
What Is A Christian, Really?

Those who feel the word represents "good" call themselves Christian. This comes from some sense that morality or good works are associated with this term. However, what morality is would be debatable among this group as well as what is good.

Why Are You Here?

It won't matter how much perfume you put on a corpse. If it's dead, it's dead. This is why the angel asked them, "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"

What’s Your Weapon of Choice?

Battles are inevitable, but victory is a choice. Warriors live [...]

Need An Answer?

Trying times bring difficult questions. It can seem that life is a riddle. Or better yet, a parable. As Christians, we often encourage each other by reminding ourselves that we are not alone. We take comfort from being with others even if others don't have the answers.

Beware How You Know Him!

Jesus could do anything. He could control the natural elements, heal any disease, cast out any demon, and He could bring the dead back to life. But there was one group of people he couldn't help. Mark 6 tells the tale of two cities.

The Answer To Your Problem

Standing in the middle of the temple surrounded by the top thinkers of His day, Jesus stands poised for the trap they have set. They begin with words dripping and coated in honey. False platitudes of honor and respect are their weapon of choice.

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