognize he did it, and he loved us to do it, it wasn’t begrudgingly it was with all of his heart, to love us and bring us and reconcile us back to Himself to give us this world to take dominion and be prosperous and blessed. When we recognize that the joy of the Lord does come the joy that I don’t have to carry this anymore, you’re gonna carry this for me. I don’t have to live with this burden anymore, or the guilt or the shame that you mentioned anymore. That’s what God has chosen to do for me. Wow, what a difference. That’s not a happy fleeting today, tomorrow. That’s a joy every day that I can live with knowing I can face today. Because I don’t have to face it alone. He’s carrying my burdens. He’s got a good life for me a good promise for me. He’s gonna take me through this. He’s gonna give me victory. Oh, Amen. You know, I mean, the you can’t help but have the joy of the Lord, when you have the right. eternal perspective, when you recognize what he’s done.
Britt Gusmuss
There is no doubt about it. That is a great word in that the idea of so one of my the my anchor scriptures is Matthew 1128. Through 30. My My burden is light My yoke is easy. Take it up, feel my rhythm, I think that’s it’s the Message translation that talks about the his rhythm. And that in those places, when I used to, I have that scripture written down on a piece of paper, it was in my back pocket. In those times where the I was in the refiners fire, where I couldn’t see a way out or father, why, Father, why why is this? Why am I continuing to learn this lesson? Why am I continuing to go through this, and I would pick, I would just reach my back pocket. And there it was. And though that even when you get a glimpse of it, the the enormity of the sacrifice, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and the purpose and objective of that your life can change for ever, forever. And I think that is, you know, for me what it’s like if you could just catch a glimpse of that atoning sacrifice, and to see what produces that, and you talked about pruning, and continuingly being the vine letting him be the vine or him, let us be the branch to his vine, and continue that pruning. Because if that never stops, right it because he wants to continue to multiply our fruit. And there are times where I’m like, okay, Father, I am ready. Let’s multiply Let’s go. Right. I’m ready. And in there’s, again, in the day to day from a cup that’s overflowing from a spirit that is led by our Savior. It’s happening. And I know for me, I probably don’t even know. I don’t I don’t want to speak for anybody. I don’t speak for you anybody else but when my heart is right, when I am right sized, and he does that every morning when I open up scripture, or I see one of his children out there In the world, I’m right sized, but knowing that I am bearing fruit gives me joy. Yeah. And there’s nothing. It’s not it’s uncomfortable.
Jaime Luce
Right? It’s uncomfortable. That’s the fruit of the Spirit. You know, when we Yes, amen. Love joy, when we’re doing it that way, when we’re walking after the Spirit, that’s just the fruit that comes from it. You’ll see love, you’ll see joy, you’ll see peace, you’ll have all of those things are the evidence that we’re walking after the spirit. And so we can actually kind of self check. We can say, Okay, what’s missing? What am I not experienced? What’s going on? That I can make these adjustments and say, Lord, I need this from you. What do I need to do? Do I need to lay something down? Do I need to make a change in direction do? Am I hearing you, right? You know, and just have those personal father child moments where we allow Him to speak into our life, the direction correction admonition, the encouragement that we need, he’s so loving, I have been so lovingly spanked, by many occasions, I have in there, they’re amazing to me, because I feel so corrected. And even though I’m in that moment of very strong correction, I have feel so loved. Because he’s not condemning me. He said, I didn’t come into the world to condemn the world, I came that I could say, he’s wanting to save the world. So whatever he’s telling us, whatever corrections he’s wanting to make, whatever detours he wants to get us off of and back onto the right track, is because He loves us not because he’s mad at us, because He loves us. And I think about, you know, we, we want to live in joy, we want to have the joy of the Lord. And I just kind of want to touch for a minute on one of the main ways. And I know that you practice this, because this is what your encouraging words are about, we have to use our mouth. To speak life, we have to we have to understand the value of the words that are coming out of our mouth, the weight of the words and the power of those words. When we’re facing a situation when we’re facing a day, when we’re speaking to one another when we’re when we’re dealing with the kids that you’re that you’re working with. When a spouse and a marriage or your own children, if you’re dealing with people at work. Our words are powerful, it’s a powerful tool. And Scripture tells us that they either bring life or they bring death. So if I’m wanting joy, if I want to live and walk in joy, I have got to use my mouth. to back that up my words, like you said that alignment, my words need to align with the direction that I’m needing to go that God wants me to go, I can’t I can’t talk in one way and expect the other to happen. I can’t be speaking, woe is me, this is always going to be this way this is terrible. And think that I’m going to get good fruit from that bad seed. If I want good seed to, I want good fruit, I need good seed. Well, my words are seeds. That’s, that’s what I have to plant is my words. And so I wondered if there was, if you could think I don’t put you on the spot. But if you could think of any time that when you specifically chose using your words, to affect a situation, that you know that using the right words, using God’s words using life words, that you saw the result versus when a time when you didn’t use God’s words, you didn’t use right words, you know, WORDS OF JOY or encouragement, and then got the other result. Do you have anything that comes to mind? That?
Britt Gusmuss
Yes, I do. And really, I’m thinking about a situation today. Had a young man in our chapel service this morning at school. He was being reprimanded by another teacher about something not inconsequential, obviously to that teacher, right. But knowing I could see I could see the the look on this young man’s face. And so I went, excuse me stood next to him, actually, between him and the teacher, and we do one song played. And I said I’m gonna just let this go. I’m gonna let this young man hopefully hear a little bit of praise and worship and then And I’m going to speak into him, right. And after that song ended, I said, Let’s go talk. And we went out in the hallway. And I said, What is wrong? What happened? Because I know a little bit about his story, I said, what happened. And he started to tell me about a situation that he can’t find his way out of. And I said, let’s go take a walk. He showed me a little bit about what was going on in this particular friend group. It was a certain, there was a piece of paper that had something drawn on it. And I looked him in the eyes, Jamie and I said, your heart, your courage, what’s inside of you, it’s so much greater than what this is, this, whatever it was. And I looked him in the eyes, and I said, the God of the universe, loves you. And I reiterated to him, I said, what’s inside of you what’s in your heart, it’s so much greater than what this is. And I said, Look me in the eyes. And I said it to him one more time. And I said, use this as your after Meishan for today. And so, in that moment, he went back to the, towards the chapel, I said, you can either come back in and take your earbud out, or you can go sit in the office. And I went back into the chapel, he went to the office. And three minutes later, he came walking back into the chapel stood next to me as your bud was out. And he was focused on the praise and worship. And so in that moment, it it that was one moment that I could think of was planted, that whatever is happening in the world, the God of the universe, the One who created you, and what you have inside is so much greater than whatever that is. And so that’s, that was one that came right to my mind just today. And it Jamie many times when I am putting out little messages during the day are those daily messages I really get a lot of it is from what I’ve read that day in Scripture, and God’s speaking to me what that message he had for me is, and I believe that, you know, we need to, we need to hear it. And I get a I get a lot of great feedback through those things. But like I said, earlier, I am out there living at each day as well. I’m out there, living my faith, pouring from that full cup, and pouring what God pours into me and what men have come before me have poured into me and in what amazing people like yourself, pour into me and other many, many other people that I’ve met. So it’s, it’s, you know, letting your thoughts and actions be aligned, and then living with that bold faith. And you know, everything looks great on on social media, and I will always be your positive force out there. But I’m obviously you know, it’s it’s authentic. It’s real. It’s, it’s not anything that’s contrived, that, that I’m not doing in my day to day life as well.
Jaime Luce
That’s awesome. You know, that’s the whole thing. That’s the key for each one of us. None of us is free from being touched by the world, like happening and situations around us. We’re all touched by it. It’s just knowing we do have access, we do have an open door to our helper to the one who’s are encouraged her every day. I think if our takeaway for those listening and watching today, would be that every day. If they’re seeking joy, if they’re seeking to know who they are, what their identity is, if they’re seeking to be able to produce a good fruit in their life, and reap the benefits of it. The key really is like what you just said, Every morning, every day it take that time away, spend that time with the Lord, allow him to speak to us to remind us who we are that He is a loving Father, that he has a good word for us for the day that it will open up the Scripture, something encouraging to say to us to give us power for the day to give us joy for the day. And if we will hate it. You know, he says he gives us daily bread. We thank him for our daily bread. So what he gives me probably isn’t going to hang on tomorrow. I’m going to need Something new tomorrow. Nobody likes stale bread, we like fresh bread. So, you know, if we’re going to want fresh bread for the day, then I need to go to the source and get that fresh bread every day, it will carry me it will sustain me, it will encourage me, it will give me joy. Sometimes the joy that we need is just to know you’re not alone. You’re facing whatever you’re facing, and you’re not alone. And and he says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, that that makes us His Word, His presence makes us able to face everything we need to face to deal with whatever is in front of us that day, that he’s equipped us with what we need, we have everything we need, if we have Jesus, we’re not lacking one thing. And so I just want to thank you for being that encouragement out there every day. I know because I’m one of them. We got we try to smile real big. And we’re not faking it. We mean it. But we’re battling to, you know, we’ve got to do it too. We’re not doing something that we that is hard that others can’t do, everyone can do it. But at the same time, we’re also I want people to know, we have to do it, too. We have to do these things too, otherwise we would be in a mess. We are no different. I had just recorded about David’s mighty men, that those mighty men that we looked at who did great exploits, those mighty men were the disk. They were just discouraged. They were in debt. They were they weren’t content. They were discontented. I mean, it says all these things that were wrong with them. Yet these same men who were so upset, messed up dealing with stuff, real stuff, those same men were mighty men who did great exploits. And that’s what we are. We’re just God’s children, we’ve got stuff, but through Him, all things are possible. We can do mighty great exploits. We can live a life in a troubled world with joy, and still gain the victory. When it’s all said and done. We have were the winners were the winners.
Britt Gusmuss
Amen. Amen to that, Jamie. And yes, in all of those mighty mighty things, those are the things that he wants to do through us. Because we have that super natural access. Yes. So the God of the universe is not the God of the United States is not the God of the world. And it’s the God of the universe that gives us that access to his son through His Word through other people that are that are like minded that are doing the same thing that we are in equip like all equips us just like you said, to do mighty mighty works. And that is a great hope to me. Every single day.
Jaime Luce
Amen. Amen. Well, let me know but I want you to tell the audience about the book, how can they get it? How can they get in touch with you if they’ve want to have you come? Whether you’re whether it’s speaking to school, about school stuff, or Men’s Ministry or whatever that is, how can they reach you and how can they get a hold of your book?
Britt Gusmuss
Yes, ma’am. So the central location is a www dot Britt b r i t t. Gus muss Gu You can order the book through there. And then you can also order the book through every other channel where books are sold Barnes and Noble at Barnes and Noble, excuse me, Amazon, wherever else books are sold. You can look at some of the talks I’ve given on the website. Coming to Men’s Ministry, speaking at churches, speaking at schools, speaking to your team with inspiration and encouragement, and those biblical principles that that help us men live those great lives. And the book again is called the oak tree source, becoming a man of string substance and spirituality. You can follow me at Brit customer 711 on Instagram at Brit Gustus on Twitter, and then just bring customers on Facebook. So come find me there,
Jaime Luce
Buddy I hope they go, yes. They’ll get their daily encouragement every day and and you’re also they use you on how I found you and met us through Jonathan Shuttlesworth on check. Oh, of course. Oh my gosh. Yeah.
Britt Gusmuss
It’s Oh, yes. Wow, can I forget and so the the dynamic evangelists Jonathan Shuttlesworth I am a part of his show check the News Sunday through Friday. We’ve got a Brit customers motivation motivational minutes. And man I feel I’d love to I’d love to be out on the road with Jonathan one of these days I speak to the evangelistic fire. But But yes, thank you so much for for reminding me of that because of that being a part of Jonathan’s ministry that way in Batavia and Dallas and everybody, it has been such an incredible blessing to be there,
Jaime Luce
They are a blessing to so many soaps they are. And I’m grateful because that’s how I met you. Yes. So thank you so much for joining me today. It has been such a pleasure. I know my audience was encouraged today and challenged to do that to rise above and to know where their source really is, and to lay hold of the joy of the Lord and live this life victoriously. So thank you so much for joining me. Thank you everybody, for listening today. I appreciate you if you would do me a favor and go on and like share, subscribe, even give us a good rating. If you’re listening to this on a podcast platform. You can catch me at Jamie And if you’d like to email me you can do that at mail at Jamie all my social medias and my website, everything my blogs, my book is there as well whatever you’re wanting, you can find it there the one stop shop. So thank you again for joining us today. We pray we’re blessed and we’ll see you next time. Bye bye