Jesus could do anything. He could control the natural elements, heal any disease, cast out any demon, and He could bring the dead back to life. But there was one group of people he couldn’t help. Mark 6 tells the tale of two cities. V. 1-6 is in Nazareth and V. 53-56 is in Gennesaret. Nazareth was where Jesus grew up. Those who lived there were not just skeptical of Jesus, but they were outright offended by Him. They criticized His wisdom because they knew His siblings and parents. They mocked Him because He had worked in His father’s trade. Beware—the deceptive trap of familiarity.
Jesus said that a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and even his own home. Familiarity breeds contempt. These are the people who say things like, “Who does he think he is?”, or “I knew him before” and “He’s not that great.” They say these things with a fit of jealousy and critical bite.
Be careful how you judge those that God is using. Your miracle could rest in how you know them. In Gennesaret, Jesus had come minister to them. Verse 54 says, “And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him.”
These people “knew Him” too. But they knew Him in His power and His might. They believed what they had heard about Him, and they were ready to receive. They were so excited that the scripture says they ran throughout the whole region. Can’t you see it? People were running around so excited that they grabbed everyone they could who needed a miracle and lining them in the streets because they believed if He passed by, they could reach out and touch His hem and receive their miracle. And the miracle was that everyone who touched Him was made whole.
So how do you know Him? Have you walked with Him so long that you think you know Him and can no longer receive? Or do you believe that He doesn’t even have to touch you and that you can simply reach out and touch Him? Your answer will determine your outcome.

Blessings to you and yours,

Jaime Luce

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