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About the episode:

One of the most important commandants God gave to us is to love our neighbor. But what does that look like? How is showing the love of Christ reflected in our daily lives? In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we break down the parable of The Good Samaritan to understand Jesus’ affection for us and learn how to show that same affection to people in need. We discuss the importance of knowing who you are in Christ to represent HIS glory when caring for your neighbor.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • A biblical breakdown of the parable of The Good Samaritan
  • What does it look like to represent Christ
  • How to love our neighbor the way Jesus loves on us
  • How to look at others’ struggles in honor

About the host:

Jaime Luce’ testimony has daunting personal mountains and treacherous financial valleys. She was trapped in day-to-day stress and couldn’t see a way forward. But how she started is not how she finished! And she wants you to know God has a plan for your life too, no matter how tough it seems. Today, Jaime has been married to the love of her life for almost three decades, owns two companies, and has become an author and podcaster. God’s way is always the blessed way!  Learn more.

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I’m so excited about this book! I didn’t want to write something that simply told about the financial miracles God has done for me. But I wanted to practically help others know how to have the same kind of results. So this book is a playbook. Just like in sports. It will have the story of the need we faced from small to the astronomically huge and how God provided every time. Then we will give you what I call “the play call.” After you understand the Biblical method that was used you are then given a teaching on how to use that knowledge. I can promise it will give you the tools to change your situation and to realize that “You Don’t Need Money. You Just Need God.”

Full Transcript

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00;00;00;16 – 00;00;29;36
Welcome to the Jamie Lewis podcast. Thank you so much for taking the time and joining with me today and and investing for yourself in the word and the truth of God’s word. I find this not just a privilege, but a truly holy endeavor that we’re supposed to be on, all of us. I know not all of us are called the same, called to the same things.

00;00;29;36 – 00;01;06;23
Not all of us are called to be teachers or preachers or evangelists, or in the sense that that’s where you would find your vocation. However, we are all called to be representatives of Jesus Christ. And how will we know what that looks like? How will we know that we are actually emulating and being a picture of Jesus to other people?

00;01;07;20 – 00;01;32;04
You know, I’ve heard it said I’m sure you have too, that sometimes we may be the only Jesus that some people ever see. So what will they see? What will they see? Will What will they see? True characteristics of Jesus when they look at us? Or will they see our human nature? Will they see our flaws? Will they see our weaknesses?

00;01;32;47 – 00;02;03;04
Or will they see the change in us? The joy in us. The difference in us that we are living not just this life right now, but we are living for God’s glory, for an eternal reward? What will people see? I recently did a an episode on the Fear of the Lord. I think that was just a couple of weeks ago.

00;02;04;08 – 00;02;33;32
And one of the things about the fear of the Lord and I mentioned it at the very end of the podcast, and those of you who are familiar with the phrase the fear of the Lord and familiar with Scripture will be familiar with the fact that Scripture teaches us that it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom, that I can’t even begin to know what is right to know truth.

00;02;34;14 – 00;03;12;34
If I don’t first have a fear of the Lord that it’s almost our world has become so far from God, so distant, so deep. How am I? That’s wrong. Word desensitized There we go. We are so desensitized to right and wrong anymore because of the veil of confusion that is over. Everyone that we no longer are meeting people who even think that there is such a thing as wrong.

00;03;12;34 – 00;03;41;44
They really do believe that whatever they think is good and right is good and right. I mean, Scripture says that he said that we would live in general, says that they honestly think that they’re just right, that they’ll do what is right in their own eyes. And we’re living in that time. People do think that they get to measure outside of God what is good.

00;03;41;44 – 00;04;23;11
And I was thinking the other day about a particular passage of scripture, we call it in our Bibles. If your Bible has any headings in it, you’ll come across a passage. In Luke, it’s Luke ten and that’s where we’re going to go today. Luke ten Chapter ten versus 25 through 37. Luke ten and, and in that passage, the heading in my Bible and in most Bibles, I think says the Good Samaritan.

00;04;23;11 – 00;05;00;27
And I find that interesting because when I read the entire passage and when I read it in multiple translations, I didn’t find anywhere that Jesus said the words the Good Samaritan. He says the Samaritan. And in fact, in the New Living translation, which I’ll be reading out of today, it actually says the I think it says the despised the mute for that real quick, just so I can make sure I’m telling that to you correctly.

00;05;00;27 – 00;05;42;19
I believe you call some of the despised. Oh, that would help if I go to the right chapter wouldn’t it. I was looking up another passage right before coming on and I didn’t switch back to the proper passage. So let me get there. Yes. It says the despised Samaritan and the reason I make that distinction is because Jesus said that there is none good but God.

00;05;43;49 – 00;06;21;26
And if God is the only thing good, then God is the only determiner of what is good. And we realize when we read this story that we have put the label that this Samaritan was good. And I want us to talk about that today. I want to talk about what does it look like to represent Jesus Christ? What should our lives look like?

00;06;21;26 – 00;07;00;59
As well as for anybody today who is feeling very much beat up on the journey of life? You’ve been fighting an enemy and dealing with circumstances beyond your control and you’re hurting and broken. I want to talk to you today, too, because this particular story, I felt that the Lord really showed me something I’ve never seen before. I’ve never heard it said before.

00;07;01;00 – 00;07;39;49
Doesn’t mean it wasn’t just means I haven’t heard it. But I want to give that to you today because it it’s so eloquently depicted the picture of Jesus. If I’m supposed to emulate him, if I’m supposed to walk like he walks, think like he thinks in order that when people see me, they see Jesus not me, not my humanity, then I have to be someone who takes the time to look into Scripture, to see who is God, who is this Jesus that we serve?

00;07;40;17 – 00;08;02;33
What did He do? What did he say? How did he behave? And I believe that you are students of the word. You are lovers of the word, and and you want to know truth. And so we’re going to look at that today. So if you haven’t already gotten your Bibles out, got some notepaper or something to write with, I encourage you to do that.

00;08;02;52 – 00;08;29;27
Like I said, will be in Luke ten. I will also reference Matthew 22 a little later. But I want you to go on this journey with me and I want you to be able to start this morning by picturing this story. I’m not going to read it verbatim from the Scripture. Maybe I will, but I want you to get this picture in your mind.

00;08;30;28 – 00;09;02;18
This man, all we know about him is that he’s a man. And why are we even in fact, why are we even being told this story? That’s an interesting thing Jesus is going to tell us this parable because there is a so-called religious expert of the law that basically he’s a lawyer now. He’s a lawyer in the Law of God, but it’s a lawyer, somebody who’s an expert in the law, a source, an expert in scripture.

00;09;03;16 – 00;09;34;18
And this man comes to Jesus and asks him a very important question. And we should all ask this question How do I inherit eternal life if I believe there is a heaven and hell? How do I guarantee that I make it to heaven? How do I guarantee that I receive salvation, that I enter into the Kingdom of God, whether that’s walking that out on this earth or whether that’s once my life is no more here on this physical earth.

00;09;34;29 – 00;09;57;00
What what is that look like? What is necessary for me and when he asked this question, Jesus does what a good rabbi would do, and turns around and asks another question. Instead of answering, he asks another question and he says to the man, Well, how do you read the scriptures? What do you think you need to do? You know, he just kind of put it back on him.

00;09;57;00 – 00;10;21;54
What do you think? What do you supposed to do? And the man answers and says that I am supposed to love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, my soul, my mind, my strength. I mean, he’s saying I got to give got everything. And then he says, and I need to love my neighbor as myself. Well, that’s pretty amazing, because that means that he’s been hanging around Jesus a while because Jesus actually taught that.

00;10;22;53 – 00;10;49;37
Jesus actually taught that in Matthew 22. In fact, I’ll go ahead and read that to you right now in Matthew 22 verses. Let’s start in verse 34, it says, But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sajak’s with his reply, they met together to question him again. One of them, an expert in religious law, tried to trap him with this question.

00;10;49;37 – 00;11;19;52
Teacher Which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses. Jesus replied, You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, and second is equally important. Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.

00;11;20;35 – 00;11;47;25
So if we’re back in Luke ten, then the same thing is happening. And one day, in fact, it starts in verse 25. One day, an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question. Teacher What should I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus replied, What does the law of Moses say? What do you how do you read it?

00;11;48;01 – 00;12;11;45
The man answered, You must love the Lord, your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. So Jesus says, Right? He tells him, You’re right. He said, Do this and live. You’ve got it. You know what you need to do? You’ve answered your own question out of Scripture.

00;12;11;45 – 00;12;46;49
You know what you’re supposed to do, and the man knows himself. He knows how he has behaved, though he is an expert in the law. And though he knows that this is the answer, this is what Jesus said that he needed to do, though he knows that though he is conscious of it, he is very aware that he himself needs justification.

00;12;46;49 – 00;13;13;44
What he is really feeling is I fall short in this area and I don’t want to be guilty. So I need to further ask this question and clarify so that I can make myself feel better. We like to do this. We like to justify our actions. We like to say, Well, I don’t really I didn’t really need to do that because I know the Bible says that, but this was my situation.

00;13;14;11 – 00;13;54;37
Well, I didn’t really cause that that happened to me because of somebody else or those rules don’t apply to me because, you know, and so this man is faced with this and this is what he says. The man wanted to justify his actions. So he asked Jesus, and who is my neighbor? And as I read the story of the Samaritan, I realized this story was not just a picture of a man.

00;13;55;36 – 00;14;21;27
If we are going to live according to the kingdom, Jesus is telling us how to live in the Kingdom. We follow Jesus’s example. So I want you to kind of look at this with different eyes. I want you to recognize that there’s a man walking down the road. He’s on a journey. You and I are each on a journey.

00;14;21;27 – 00;14;41;17
So I want you to think about your life. I’m going to go ahead, I think, and read this, but I want you to think about how this pertains to you. Okay? Make it personal. It doesn’t have to be exact. This is where we use our creative minds. But I want you to think about this. And it says, Jesus replied with a story.

00;14;41;17 – 00;15;02;42
A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho. So what he does specify, as we get started is this was a believer. This was the reason I say believer he was a Jew. So Jesus talking to Jewish people and he’s saying this is one of our own. How about if I say it that way? This is one of our own.

00;15;03;01 – 00;15;29;35
So I’m talking to us Christians and I’m saying this is one of our own. Let’s look at this, okay? This is one of our own, a Jewish man. Or you better yet, you, if you are a brother and sister in Christ, this is you. A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho and he was attacked by bandits.

00;15;29;36 – 00;15;58;21
Now, why do I What do I want you to do with that? You may not have been attacked by bandits. You may not have been robbed at gunpoint. You may have you may not have been accosted by a stranger. However, I want you to think about this in other terms in your life. You’re on this journey of life and somehow a surprise enemy attacks something that you did not see coming.

00;15;58;21 – 00;16;23;53
You were just on your journey. You didn’t do anything to stir this up. You didn’t do anything to invite this. It just happened. He’s attacked by a bandit, somebody who wants to rob him. Well, what else do we know about someone who wants to rob? We’re Christians. We’re trying to walk this life out the way we’re supposed to.

00;16;24;31 – 00;16;53;19
We’re where we’re supposed to be. It’s not uncommon for a Jewish person to travel from Jerusalem to Jericho and attacked by an enemy. Well, what do we know about the enemy of our souls? He comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. Okay. To kill, to steal and to destroy. This man was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes.

00;16;54;36 – 00;17;23;16
Well, what do your clothes do for you? Your clothes are your covering. Your clothes are are a protection against whether your clothes can represent your position. Because as we see, there was a priest and a rabbi who come by and those men are dressed in clothes that you know, that they are a priest or a rabbi. I’m sorry, I was.

00;17;23;29 – 00;18;06;02
Is it rabbi? What does it call it? He says a temple assistant in this particular Levite, I guess a Levite. So a priest or Levite. And you would know them by their clothing If you work for the if you work for the the road construction company of your state, it’ll be pretty evident that if you’re standing in the road, we know because you’re wearing an orange or bright colored vest on your clothes, you probably have on some kind of protection and helmet and goggles maybe for your eyes.

00;18;06;02 – 00;18;35;12
And you know, you’ll have on certain clothing. If you’re a doctor, you’re going to wear a particular coat. You might have a stethoscope around your neck. If you are a bus driver, you might be dressed in a particular uniform. A police officer wears a particular clothes. So clothing can represent our identity. Clothing can represent so many things in our life and means so many things.

00;18;35;39 – 00;19;01;33
And these robbers, these bandits, bandits come and take the man’s clothing. So the first thing they do is strip him of his identity. Okay, So I want you to think of your life. I want you to think if this is you, if it’s not you, I want you to keep in mind the Samaritan as we go into the story.

00;19;01;33 – 00;19;27;41
But if this is you, I want to bring encouragement to you today. So they rob him of his identity. The second thing they do is they beat him up. I know plenty of people. In fact, I would venture to say that every single person I know. Oh, and that might be true for you to every single person I know has at one time or another been beat up.

00;19;28;48 – 00;20;14;57
You’ve been beat up by the enemy. You’ve been beat up by life circumstances. You’ve dealt you’ve been dealt with stuff that’s been hard to take. That that was a blow to you that has most likely left you broken. You know, for Jesus to use this particular story to describe how to enter the kingdom and who a neighbor is, don’t you think that he is rightly describing our lives, what it is to sometimes walk in this earth and need intervention, need help.

00;20;14;57 – 00;20;59;31
He is robbed of his identity. Our culture right now is completely robbed of its identity. It’s getting beat up from every side. And they left him half dead beside the road. So they leave him alone. He’s lonely. He has no help, he has no identity. He has no way to help himself. His he’s broken. And it says by chance, a priest came along, but when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by a temple assistant or a Levite walked over and looked at him lying there.

00;21;00;47 – 00;21;28;12
But he also passed by on the other side. And you may feel that whatever’s going on that nobody sees you. And if they do, they’re ignoring you, they’re ignoring your pain, they’re ignoring your suffering, they’re ignoring the difficulty that you’re in, they’re ignoring and don’t want to be involved. And, you know, people will say all kinds of things.

00;21;28;12 – 00;21;48;10
And sometimes these are very legitimate things, but you’ll hear people say things like, That’s not my mess. You know, there was a song about that back in the sixties or seventies, you know, my name’s Jess. I’m not in this mess kind of thing. And we don’t want you know, that’s not my I’m not going to get all up in there.

00;21;48;10 – 00;22;12;41
Drama. That’s just drama. And sometimes it is. Sometimes it is just drama. Sometimes people bring things on themselves, but sometimes we don’t do that to ourselves. Sometimes we’re surprised by an enemy. Sometimes we’re left alone. We’re left not knowing who we are anymore. We don’t understand what has happened to us. We don’t know why this has happened to us.

00;22;13;22 – 00;22;33;13
We don’t we don’t have any any means or ways to get ourselves out of this mess. We have no way to help ourselves out. And people come and they see us and and then we’re wounded by these people because they pay no attention. They don’t care. They don’t try. They have no compassion. They have no mercy on us.

00;22;34;03 – 00;23;05;05
They they don’t want to help us. But we serve such a beautiful, beautiful savior. He does want to help you. Where you’re at right now is not where you will remain if you will accept Jesus, if you will accept the work that he says he has done for you, if you will allow him to lead you and guide you, if you will listen to his instructions, he has a way forward for you.

00;23;05;46 – 00;23;30;21
And let’s look, because I think this is a beautiful example of that. It says then a despised Samaritan came along. And when I read that and, you know, I’m just reading out of my daily reading Bible, which is the new living translation right now, that changes from here to here. But right now, that’s what I’m reading. And I’ve never seen it say despise Good Samaritan before.

00;23;30;21 – 00;24;10;47
And it really caught my attention because what did Isaiah say about the coming Messiah? That he would be despised and rejected? And what do we know about the Samaritans? According to how the Jews treated them, they considered them half breeds. They were less than they were rejected and they were despised. And yet this man, who is a despised Samaritan, came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him going over to him.

00;24;11;30 – 00;25;02;36
The Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. And again, I could not help but think about all these pictures of Jesus here. He was despised and rejected. And what does he do? He’s full of compassion and mercy. He soothes the wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. And immediately I thought of even Jesus himself saying of himself that he came to bind up the broken hearted, that he is the fulfillment of this, this this is who he is and what he does, that he is here and he is here and he’s wanting to pour in the oil.

00;25;03;03 – 00;25;24;31
And what is the oil? What does the oil usually represent Now, in in this particular story, oil and wine was actually poured over your wounds because you needed the wine to the alcohol in the wine to help kill bacteria. The oil was to soothe earth and to help healing properties. The olive oil has healing properties. And so he’s pouring in the oil in wine.

00;25;24;45 – 00;25;49;27
But we also know just symbolically, the oil represents gladness pouring in the oil of gladness. And the wine is the new wine. It’s it’s the new that God has for us, not this old and where we’ve come from. But it’s the new the new wine, it says. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn again.

00;25;49;27 – 00;26;14;56
I could not help but see the parallel because what do we know about Jesus? According to Isaiah, again, he bore our iniquities and our diseases. He bore them, he carried them, and he puts this man on his donkey and he makes sure and carries him to this inn for care. And then there’s an inn. And I just thought, you know, this is the church.

00;26;15;41 – 00;26;36;45
This is the church. Jesus carries them, He does the work, He binds up his wounds, He pours in the oil and the wine, and he brings them to the house of God. Why? Why would he bring them into the inn with other people for healing? Because Scripture tells us in Psalm, in fact, maybe I’ll let me see where it is.

00;26;36;45 – 00;27;20;49
I might wrote it down in Psalm 68 six. It says that God sets the Lonely in families and we are called the family of God. And the family of God comes together in Dad’s house. We come together and spend time in our father’s house and the family. Then is the healer of the loneliness. So Jesus or this Good Samaritan and what we should be, how we recognize a neighbor, how Jesus recognized who his neighbors were, who he would minister to, who who he was called to.

00;27;20;49 – 00;27;46;49
It’s the same for us that he addresses every single issue, that he makes sure that this man is known again. Well, what is being known do for you. It gives you back your identity. It doesn’t just address your loneliness, but it builds up who you are with a right identity, who you are, where you find yourself, and you fit in the family of God.

00;27;47;45 – 00;28;12;54
Why did Paul teach so much on us being so knit together like a body and that we can’t despise any part? That we have to be those who give even more honor to those parts that seem to be the most despised in us. We have to. We have to do so much more for them then. And it says that the next day, just because he took them to the end, where they took where he took care of him.

00;28;13;09 – 00;28;45;25
Okay, this is where he takes care of us in his home. The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here. And again, I saw the picture of Jesus. He says, All right, I’ve done my part. I’ve done what you couldn’t do.

00;28;45;58 – 00;29;21;42
And I’ve brought him now to you and I’m paying for it. I’ve paid for it. The ransom is mine. I’m paying for it. But I want you to take care of him. He says. And I’m coming back. I’m coming back. And anything else that this man is going to need, I’ll take care of that. And I thought, you know, it can get very down on ourselves, very.

00;29;21;42 – 00;30;11;16
It’s it’s almost as if the first time around we recognize that the enemy has beat us separate. We recognize we’ve been robbed, we’ve been beaten, we recognize what the enemy has done, how he’s robbed, tried to kill or destroy, and what he has killed, what he has destroyed, what he has stolen. And we can recognize that. But then once we know Christ, once we’ve been touched by him, once he’s healed those things in us, it is very easy for us that if somehow in that protected in that there might still be needs that we have, or we might maybe we have made some bad decisions, maybe we’re still in that sanctification process and we’re making

00;30;11;16 – 00;30;34;20
mistakes and we’re not recognizing what we need to do. I mean, Jesus is using this parable to to actually talk about that in this man who’s looking to justify himself when it’s Jesus alone, who pays the price. He pays the ransom for us, but we have to not then allow the enemy to keep us down by thinking that because I fail that because my my flesh is weak.

00;30;34;46 – 00;31;08;32
It is my spirit that spent my my soul that’s been converted, my spirit that’s been made alive. And it is by the spirit that I’m able to get back up. So how can God say that, you know, we’re still righteous? Jesus said that a righteous man falls seven times, He gets back up. So what we have to also receive from his is knowing that he didn’t just pay my debt to heal me this this first time, but he says that I’ll pay the debt even if there are still things to come.

00;31;09;25 – 00;31;35;29
Even if there are still things in your future that rock your world and need my touch and you need me to pay for them. I’m still going to do that for you. I’ve not left you. I’m returning. I’m not abandoning you. I’m not leaving you alone like I found you. I am your healer. I am the one who will do what is necessary.

00;31;35;34 – 00;32;03;25
I’m the one who will pay the bill. I’m the one who will bind you up. I’m the one who will take care of you. And I. I just wanted today. I know this is different. I know this isn’t how I normally do this, but I felt compelled that there are. There are many who are struggling. They’re either struggling because they don’t realize that Christ is there to do this for them or they realize they’ve received Christ and they’re letting the enemy beat up on them again.

00;32;03;25 – 00;32;26;39
And they think that he’s already paid my bill once. He won’t pay my bill again. And they’re trying to almost disqualify themselves. They’re still dealing with that identity. Part of not recognizing who they are. And maybe that’s because they’re not staying in the inn. Maybe you’re not staying plugged into the house of God. Maybe you’re not making his family, your family.

00;32;26;39 – 00;32;46;46
Maybe you are struggling with identity because because you’ve pulled away. Maybe you pulled away because of COVID over the last three years and you believed the fear and the hype and it frightened you and you and you pulled away from God’s people. Whatever your circumstance is, whatever you were, you find yourself, get back in the house of God.

00;32;47;05 – 00;33;08;58
Don’t allow the enemy to do or undo unnecessarily what Christ has already paid the bill for and know that he has compassion and mercy on you and he’s not angry with you. Did I talk on the fear of the Lord? Yes. And do we need to to honor him with fear and trembling and work out our salvation? Yes.

00;33;08;58 – 00;33;43;08
I don’t want to separate the two, but here is the balance that he did love you and pay the price for you. He does have the answer for you and is willing to do whatever is necessary to give you back your life to live a life of blessing now, a life of forgiveness now, a life of knowing who you are in Christ now, not just not just this for the moment, Say for the moment to fall again and fall into trouble again and need to be rescued again.

00;33;43;32 – 00;34;12;20
We have a savior and he knows how to save. He’s not weak in saving. The blood was powerful enough. The blood has the power to cleanse and to make whole to make righteous what was dirty, to cleanse what God did is enough. No matter where we find ourself on our journey, no matter what is beaten us up, no matter what has been stolen from us, it is enough.

00;34;13;02 – 00;34;49;59
But then we also are to understand why Jesus was teaching this. That made me think about how much this story mirrors the real life story, not the parable, but the real life story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life because we are to emulate our Savior. We are to be the Good Samaritan to our neighbors. And when Jesus is confronted with the death of Lazarus and he prays, he he already knows what he’s going to do.

00;34;50;01 – 00;35;13;54
He knows he’s going to bring him back to life. The whole reason he waited was to bring glory to God. He’s there. He prays. He calls Lazarus fourth out of the grave. But what does Jesus say after he does what only he can do when he pays the price, when he gives the calling, when he brings forth Lazarus and gives life where there was death.

00;35;14;23 – 00;35;54;29
When he does his part, what does Jesus say? The minute that Lazarus comes forth, Jesus tells all those who are surrounding, they say, lose him from his grave clothes and let him go. There is a job that we have to do. We are the family God, we have to go and remove. We have be those who help and bandage those death cloths off of people that we remove the stinky stuff, you know, that’s Mary says, God, he stinks.

00;35;54;51 – 00;36;17;39
He’s been in there for days. He’s been dead a long time. This has been ugly this way, a long time. So much so that there is decay. This is this is going to leave a mark. So they’re afraid to bring this person back to life. And yet God is not he’s not afraid of that. He’s not afraid of how old dead something his he’s not afraid of of how ugly something is.

00;36;17;39 – 00;36;42;28
He’s not afraid of how long it’s been that way. He’s not afraid or intimidated by the stench of this problem. He does that work that we can’t do. But then in our part, our commandment, then who is our neighbor? Lazarus is our neighbor and we need to untie him. Unbind him now, how is that? I really thought about this, and I want you to hear me.

00;36;42;28 – 00;37;02;35
I’m going to take this in a little different of a direction, and I want you to to stay with me here, because if we’re truly not, if we want to be Jesus, his hands and feet, and to help unbind those who have been bound by that means that we’re going to we might have to touch that stinky thing.

00;37;03;09 – 00;37;25;47
Well, what does that mean to us? That might mean that I think about when I look at this person, I remember the death, I remember the stink. I remember what happened. I remember the trouble. I remember the problem. And what is God saying? He’s saying, remove that. And I don’t want you to see that. I don’t want you to see him that way anymore.

00;37;26;25 – 00;37;46;42
I brought him back to life. Don’t look at him the same way anymore. I mean, that that fits the picture of of Paul’s teaching, of the body that I don’t despise a particular part. I don’t look at the part of me. Okay, this is going to I’m going to give you a gross example, but I hope you can take this picture and use it.

00;37;47;18 – 00;38;20;33
We like to look at the outside, what we can take care of, what’s what’s made up, what can look good. We like to look at that part. But what about the part of my body that’s called to expel all the garbage in my body? That part, that yucky part, that ugly part, that stinky part, that gross part that I’m actually supposed to give more honor to that part that plays a very vital, important role, needs more honor.

00;38;21;45 – 00;38;51;34
And and what does that look like in the natural Well, that, you know, in my natural state, that means that if my gut is not healthy, I will not be healthy. And eventually that will show on the outside. Okay. I have to care for and nourish and take care of my intestines and my gut. Mother, you know, and and the area that takes my garbage age and gets rid of it, I have to take care of that.

00;38;52;22 – 00;39;26;35
And so we have to look at people. I don’t care what garbage age has been in their life before. I’m supposed to actually look at them giving honor to that part. I have to take off those those bandages, those things that have bound and and and represented death on somebody. I need to take those off. I need to see those people now healed and whole.

00;39;26;53 – 00;39;56;18
I need to see those people clean, not in decay, but in health, in vitality. I need to see them in newness of life, not in death, in newness of life. And what God has done. We need to see one another this way. We need to treat one another this way. Our Good Samaritan, our Jesus who was despised and rejected, looked on our ugliness and didn’t despise us and walk away.

00;39;57;07 – 00;40;23;35
Instead, he came to us. He dealt with our wounds. He dealt with our our issues. He he bound us up so we could heal. He took us and made a place where we could come into fellowship and have caring and be cared for. And he paid every debt, not just the current debt, any future debts he has paid for.

00;40;25;03 – 00;40;57;45
Oh, what a beautiful savior we have. What a beautiful Lord. And if you and I want to represent Jesus Christ, folks, we need to be this way. We need to love one another. As the body of Christ Jesus said they will know you are mine by your love one for another by your love, one for another. Now. And I’m not talking about the world you guys.

00;40;57;45 – 00;41;30;11
We are to share the gospel, but our love, our devotion and our care is definitely ordered when it comes to the body of Christ. We love and care for one another. We take care of each other. We don’t beat one another up. We don’t constantly picket one another. We don’t argue constantly with one another. We come to agreement quickly for the sake of unity.

00;41;30;11 – 00;41;57;20
We take care of one another, we love one another. We may have disagreements, we may have theological disagreements. We may have disagreements about the way we think things should be done, how things should be ordered. There could be are reasons, all kinds of reasons why we things should be different. But as long as we are calling Jesus Lord and to the best that we know, we are following what we see in Scripture.

00;41;57;20 – 00;42;23;21
I mean, how did Jesus deal with this man, this this one who questioned what to do? He said, what do you how do you read the Bible? How do you read it? He said, okay, do that. Do that. He wasn’t concerned that his theology was perfect. He actually asked him the question, You’ve read it. How do you read it?

00;42;23;55 – 00;42;53;30
Okay, do that. Do do what you read. Now, there might. Obviously, the more we read, the more we learn. And there are theologians of every kind who in they intently love the word. They they are in the word constantly. They have made the word their life and they still disagree on what it says. Just live what you think it says.

00;42;53;59 – 00;43;21;57
Don’t make it your endeavor to make everybody else out to be wrong. Well, then your then your endeavor is not unity. We are to endeavor for unity. Yes. Make your endeavor to know the word yes. Make your endeavor to understand it. Yes. But also make your endeavor to love your brothers and sisters in Christ to live in the bond of unity.

00;43;23;11 – 00;43;47;40
Jesus, before leaving this earth, prayed that very prayer that we would be one as He and the Father are one. He said, The father is in me and I in him and I’m in you. I want you to be one the way we are one. I want the same unity. And when we care for one another that way in unity of the body, we will take care of one another.

00;43;47;40 – 00;44;22;12
Well, our wounds will heal. Our position will be established. Our identity will be manifest. We will be able to walk in the fullness of that oil and wine that was poured into us. And we will be able to live rightly in the Kingdom of God as representatives of Jesus Christ, that we will do well and represent His glory well, if we will love one another.

00;44;22;12 – 00;44;41;46
I pray this was encouraging. If you needed encouragement. I also pray that it was convicting if you need conviction. It did both for me and I pray that it will be a blessing to you that the seeds of God’s Word will go deep into your heart and then bring forth a bountiful harvest for you and for those around you.

00;44;42;22 – 00;45;07;44
Let me pray for you, Father. I thank you for your word. I thank you for the truth of your word, the power of your word. Thank you for paying our debt. Thank you for caring enough to stop and deal with our mess, to bind up our brokenness, to set us. And in a place of family and take away our loneliness to pay what we could not pay to take us and carry us when we can’t walk.

00;45;08;23 – 00;45;33;23
Father, you are so good to us. Thank you for sending your son. Thank you for paying the price. Lord, I ask you to come now. Manifest yourself to all those in need today. May they know your presence. May they know the assurance that you do not leave them or abandon them. But you are there to comfort and to bring healing, salvation, new life into their hearts and into their minds.

00;45;34;12 – 00;45;57;20
Lord, I pray that you will also bring forth a bountiful harvest in their life. That as these things take root in their heart, that it produces, then that same love, that same unity from them to others, and that we represent you as the body. We give you all the praise and all the thanks for what you’re doing. In Jesus name, we pray.

00;45;57;56 – 00;46;18;03
Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me today. I would ask that if this was an encouragement to you that you like and share. If you haven’t subscribed. Go ahead and click the bell. You’ll get a subscription notification every time a new episode comes. We we drop one once a week. I don’t try to overburden you with too much stuff, but we are here every week.

00;46;18;24 – 00;46;39;16
And if this is something that you know somebody else would benefit from, I encourage you to share it with them. Let’s spread the love of Jesus and the Gospel to all those that we can wherever our reaches. Let’s do that. And if you have any questions about the ministry, you can go to Jamie Luscombe j i m e l u c e.

00;46;39;16 – 00;47;08;22
You can see it right there. Oops. There we go. Right there, spelled right there. And everything that I have is on the website there. We’ve got about 100 and I don’t know, almost 130 episodes there. You will want to look back. Over the last few weeks, we’ve had several interviews. That would be a blessing to you. And of course, that is the way that we’re able to take the word out, not just in those that we come in contact with, but you’ve heard me say it before, and it’s so true.

00;47;08;22 – 00;47;24;48
The more we share, the more we’re able through the silly algorithms that we have to deal with to get the gospel out. So do your part. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ and an encouragement to those around you. I really do appreciate you and thank you for tuning in today. We’ll see you again next week. Bye bye.