
Press On!

Phillippians 3:13-14, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

You Will Still Be Victorious

The obstacle in front of you does not necessarily mean that God isn't with you. When God wanted to set His people free from the grips of Pharoah, He hardened Pharoah's heart to show His great power over the God's of Egypt, using the very plagues that mirrored the God's they served.

By |2022-04-08T02:43:18+00:00December 21, 2021|Answers, battle, Bible Study teachers, Christian, Christian Inspirational, courage, Don't quit, Encouragement, faith, Holy Spirit, hope, promise, Victorious living|Comments Off on You Will Still Be Victorious

The Main Thing

In every circumstance and every situation, there is one determining factor that has the power to alter, change, restore, and make brand new. It alone holds power to manifest an answer where only questions abound. It is the single factor that set's you apart. This one element is the golden ticket, the treasure map, the compass of direction. The single key that opens every door tears down every wall, and defeats every enemy is the presence of God!


We've all jumped to conclusions. We see something, hear something, or imagine something because we saw nothing and heard nothing. Relying on senses alone will lead to a conclusion that is just as imagined.

Surviving The Waiting Season

Hang on, saints! God is faithful. And He is going to see to it that the promise He made you comes to pass. Staying encouraged in the waiting season is key. But to do that, we need to look at the first promise. In that promise, we see three important factors about promises.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity

If you really knew who He was, you would ask Him. He has the gift-ready. He comes prepared.

The Tool Being Used Against You

The Eleven O'clock news used to be known for its news. You could turn on the television for thirty minutes and get caught up on the world's headlines. Now, however, national news has become nothing more than argument and opinion. A quick synonym search for the word argumentative will give you opinionated. Everything we see and hear, from commercials to cartoons, is now bloated with opinions being shoved down our throats. And if we aren't careful, we will become, in retaliation, precisely the same way. Why?

By |2022-04-08T02:44:00+00:00October 11, 2021|Answers, battle, Bible Study teachers, Christian, Christian Inspirational, church, Devotions, Encouragement, freedom, hope, peace, Personal growth, Victorious living|Comments Off on The Tool Being Used Against You

If You’re Not Careful, It Will Be To Late

Doesn't everyone want to know what to do? Yet, there is a second and equally powerful need. To know when to do it. Former chairman of Chrysler, Lee Iacocca, once said, "Even the correct decision is wrong when it was taken too late." 

It’s A Set Up

We've all heard that God works in mysterious ways. Well, those who say it aren't wrong. When Elisha wanted to retrieve an ax head from the bottom of a lake, his instruction was to throw a piece of wood in the water where the ax head sunk. This action caused it to float. When Gideon needed an army, the instruction was to use torches and pots as weapons. They won. When Israel needed water, God told Moses to throw a tree in the bitter water, and it would be made sweet. Water problem solved.

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